Milk And Orange Juice Recipes

I don’t know why, but I like to mix milk with orange juice. This is my job!

Orange juice is acidic and is best digested quickly. Milk, on the other hand, contains a lot of protein, which is difficult to digest and takes more time. If you mix the two, you get a refreshing drink.

In today’s post, I will share 2 healthy and popular recipes including Morir Soñando and Orange Julius. If you want to learn how to prepare these simple yet delicious recipes, read on.

That being said, let’s learn more about this combination and enjoy some drinks. (Milk And Orange Juice)

Is It Better To Drink Milk Or Orange Juice In The Morning?

Milk And Orange Juice,Milk And Orange,Orange Juice

Many people wonder if it is better to drink milk or orange juice in the morning. The truth is, both orange juice and milk have health benefits. However, they also have disadvantages.

Milk provides plenty of calcium and does not harm your enamel. When you start your day, you want a fresh beverage with breakfast that can easily distribute energy and health benefits throughout the day.

For many people, milk and orange juice are two common choices. That said, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of drinking milk and orange juice. (Milk And Orange Juice)

Orange Juice

A glass of orange juice has 45 calories of energy. It also provides the necessary vitamin C for the whole day. It is also an antioxidant for your skin. It protects your skin from the dangerous rays of the sun. In addition, orange juice protects your teeth from the effects of pollution. (Milk And Orange Juice)

Consuming too much orange juice can be dangerous. For example, if you consume orange juice most of the week, it will negatively affect your tooth enamel. It also reduces the enamel acid in the teeth. Because of this, the enamel coating begins to deteriorate. (Milk And Orange Juice)

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A glass of milk makes up for the calcium and protein deficiency in your body. But here’s the shooter. Milk can also help you prevent overeating and keep your weight under control. If you consume milk at the beginning of the day, you can prevent all the tiredness and fatigue.

However, just like orange juice, milk has its drawbacks. For example, if you consume fatty milk containing unsaturated fat, you may face the problems of diabetes and obesity. This type of milk promotes cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, avoid whole milk in the morning. (Milk And Orange Juice)

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Who’s The Winner?

Both milk and orange juice have their benefits and harms. However, we can say that milk is the winner, as milk does not damage tooth enamel and provides plenty of calcium.

It is more beneficial than orange juice. Therefore, try to consume organic milk instead of whole milk. It is rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

If you like orange juice more than milk, consume raw oranges in the morning and drink orange juice occasionally to prevent tooth damage. What would you prefer? (Milk And Orange Juice)

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What Happens When You Mix Milk And Orange Juice?

If drinking milk and orange juice at the same time is uncomfortable, drink the juice first. Milk is a buffer and orange juice is acidic. So the milk will buffer the acidity of the juice.

However, in return, it ensures that the milk is curdled. Mixing these two ingredients can look bad and taste bad. So, avoid this popular yet strange combination if you have a sensitive stomach.

Note that both juice and milk must be kept at the same temperature before mixing. And be sure to drink this combination immediately after it is made. (Milk And Orange Juice)

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Milk And Orange Juice: 2 Healthy Recipes For You

Milk And Orange Juice,Milk And Orange,Orange Juice

If you’re interested in trying this mix, follow the next two recipes. Morir Soñando and Orange Julius are different. But both contain milk and orange juice. And both are refreshing. (Milk And Orange Juice)

Recipe 1: Morir Soñando Recipe

Morir Soñando is a super delicious drink that should become the official drink of the Dominican summer. It’s easy to do. So, you can enjoy this popular beverage in no time. (Milk And Orange Juice)

About The Recipe

Morir Soñando is a low ingredient drink and does not require any special bartending skills. Therefore, you can easily change a few things and make adjustments in this drink.

Sometimes I change the recipe to meet the special diets and needs of some family members and friends. If you have a vegan in your family or circle of friends, make a dairy-free Morir Soñando.

Replace standard milk with rice milk, almond milk, vanilla milk, or another substitute. The change will change the taste. However, not so much that the person you love can’t enjoy the drink. (Milk And Orange Juice)


If you’re looking for the most refreshing drink, look no further than Morir Soñando. It is a creamy blend of freshly squeezed orange juice and milk. The recipe below provides 4 servings.

  • 6 large oranges
  • 2 glasses of ice (300 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups evaporated milk (360 mL)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 large orange for decoration


Squeeze oranges by hand or use a compact juicer. You should get about 1 1/2 cups of juice. Add ice to a pitcher. Put the sugar, milk and vanilla on the ice. Stir to mix properly.

Add the water and still until combined and slightly bubbling. Divide equally among four glasses and garnish each with an orange wheel. It is recommended to drink the drink immediately. (Milk And Orange Juice)

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Can I Add Alcohol To Morir Soñando?

You can add alcohol to Morir Soñando. The ideal choice would be red or white rum. Mix the alcohol with the orange juice in a different bowl and set aside. After you’ve finished beating the milk with sweetener, stir in the rum and orange juice mixture. (Milk And Orange Juice)

How Much Of This Drink Should I Have?

There is a misconception that orange juice will curb the milk in your stomach and cause stomach cramps. This idea is not supported by any evidence, so it is not entirely true.

And I say ‘totally’ because people with sensitive belly should not consume this drink. Experts recommend consuming 1-2 glasses of fresh fruit a day for adults.

Therefore, consumption of 1-2 servings of orange juice and milk per day is acceptable. If you’re taking medication, remove this beverage from your diet because the calcium found in milk will bind antibiotics in some medications. Also, drinking orange juice may prevent you from taking certain medications properly.

This combination will likely inhibit and prevent the absorption of drugs into your body. Your medications may put you at risk of overdose or may have no effect. (Milk And Orange Juice)

Recipe 2: Orange Julius Recipe

Orange Juice is a sweet blend of milk, orange juice concentrate, sugar, vanilla and ice. It’s not a smoothie, it’s more like dessert because it’s so sweet. (Milk And Orange Juice)

About The Recipe

This drink was invented by Julius Freed in 1926 in Los Angeles, California. Three years later, Freed’s real estate agent came up with a concoction that made acidic water less stressful for his guts, and began serving this drink with a creamy texture.


Orange Julius is made with common ingredients in your kitchen. Orange juice concentrate is the main ingredient. However, you can also use real fruit if you wish. The recipe below provides 4 servings. Don’t forget to garnish your glasses with a slice of orange. (Milk And Orange Juice)

  • 1 ½ cups ice
  • 1 cup skim, 2%, or whole milk (if you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, use dairy-free or plant-based milk like almond/rice/soy milk)
  • 6 oz cans of frozen orange juice concentrate
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • ½ cup) sugar


Mix vanilla and milk. Pour these two into a blender and wait until they are properly combined. Then apply the frozen orange juice concentrate and mix again. Finally, add the ice cubes and sugar and mix until the ice breaks and the mixture thickens.

If your mixture is too thick, just add a tablespoon of water and mix again. Pour your Orange Julius into four glasses, serve with a straw and bon appetit. (Milk And Orange Juice)

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Can I Add Alcohol To Orange Julius?

Yes, you can make an adult Orange Julius with vodka. Just add ½ cup of vodka to the mix and enjoy. Orange juice also works with rum and gin. However, vodka works best for this mix.

How Much Of This Drink Should I Have?

This drink contains more sugar than a can of soda and lacks nutrients as well as vitamin C from orange juice. Orange Julius is a sugar bomb that is practically free of fiber and protein.

So, you can take too much. One should be enough for the whole day. Also keep in mind that orange juice is highly acidic and over time drinking too much can ruin your teeth.


What happens if you drink orange juice every day?

  • Regular consumption of orange juice can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, reduce the risk of kidney stones and other health benefits.
  • However, orange juice is also rich in sugar and calories. Therefore, it is best to drink in moderation and opt for 100% orange juice whenever possible.

What are the side effects of drinking too much orange juice?

  • Orange juice has vitamin C, so it’s possible to get too much vitamin C (more than 2,000 milligrams per day). Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, heartburn, insomnia, and headaches.

Why does my stomach hurt after drinking orange juice?

According to an Australian study, some people just can’t handle orange juice. The study recognized individuals with a high incidence of what are known as “fructose malabsorptions.” This means that their bodies have difficulty processing the natural sugar found in fruit juice.

Does orange juice and milk taste good?

  • Depends on your rank. Some people think this combination is delicious, while others don’t like it. It tastes like a smoothie.
  • The creamy structure of the milk balances the acidity of the juice. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, do not consume this drink.
  • Or, consume the orange juice first and wait 20 minutes before consuming the milk. Do not confuse the two as it can upset your stomach.

Can you mix almond milk and orange juice?

  • If you’re vegan or lactose intolerant, you can replace regular milk with almond milk in any recipe that calls for milk, including a milk and orange juice mix.
  • If you’re making vegan sour cream, be aware that the juice can cut the almond milk. However, it’s not that good for smoothies.

Can I drink orange juice on an empty stomach?

  • Unfortunately, drinking orange juice on an empty stomach overwhelms the digestive system. And it causes chaos to the good bacteria living in your gut. Orange juice invigorates the morning. However, it can be dangerous when taken on an empty stomach, so consume it after breakfast.

Mix It Up

Milk and orange juice can boost your energy in the morning. You can drink these two ingredients separately or together. Both have their pros and cons.

However, try and choose organic milk as it contains more omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E than regular milk. After mixing these two, consume the drink immediately.

This prevents the corrosive effect of orange juice while providing nutritional benefits. Have you ever consumed this popular concoction? What is your opinion about this drink?

Feel free to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Let’s chat about this drink. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your social media friends.

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