Microblading Aftercare Routine Instructions – The Healing Magic

About Microblading Eyebrows and Microblading Aftercare

Microblading is a tattooing technique in which a small handheld tool made of several tiny needles is used to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin. Microblading differs from standard eyebrow tattooing because each hairstroke is created by hand using a blade which creates fine slices in the skin, whereas eyebrow tattoos are done with a machine and single needle bundle.

Microblading is typically used on eyebrows to create, enhance or reshape their appearance in terms of both shape and color. It deposits pigment into the upper region of the dermis, so it fades more rapidly than traditional tattooing techniques, which deposit pigment deeper. Microblading artists are not necessarily tattoo artists, and vice versa, because the techniques require different training.

Microblading is also sometimes called embroideryfeather touch or hair-like strokes.


The technique of implanting pigment after the creation of fine incisions in the skin may date back thousands of years, but the trend towards using the technique for eyebrows is thought to have emerged in Asia within the last 25 years. Little else is known about the history of microblading. It had become the most popular method of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing in Europe and the United States by 2015, and new techniques such as 1D, 3D, and even 6D have emerged.

Placement and design

Microblading artists begin each appointment by discussing their client’s desired look and needs before measuring and sketching out the placement of the eyebrows. Measuring brow placement is a multi-step process that begins by determining the center of the face and the set of the client’s eyes. The starting point, arch, and ending point are determined by whether the eyes are normal, close-set, or wide-set. 

The artist sketches out the full brow with the appropriate thickness and arch height to give the client a good idea of what the finished brows will look like and set the outline for the microblading. Manual smooth shading (Microshading) can also be added to go over spin and between the hair strokes to visually give the dimension of natural eyebrow thickness without any sharp contours on the eyebrows.


The microblading procedure is a semi-permanent tattoo. Like all tattoos, microblading can fade, depending on multiple factors, including quality of pigment/ink used, UV exposure, elements found in skincare products, medications. The treatment lasts from one to two years. A touch-up session is encouraged 6 weeks after the first microblading procedure and every 12-18 months thereafter.


Safety precautions for microblading are similar to those for any other tattooing technique. The most common complications and client dissatisfaction that result from any form of tattooing are misapplication of the pigment, pigment migration, colour change, and in some cases, unintended hyperpigmentation. Serious complications are uncommon. As with all forms of tattooing, risks associated with microblading include the transmission of blood-borne pathogenic organisms (e.g., HIV, hepatitis C), as well as short-term or long-term reactions to pigment ingredients. Therefore, it is essential to check that the technician holds appropriate licenses and registrations for the provision of tattoo services, as well as inquire about the technician’s standard of training.

Procedures performed by technicians who have completed a comprehensive course of instruction can minimize the risk of unwanted outcomes and client dissatisfaction.

Microblading Aftercare

Many people confuse Microblading with Micro-Needling; however, both processes are completely different.

Before you get into the post-Microblading care process, you should check out what Microblading is and how it differs from micro-needling.

What Is Microblading Eyebrows?

Microblading Aftercare

Microblading is the process of pigmenting or tattooing the eyebrows in which colored ink penetrates near or into the eyebrows. (Microblading Aftercare)

The technician tattoos the eyebrows with the help of a small tool with small pointed tips.

There are two sessions for Microblading Eyebrows.

Price: For just under $700, you’ll wake up with perfect brows.

With excellent care, a microblading can last up to three years.

It is made to enhance, improve and surpass the appearance.

Outdo simply means to boost the ordinary look of your brows and to make them appealing.

Who does Microblading?

Microblading Aftercare

Microblading is done by a talented artist. (Microblading Aftercare)

In some US states, Microblading professionals require a special license to provide professional services.

Why do people do Microblade Brows?

We are not all blessed with well-shaped eyebrows; In fact, most of the women suffer from baldness between the eyebrows.

They use multiple tools to address this situation.

Such as:

  • Tattoo eyebrows
  • Feather touch, and
  • micro-stroking.

Due to the prolongation of the period, women prefer microblade eyebrows.

How Long Do Micobladed Eyebrows Last?

Usually, Microblading takes at least 12 to 18 months. However, the result may vary regarding:

Skin Types:

  • Oily Skin type/tone

Microblading can last to 12 to 15 months; touchups require.

  • Dry Skin Type / Tone 

Microblading can easily last up to 18 months; touchups may require.

Tattooed Ink:

The longevity also depends on the type of ink used in Microblading.

Microblading Post Care:

The longevity of the micro bladed brows is also based on post-care.

Q: When can I wash my eyebrows after Microblading?

Ans: On the very next day.

Q: How to clean your brows after microblading?

Ans: Gently cleanse your micro-bladed eyebrows and overall face; use an antibiotic soap or facewash.

Microblading Aftercare Instructions by The Experts:

When you go through the micro-hair removal process of your eyebrows and seek healing, pay attention to two things:

  1. Pigment penetrated the eyebrows
  2. The skin around and inside your eyebrows

Pigment care makes microblading last longer, while skin care helps eyebrows heal after microblading.

Pigment care lasts till your brows pigment last, skincare lasts only till the skin is healed. (Microblading Aftercare)

How to make your microblading pigment last for long?

Microblading Aftercare

Microblading takes longer, but it will take some time to choose the shade of pigment for your eyebrows. (Microblading Aftercare)

Like 1-2 weeks.

Now, follow these tips to increase your microblading time and heal skin faster:


  1. After 60 minutes of scratching, gently run a cotton swab dipped in sterile water.
  2. On the first day of microblading, do eyebrow cleansing three to four times; avoiding blood lumps.
  3. Keep your eyebrows clean and dry.

Always use alcohol-free witch hazel or liquids to clean your eyebrows three times a day.

4. Keep the area moist and apply alcohol-free witch hazel repeatedly in case of dryness.

5. Recolor your brows after 4 to 6 weeks at home with waterproof Microblading pencils available at lower prices in the markets.

Microblading only shapes your brows and does not regulate the natural growth of your brows, so access may require plucking from time to time. (Microblading Aftercare)


  1. Do not rub the area vigorously or try to pick or pinch the crusts with your fingers.
  2. When using non-alcoholic witch hazel, do not make it greasy by using the equivalent of half a rice.
  3. Never forget to apply sunscreen to make your eyebrows permanent.
  4. Do not leave eyebrows dry.
  5. Do not leave eyebrows wet with sweat.

Sweating is common after microblading, try using dry tissues to touch the area and prevent sweating.

6. Do not make up, especially on the eyebrows, the pigment can fade quickly.

7. Do not attempt to thread as thread scuffs can fade the tone of Microblading.

To pluck hair, use highlighter tweezers and remove excess hair around your eyebrows. (Microblading Aftercare)

Microblading Aftercare

A lightening tweezer will be the best partner to help you finish off your micro-tipped brows by showing you exactly where hair needs to be removed. (Microblading Aftercare)

Microblading Aftercare for Skin- How to Speed up Microblading healing process?

Microblading Aftercare

If you’ve had a tattoo on your skin, you know when it’s time to heal. (Microblading Aftercare)

The skin after microblading is more intense and takes longer to heal than after tattoo care.

After microblading, the skin becomes red and itchy.

Keep skin moist during this time.

Also, clean the excess blood and lymph from the pores with a simple piece of cotton dipped in fresh water.

“Your skin starts healing from 7 to 14 days and completely heals in 28 days or one month.”


  1. Keep your hair away from your forehead so they don’t touch the dyed area.
  2. Regularly apply Microblading aftercare cream like Aquaphor or any other ointment.
  3. After three days, you should start applying antibacterial cleanser and fresh water to clean the eyebrows.
  4. Gently and thoroughly remove soap residue from the area.
  5. Dry the area thoroughly with a cotton swab or soft tissue
  6. Dry healing microblading means applying ointment and Vaseline regularly if you have dry skin.
  7. Use only the recommended amount.

Wash the area twice a day.


  1. Remember to take good care and keep your facial skin fresh.
  2. Don’t let the area get wet for more than a week, up to ten days.

Q: What Happens If I Get My Eyebrows Wet After Microblading?

Ans: Well, it can simply worsen the condition and chances of mucus production in the wounds will increase.

3. Do not rub or scratch the crusts with your fingers, even if itching.

4. Avoid going to the sauna, gym or swimming to avoid sweating, oiliness and wetness during the healing process.

5. Do not get laser or chemical facials

6. Cleaning or dusting that may cause skin contact with any airborne debris

7. Do not use products containing glycolic, lactic, or AHA.

8. Do not reapply the Microblading aftercare Ointment (it can be oily).

9. Avoid direct sun exposure until the microblading healing process is complete.

It is common to feel itchy as your skin heals; However, it is wrong to scratch your skin for relaxation.

Therefore, try to withstand the itch, and if it stretches slightly, gently pat on the eyebrow area or gently run a soft tissue. (Microblading Aftercare)

Foods to Eat or Avoid Post Microblading To Hasten the Process of Healing:

Microblading Aftercare

Some foods increase your immunity against wounds and speed up the healing rate. (Microblading Aftercare)

When you apply Microblading Brows, even though the extremely small tips have penetrated your skin, these overly open pores still need to be healed. (Microblading Aftercare)

For this, you must follow a proper diet routine; as,


  • Nicely cut and garnished Fruits
  • Juices
  • Drink turmeric mixed milk and
  • Always carry smoothies in bottle
  • Add honey in liquid and drink


  • Avoid eating spicy food
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid Drinking
  • Oily food
  • Avoid eating citrus fruits


Here are some answers to the questions you sent us about microblading eyebrows:

1. I got my Microbladed eyebrows wet, do I need to worry?

Well, if it’s your first time, you don’t have to worry.

Dry the area using a cotton swab by lightly tapping it.

Apply moisturizer if you have dry skin, or stay on a fan or in a cool place to prevent sweating.

If you feel anything suspicious, visit your doctor for a consultation. (Microblading Aftercare)

2. What Is the Best Microblading Aftercare Ointment?

There are no special ointments or creams recommended for post-microblading care.

You just need to keep the area dry and moist and apply the ointment recommended by your doctor.

But Aquaphor is one of the most commonly recommended ointments for faster microblading healing. (Microblading Aftercare)

3. How long does microblading take?

There are sessions, the first session takes a maximum of 3 hours.

In this session, the shape and shape of the eyebrow is determined by the technician according to the customer’s request.

After approval, the next session is pigmentation.

In short, the process does not take too long. (Microblading Aftercare)

4. How long does microblading last?

Microblading eyebrows are permanent for a total of 18 to 30 months.

You may notice pigment fading during this time. A small meeting with the practitioner for touch-ups can correct fading.

However, depending on skin type and post microblading care, retouching will require after six months.

This means you will have perfect eyebrows for the next three years.

For three years, it’s enough to pluck the regrowth from your eyebrows. (Microblading Aftercare)

5. How Safe Is Microblading?

The microblading procedure is considered safe by experts and no issues have been reported with it so far.

FYI, only small cuts are made in this process and color is worked into them.

The tattoo of the eyebrows is different and lasts longer. (Microblading Aftercare)

6. Who Should Not Get Microblading?

Although microblading eyebrows is a safe procedure, aftercare is easy. (Microblading Aftercare)

However, adoption is not recommended if you have the following conditions: for example:

  1. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  2. susceptible to keloids
  3. Owners of thin skin
  4. HIV positives
  5. Botox or filler owners; especially in the eyebrow area
  6. Going through active chemotherapy sessions

7. Does Microblading Stop Hair Growth?

No, microblading does not stop natural eyebrow growth, it even accelerates it.

This stimulates hair growth, it can be a win-win for many. However, this increase in hair growth will need to be groomed.

You can contact your eyebrow specialist or technician to manage hair growth. (Microblading Aftercare)

One suggestion:

If you want to achieve perfect semi-permanent eyebrows without the pain of microblading, use serums.

There are many good serums available that can help you achieve thick, desirable and well-shaped eyebrows. (Microblading Aftercare)

As a result:

Recovery is easy and you will definitely achieve it after a month of Microblading eyebrows.

But if you find that the process is taking longer than usual, don’t worry.

In some cases, the Microblading healing process may take longer than usual under certain factors.

In any case, keep in touch with your doctor and technician and inform him about the general condition of your skin.

Keep asking what to do and what not to do during the healing process.

One request:

Before leaving this page, share your beauty routine and post-Microblading care tips with us in the comments.

Helping others is a great virtue.

Also, feel free to write to us with your questions.

You’re welcome to quote, and because we love our reader family, we’ll make their answers a part of our blog.

Happy eyebrows day!

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