How Long Can You Freeze Sour Cream to Keep Fresh | Kitchen Tips & Guide

About Sour Cream and Can You Freeze Sour Cream

Sour cream (in North American EnglishAustralian English and New Zealand English) or soured cream (British English) is a dairy product obtained by fermenting regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria. The bacterial culture, which is introduced either deliberately or naturally, sours and thickens the cream. Its name comes from the production of lactic acid by bacterial fermentation, which is called souringCrème fraîche is one type of sour cream with a high fat content and less sour taste.


Traditionally, sour cream was made by letting cream that was skimmed off the top of milk ferment at a moderate temperature. It can also be prepared by the souring of pasteurized cream with acid-producing bacterial culture. The bacteria that developed during fermentation thickened the cream and made it more acidic, a natural way of preserving it.

Commercial varieties

According to US (FDA) regulations, commercially produced sour cream contains no less than 18% milkfat before bulking agents are added, and no less than 14.4% milkfat in the finished product. Additionally, it must have a total acidity of no less than 0.5%. It may also contain milk and whey solids, buttermilk, starch in an amount not exceeding one per cent, salt, and rennet derived from aqueous extracts from the fourth stomach of calves, kids or lambs, in an amount consistent with good manufacturing practice. 

In addition, according to the Canadian food regulations, the emulsifying, gelling, stabilizing and thickening agents in sour cream are algincarob bean gum (locust bean gum), carrageenangelatinguar gumpectin, or propylene glycol alginate or any combination thereof in an amount not exceeding 0.5 per cent, monoglycerides, mono- and diglycerides, or any combination thereof, in an amount not exceeding 0.3 per cent, and sodium phosphate dibasic in an amount not exceeding 0.05 per cent.

Sour cream is not fully fermented, and like many dairy products, must be refrigerated unopened and after use. Additionally, in Canadian regulations, a milk coagulating enzyme derived from Rhizomucor miehei (Cooney and Emerson) from Mucor pusillus Lindt by pure culture fermentation process or from Aspergillus oryzae RET-1 (pBoel777) can also be added into sour cream production process, in an amount consistent with good manufacturing practice. Sour cream is sold with an expiration date stamped on the container, though whether this is a “sell by”, a “best by” or a “use by” date varies with local regulation. Refrigerated unopened sour cream can last for 1–2 weeks beyond its sell by date while refrigerated opened sour cream generally lasts for 7–10 days.

Physical-chemical properties


Cultured cream.

Processed sour cream can include any of the following additives and preservatives: grade A whey, modified food starch, sodium phosphatesodium citrateguar gumcarrageenancalcium sulfatepotassium sorbate, and locust bean gum.

Protein composition

Milk contains approximately 3.0-3.5% protein. The main proteins in cream are caseins and whey proteins. Of the total fraction of milk proteins, caseins make up 80% while the whey proteins make up 20%. There are four main classes of caseins; β-caseins, α(s1)-caseins, α(s2)-casein and κ-caseins. These casein proteins form a multi molecular colloidal particle known as a casein micelle. The proteins mentioned have an affinity to bind with other casein proteins, or to bind with calcium phosphate, and this binding is what forms the aggregates. The casein micelles are aggregates of β-caseins, α(s1)-caseins, α(s2)-caseins, that are coated with κ-caseins.

The proteins are held together by small clusters of colloidal calcium phosphate, the micelle also contains lipasecitrate, minor ions, and plasmin enzymes, along with entrapped milk serum. The micelle is also coated in parts of κ-caseins which is known as the hair layer, having a lower density than the core of the micelle. Casein micelles are rather porous structures, ranging in the size of 50-250 nm in diameter and the structures on average are 6-12% of the total volume fraction of milk. The structure is porous in order to be able to hold a sufficient amount of water, its structure also assists in the reactivity of the micelle. 

The formation of casein molecules into the micelle is very unusual due to β-casein’s large amount of prolineresidues (the proline residues disrupt the formation of α-helixes and β-sheets) and because κ-caseins only contain one phosphorylation residue (they are glycoproteins). The high number of proline residues inhibits the formation of close-packed secondary structures in such as α-helixes and β-pleated sheets.

Due to κ-caseins being glycoproteins, they are stable in the presence of calcium ions so the κ-caseins are on the outer layer of the micelle to partially protect the non-glycoproteins β-caseins, α(s1)-caseins, α(s2)-caseins from precipitating out in the presence of excess calcium ions. Due to the lack of a strong secondary or tertiary structure as a result of the proline residues, casein micelles are not heat sensitive particles. However, they are pH sensitive. The colloidal particles are stable at the normal pH of milk which is 6.5-6.7, the micelles will precipitate at the isoelectric point of milk which is a pH of 4.6.

The proteins that make up the remaining 20% of the fraction of proteins in cream are known as whey proteins. Whey proteins are also widely referred to as serum proteins, which is used when the casein proteins have been precipitated out of solution. The two main components of whey proteins in milk are β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin. The remaining whey proteins in milk are; immunoglobulinsbovine serum albumin, and enzymes such as lysozyme. Whey proteins are much more water-soluble than casein proteins. The main biological function of β-lactoglobulin in milk is to serve as a way to transfer vitamin A, and the main biological function of α-lactalbumin in lactose synthesis.

The whey proteins are very resistant to acids and proteolytic enzymes. However, whey proteins are heat-sensitive: the heating of milk will cause the denaturation of the whey proteins. The denaturation of these proteins happens in two steps. The structures of β-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin unfold, and then the second step is the aggregation of the proteins within milk. This is one of the main factors that allows whey proteins to have such good emulsifying properties. Native whey proteins are also known for their good whipping properties, and in the milk products described above, their gelling properties. Upon denaturation of whey proteins, there is an increase in the water holding capacity of the product.


The manufacturing of sour cream begins with the standardization of fat content; this step is to ensure that the desired or legal amount of milk fat is present. As previously mentioned the minimum amount of milk fat that must be present in sour cream is 18%. During this step in the manufacturing process other dry ingredients are added to the cream; additional grade A whey for example would be added at this time. Another additive used during this processing step are a series of ingredients known as stabilizers.

The common stabilizers that are added to sour cream are polysaccharides and gelatin, including modified food starch, guar gum, and carrageenans. The reasoning behind the addition of stabilizers to fermented dairy products is to provide smoothness in the body and texture of the product. The stabilizers also assist in the gel structure of the product and reduce whey syneresis. The formation of these gel structures, leaves less free water for whey syneresis, thereby extending the shelf life. 

Whey syneresis is the loss of moisture by the expulsion of whey. This expulsion of whey can occur during the transportation of containers holding the sour cream, due to the susceptibility to motion and agitation. The next step in the manufacturing process is the acidification of the cream. Organic acids such as citric acid or sodium citrate are added to the cream prior to homogenization in order to increase the metabolic activity of the starter culture. To prepare the mixture for homogenization, it is heated for a short period of time.

Homogenization is a processing method that is utilized to improve the quality of the sour cream in regards to the color, consistency, creaming stability, and creaminess of the cultured cream. During homogenization larger fat globules within the cream are broken down into smaller sized globules to allow an even suspension within the system. At this point in the processing the milk fat globules and the casein proteins are not interacting with each other, there is repulsion occurring.

The mixture is homogenized, under high pressure homogenization above 130 bar (unit) and at a high temperature of 60 °C. The formation of the small globules (below 2 microns in size) previously mentioned allows for reducing a cream layer formation and increases the viscosity of the product. There is also a reduction in the separation of whey, enhancing the white color of the sour cream.

After homogenization of the cream, the mixture must undergo pasteurization. Pasteurization is a mild heat treatment of the cream, with the purpose of killing any harmful bacteria in the cream. The homogenized cream undergoes high temperature short time (HTST) pasteurization method. In this type of pasteurization the cream is heated to the high temperature of 85 °C for thirty minutes. This processing step allows for a sterile medium for when it is time to introduce the starter bacteria.[15]

After the process of pasteurization, there is a cooling process where the mixture is cooled down to a temperature of 20˚C. The reason that the mixture was cooled down to the temperature of 20˚C is due to the fact that this is an ideal temperature for mesophilic inoculation. After the homogenized cream has been cooled to 20˚C, it is inoculated with 1-2% active starter culture. The type of starter culture utilized is essential for the production of sour cream. The starter culture is responsible for initiating the fermentation process by enabling the homogenized cream to reach the pH of 4.5 to 4.8.

Lactic acid bacteria (hereto known as LAB) ferment lactose to lactic acid, they are mesophilic, Gram-positive facultative anaerobes. The strains of LAB that are utilized to allow the fermentation of sour cream production are Lactococcus lactis subsp latic or Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris they are lactic acid bacteria associated with producing the acid. The LAB that are known for producing the aromas in sour cream are Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis biovar diacetyllactis. Together these bacteria produce compounds that will lower the pH of the mixture, and produce flavor compounds such as diacetyl.

After the inoculation of starter culture, the cream is portioned in packages. For 18 hours a fermentation process takes place in which the pH is lowered from 6.5 to 4.6. After fermentation, one more cooling process takes place. After this cooling process, the sour cream is packaged into their final containers and sent to the market

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream
Mixed berries with sour cream and brown sugar

We know you don’t want to read the long, sentence-enriched answers to Can Sour Cream Freezable and the complicated ways of doing chores in the kitchen. Well, nobody does! We housewives need time for ourselves and we need all the magic tools to get things done in the kitchen.

Thanks for visiting us again as we help you with spices and herbs, now here are some very subtle and basic frozen solutions for sour cream. (Sour Cream)

So, in no time, we’re here with a complete guide to can you freeze sour cream:

Before anything else,

Can Sour Cream Be Frozen?

Can You Freeze Sour Cream

Yes, sour cream can be frozen without losing its freshness. However, the texture of frozen sour cream may look pale, but this is nothing to worry about. Basically, sour cream is used in recipes made in casseroles and pressure cookers. Dishes such as soups, stews, sauces and dressings are famous recipes for consuming sour cream.

Freezing Sour Cream Tip:

Remember, when you want to store sour cream for later use in the recipes, make sure, freeze it before it goes bad. Freezing can stop the cream from getting bad but cannot unwind the process. It is not just for sour cream, but same is for cheese, yogurt, heavy cream, whipping cream, wine, and even salads.

How to Freeze Cream?

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

There is no great hard and fast guide to follow for freezing sour cream. Most people think that simply keeping it in the fridge on the top will freeze it. You can store the cream this way, but for better taste, follow these steps:

  1. Scoop the opened sour cream into a container with a lid with a whisk or get adjustable vacuum lids for any type of container.
  2. After beating, tighten the top and write the date so you know when it was stored.

If stored frozen with the airtight lid open, it can keep well for three weeks.

3. Now, keep it in the refrigerator.

Q: Can You Freeze Sour Cream in A Recipe?

Ans: No, you will have to melt it first if the recipe requires thawed cream.

How to thaw cream?

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

Now, if you must use it, only take out the amount needed to dissolve, not the container as a whole.

  1. Take the cream out of its box and place it in the Quick Defrost Tray. It helps to thaw frozen materials quickly.
  2. When the texture of the frozen cream becomes creamy, it is ready to use.

If you don’t want to melt it or don’t have time to melt the cream, try frozen sour cream recipes:

Sour Cream Coffee Cake:

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

Here’s our favorite 8-step sour cream cake recipe:

To prepare the coffee cake with sour cream, you will need an hour.

Ingredients for sour cream coffee cake:

Unsalted butterSoftened113 grams
SugarPowdered198 grams
All-purpose flourUnbleached241 grams
Baking powderPowder1 tsp
Baking SodaPowder¼ tsp
SaltCommon sodium½ tsp
Sour creamWhipped227 grams
Cinnamon2 tsp
Vanilla extractLiquid2tsp
Walnuts and pecansChopped57 grams

The Method:

Sour Cream Cake:

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Take a bowl and combine all the ingredients such as butter, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, and whisk well.
  3. Add butter and whisk
  4. Add sour cream and whisk

The Topping:

Take the bowl, add all the ingredients and whisk until they are homogeneously crumbled.

The making:

  1. Take a sheet of foil and put a Cake shaper mold on it. By doing this you can create a pan that your cake does not stick to.
  2. Add half the cake mix into it
  3. add topping
  4. Add another half in it
  5. Follow the third step
  6. put it in the oven
  7. Check after 30 minutes; If it’s done, remove it or leave it in for another 5 to ten minutes.
  8. Take the cake out of the oven and run it.

Whether you enjoy it with coffee or raw, the choice is yours.

Can Sour Cream Bundt Cake Be Frozen?

From Bundt to coffee, you can freeze and store any cake made from sour cream.

A question arises here,

How To Tell If Sour Cream Is Bad

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

Sour cream is already tangy, and you can’t tell if it’s bad by tasting it. Here you should examine the cream from the nearest point and check if it appears white or for any blemishes. If you notice dark spots forming on the surface, this is a sign of mold and bad sour cream.


Does Sour Cream Go Bad Really?

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

Well, sour cream isn’t among the foods that don’t go bad. Like any other dairy product, sour cream has little time to stay fresh, especially in summer.

How long is sour cream good after opening?

If you do not store it in a cold place, we said cold, so if you do not store it in an extremely cold freezer, it will deteriorate within 1-2 days.

Did you know that sour cream can also be made at home?

Q: How to Make Sour Cream Quickly?

Ans: By adding lactic-acid culture into cream, you can produce sour cream at home within minutes. Lactic acid gives the bitter taste that everybody loves in recipes, especially when you are eating Mexican food.

Now, when it is made or opened at home, another thing you can think of is this:

How Long Does Sour Cream Last?

Can You Freeze Sour Cream,Freeze Sour Cream,Sour Cream

Often times, we stock up on creams, yogurts, and sauces when fetching discounts and offers from the store. Many products last a long time left unopened; however, they must be frozen immediately after being taken out of the box or stored for later use. If we talk about time, like how long does sour cream feel good after it’s opened?

Without refrigerator:

In the absence of a refrigerator, you should immediately use the cream like any other dairy product, because it spoils very quickly and very easily.

With refrigerator:

According to the USDA, the total time for frozen sour cream is three weeks. But if not completely frozen, it will take 7 to 14 days before it thaws completely. But if you see the cream melting, try to use it in recipes and cooking as quickly as possible.

Q: Is Sour Cream Bad for You?

Ans: Sour cream itself has no damage to health; however, the excessive calories it has, can surely disturb your well-shaped body or can worsen the condition if you are trying to lose weight. In the end, excess of everything is bad.

Bottom line:

What is your favorite sour cream recipe? Share it with us in the comment section below. If you love being in the kitchen, you will definitely enjoy using our kitchen and household appliances. Well, they’ll save you half the time to cook yours. Check them out here before you leave this page.

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