Everything To Know About The Brindle French Bulldog

About Brindle French Bulldog:

The French Bulldog (Frenchbouledogue or bouledogue français) is a breed of domestic dog, bred to be companion dogs. The breed is the result of a cross between Toy Bulldogs imported from England, and local ratters in ParisFrance, in the 1800s. They are stocky, compact dogs with a friendly, mild-mannered temperament. (Brindle French Bulldog)

The breed is popular as a pet: in 2020, they were the second-most popular registered dog in the United Kingdom, and the second-most popular AKC-registered dog breed in the United States. They were rated the third-most popular dog in Australia in 2017. In 2019, in the United Kingdom, the French Bulldog had 375 export pedigrees and a total of 33,661 registered dogs. By comparison, the Labrador Retriever had over 36,700 dogs and the Cocker Spaniel fewer than 22,000.


Blood sports such as bull-baiting were outlawed in England in 1835, leaving these “Bulldogs” unemployed; however, they had been bred for non-sporting reasons since at least 1800, so their use changed from a sporting breed to a companion breed. To reduce their size, some Bulldogs were crossed with terriers, ratter dogs from the “slums” of England. By 1850, the Toy Bulldog had become common in England and appeared in conformation shows when they began around 1860. These dogs weighed around 16–25 pounds (7.3–11.3 kg), although classes were also available at dog shows for those who weighed under 12 pounds (5.4 kg).

At the same time, lace workers from Nottingham who were displaced by the Industrial Revolution began to settle in Normandy, France. They brought a variety of dogs with them, including Toy Bulldogs. The dogs became popular in France and a trade in imported small Bulldogs was created, with breeders in England sending over Bulldogs that they considered to be too small, or with faults such as ears that stood up. By 1860, there were few Toy Bulldogs left in England, such was their popularity in France, and due to the exploits of specialist dog exporters.

The small Bulldog type gradually became thought of as a breed, and received a name, the Bouledogue Francais. This Francization of the English name is also a contraction of the words boule (ball) and dogue (mastiff). The dogs were highly fashionable and were sought after by society ladies and Parisian prostitutes alike, as well as creatives such as artists, writers, and fashion designers. The artists Edgar Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec are thought to have French Bulldogs in their paintings. However, records were not kept of the breed’s development as it diverged further away from its original Bulldog roots. As it changed, terrier stock had been brought in to develop traits such as the breed’s long straight ears.

Breed clubs and modern recognition

Bulldogs were very popular in the past, especially in Western Europe. One of its ancestors was the English bulldog. Americans had been importing French Bulldogs for a while, but it was not until 1885 when they were brought over in order to set up an American-based breeding program. They were mostly owned by society ladies, who first displayed them at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1896.

They arrived again in the following year with even more entries, where the judging of the breed would go on to have future ramifications. The judge in question at the dog show, a Mr. George Raper, only chose winners with “rose ears”—ears that folded at the tip, as with the standard for Bulldogs. The ladies formed the French Bull Dog Club of America and created the breed standard which stated for the first time that the “erect bat ear” was the correct type.

In the early 20th century, the breed remained in vogue for high society, with dogs changing hands for up to $3,000 and being owned by members of influential families such as the Rockefellers and the J. P. Morgans. The American Kennel Club recognized the breed quickly after the breed club was formed, and by 1906 the French Bulldog was the fifth most popular dog breed in America. 

In 2013, the American Kennel Club (AKC) ranked the French Bulldog as the 10th most popular breed in the United States, enjoying a sharp rise in popularity from 54th place a decade before, in 2003. By 2014, they had moved up to become the ninth most popular AKC registered dog breed in the US and by the 2017 they were the fourth most popular.

This new Bulldog breed arrived for the first time in England in 1893, with English Bulldog breeders in an uproar as the French imports did not meet the new breed standards in place by this time, and they wanted to prevent the English stock from crossbreeding with the French. The Kennel Club initially recognized them as a subset of the existing Bulldog breed rather than an entirely new breed. Some English breeders in this period bred the French Bulldogs in order to resurrect the Toy Bulldog. 

On 10 July 1902, at the house of Frederick W. Cousens, a meeting was held to set up a breed club in order to seek individual recognition for the French breed. The adopted breed standard was the same one which was already in use in America, France, Germany and Austria. Despite opposition from Miniature Bulldog (the new breed name for the Toy Bulldog) and Bulldog breeders, in 1905, the Kennel Club changed its policy on the breed and recognized them separate from the English variety, initially as the Bouledogue Francais, then later in 1912 with the name changed to the French Bulldog.

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

We’re big fans of dogs, but who isn’t.

Let’s talk about the Furry German Shepherd or Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle Mix, the playful Pomeranian Husky or the smart Golden Retriever; they’ve all been loved for a long time.

And when it comes to French bulldogs, the love gets even bigger. Their crushed faces are a natural wonder in themselves.

Then there’s their cute little bodies that relieve their stress when they see their owners running towards them.

A brindle French bulldog is a rare breed that is very hard to find, like the Azurian husky, and only those who “really” love dogs can stand the effort of getting a nice little brindle Frenchie.

What is a brindle French bulldog?

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

Brindle French Bulldog refers to a regular French Bulldog breed that has a coat pattern with random stripes or dots in the coat’s base color.

Usually, the markings differ only slightly in shade from the coat color, but sometimes they are as distinguishable as the black stripes on a white coat.

The Brindle Frenchie is a normal bulldog, but has a beautiful, rare coat that is the defining feature of this breed.

Unlike large domestic dogs like the Golden Mountain Dog, this breed can have a maximum height of 11-12 inches, similar to the smaller sized Cavoodle dogs.

A fun fact: There was an actual brindle French dog on Titanic when it sank and he was only 2 years old then. This fact was portrayed realistically in the movie too in the shape of a black French bulldog shown drowning with the lead Leonardo DiCaprio.

Where does this brindle color come from?

Say hello to the game of genes here as well!

This attractive coat is a result of the K-locus recessive gene. As a general piece of information, there are 3 types of K-locus genes:



Non-slid black

It is the result of these 3 genes that cause different types of brindle bulldogs.

To have a brindle coat, the puppy must have the recessive k gene from both parents.

This rarely occurs in bulldogs, thus making “mating” only a slim possibility.

Some get only a few colored feathers, while others get dark spots and stripes depending on the pairing of their parents’ genes.

The Brindle French Bulldog Coat Types

Let’s take a look at the color and markings of the feathers, which are the most distinctive feature of this species.

1. Fawn Brindle:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

The fawn Frenchie comes in a yellow-brown color that can have different hues: brown, rust, gray. They have a uniformly colored coat, but some fawn bulldogs have dark colors on their heads, especially near the nose and head.

The coat has black or brown undercoats that are more prominent on the upper part of the body.

This color is a little easier to find and adopt by many dog owners. The endearing chatter of this contrasting beauty is mind-blowing for you and fun entertainment for the kids.

2. Blue Brindle:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

Probably the most unique hue in French bulldogs, blue brindle Frenchie is extremely exotic like black maine coon feline. it is a result of a recessive black dilution gene.

Blue French have a shade between black and dark blue with light blue hues on the ears and head.

Small brindle stripes may occur on the top of the head and on the chest or back. They have yellow, blue or gray eyes.

3. Black Brindle:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

It can look like a very menacing color on a dog; Generally black dogs are either guard or search dogs.

But there are absolutely no signs of war in a black French bulldog.

Black brindle bulldogs can have light stripes of hair color from very light brown and white (or even non-existent) to brown and rusty.

Some will have a constant brindle pattern throughout the black coat. However, this color is not accepted by the AKC.

4. Chocolate Brindle:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

This is another cute color, but just like the Blue French bulldog it is extremely hard to find.

However, the variations of chocolate in brindles are numerous. It’s just so hard to find a full chocolate-colored Frenchie.

Their coat color is brown with light milky stripes and can take on a pink or brown tint around the ears and around the eyes, just like the creamy French.

They have green, blue, yellow or brown eyes. The reason for their shortage is that they need two copies of a recessive gene, each from their parents, which is quite difficult.

These types display colors ranging from milk chocolate to dark chocolate.

5. Tiger Brindle:

The heavy brindle is called the “Tiger brindle” and resembles a tiger’s coat (with stripes all over the body).

A tiger brindle French bulldog has a predominantly fawn coat with gray-black colored stripes.

6. Pied Brindle

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

Also referred to as “piebalds”, these are coats that are primarily white with large dark patches covering different parts of the body.

They are usually found around the eyes and ears, on the back and under the neck.

7. Reverse Brindle

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

This refers to french who have light brown or cream colored coats with heavy black or brown stripes that darken the overall color of the coat. You will not find this type easily.

Taking care of the brindle French bulldog:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

Fortunately, they are no different from regular French bulldogs.

Due to their heavy chest they cannot swim and should never be left alone near a pool, beach or any body of water.

Frenchie puppies, in particular, love to explore and run around.

Therefore, you need to train them with crates so that they do not make a mess in the house when you are not around.

Since they can’t jump very high, installing a dog safety gate is a very smart way to keep them away from your valuables;

such as toy trays and food lockers or parts of the house such as the kitchen, stairs and e.t.c.

Because they are flat-faced, they have difficulty breathing and need constant care in hot or humid environments.

Many people are skeptical of whether to bring these rare French bulldogs into their homes as pets, as part of the various misguided and unreasonable health problems people associate with them.

Good news; No need to fear, brindle frenchies are just as healthy as regular french bulldogs. The only problem is Blue which occurs in Blue brindle french.

The blue brindle French bulldog health problem

One of the most common health complexities associated with these dogs is the Blue.

This occurs in Blue French bulldogs, which, as previously mentioned, is very rare.

They are susceptible to Color Dilution Alopecia, a genetic disorder that affects the distribution of color pigment in their fur.

The part of the hair that receives this uneven color weakens and begins to show signs of hair growth and breakage.

There is no known cure for this health problem, but you can be careful by not using harsh grooming materials.

Use a Hair Broom instead and take them to the vet when the disease occurs so it can be stopped from causing a skin infection.

2. What are their grooming needs:

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

Brindle Frenchies do not pose that big of a hair shedding problem to their owner because:

i. They have short hair

ii. Shed only slightly

You can easily leave the hair combing work to the weekends because they are only required once a week.

Use pet grooming gloves because they not only smooth the fur and remove shed hair, but also give the pet a nice massage.

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

In addition, nails must be trimmed once a month, otherwise they will curl and this will cause them discomfort.

Now, the secret to getting your little French bulldog to cooperate with you in the nail clipping process is to give him an enormous amount of compliments and treats.

The regularity of the routine is another helpful factor. Also, use an automatic, painless dog nail clipper instead of manually trimming it.

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

It’s okay to bathe your beloved pet once a month. They don’t pose that big of a bathroom threat. You can use a licking mat if it does not calm down during the bath.

3. Their exercise needs:

They do not require a lot of exercise.

A short daily walk will suffice because their breasts are heavy and they need a regular effort to keep the weight under control.

But be careful, because their flat face causes them to have trouble breathing in hot weather.

Short workout routines like catching a ball or chasing a hanging piece are all it takes for your cute little short-legged brindle Frenchie.

Buy him a Jumbo Ball and that’ll be enough.

Where to find a brindle French bulldog breeder?

Brindle French Bulldog,French Bulldog

This is a rare breed; We’ve been crazy about this throughout the article, so you should be absolutely sure that the breeder you choose is providing you with a healthy breed at a good price.

Here are some of the ways to find reputable breeders:

1. Use your personal contacts

If you have relatives or friends who own breeder huts or know well-known breeders, enlist their help.

You get a fair price because of your referral, and you can also visit the kennels yourself to see how the dogs or dogs are kept.

2. Consider online platforms

Although we strongly recommend using the first method, online platforms are still a viable option.

There are some websites that can help you get good breeds of Brindle French bulldogs.

The American Kennel Club tops the list providing a variety of French bulldog breeders who have been breeding them for a long time.

You can enter this list and learn about the available brindle types.

Petfinder is another helpful forum but chances of getting a brindle from here are pretty.

They provide rescue dogs for adoption and given the rarity of this breed it would seem pretty obvious that any owner would set this dog apart from themselves.

The third website is Adoptapet, which can provide you the available French based on the specified location.

We found three of the brindle variants while searching California. You can also try your luck.

What to look for in a brindle French bulldog for sale?

Because no matter how majestic his coat is, if it is unhealthy or has a genetic disorder, it will break up with you before you even realize it.

That would be heartbreaking!

It would be best if you could meet the Frenchie’s parents because it will give you an idea of their pup’s personality.

Go to the trash and let the puppies come towards you.

Some like to bite, some like to curl around their legs, and some like to jump. Choose the type of energy level you need and then start signing the paperwork.

What is the price of a brindle french bulldog puppy?

The average brindle French bulldog costs between $1500-$3000 depending on its color, pattern, breeder and region. If we talk about high quality breeds, trending breeds raise this price to $7000. Adopting a Frenchie will cost you around $350-600.


The average age of a Brindle French bulldog is 10-14 years old, which is enough time to create endless memories with an adorable puppy.

This breed is hard to find, but as John Wooden said, good things take time.

“Good things take time as it should…”

You will be satisfied with yourself after you bring it to your home; we assure you. He is a fun and stress-soothing dog that never lets you get bored.

So are you convinced to buy a Brindle Frenchie now?

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