Bad Parenting Has Worse Effects On Your Child Than You Might Think But We Have Ways To Resolve It

Parenting is much more than education; everyone agrees. We see parents doing their best to shape what they think better of us.

In this effort, parents sometimes miss out on or overdo a lot of things that are not perfect or ideal to do according to our perception or the norms of society.

And general parenting is labeled as bad parenting. However, is bad parenting simply a perception of children or others in society, or are signs of bad parenting universally accepted?

Let’s discuss this in detail today. Because if the nursery has a hostile environment, the seedling will never grow into a shady fruiting tree. (Bad Parenting)

What is bad parenting?

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude

Bad parenting is a series of actions by parents who lose their freedom, choice, need for love, or other behavior that destroys their future, including rude behavior towards their children.

Signs of Bad Parenting (Good Parenting vs. Bad Parenting)

What is a toxic parent?

How do you deal with a toxic mother?

It’s hard to summarize all the behaviors that could be termed as signs of bad parenting. Symptoms may not be very objective, which fits all cultures.

However, we tried to note a few signs of bad parenting that can be practiced in any society or culture. The list is not exhaustive, but still covers most of it. (Bad Parenting)

1. Even Little Mistake Gets Severe Reaction

Your child has spilled water on the floor and you’re starting to foam up at his mouth, and what’s worse, it’s not the first time you’ve done this. Every time your child makes a mistake, you scold him fiercely. (Bad Parenting)

2. Corporal Punishment Is Daily Activity

Whether your child’s mistake is gone or not, you have a habit of spanking your child. This behavior is quite common among less educated parents because they believe they should treat their children the way their parents treated them. (Bad Parenting)

3. Misdirected Anger and Frustration

The father is embarrassed by his boss at the office for not being able to complete the project, and when he comes home, he beats or yells at his children for behavior he has ignored in the past. (Bad Parenting)

4. Comparing Your Children with Others

No two people are the same in this world. You’re playing a bad role as a parent when you constantly criticize your child for getting lower grades than their classmates, or when you say every day that your neighbor’s son starts work and yours is idle at home. (Bad Parenting)

5. Not Showing Affection

Every child needs the love and affection of their parents not only through words, but also through displays of emotion.

When you come home at night and don’t hug, kiss, or even smile at your child, you create a gap between you and your children. And once this gap is developed, it can never be closed in the future. (Bad Parenting)

6. Bad Relationship with Your Life Partner

If you are not on good terms with your spouse, all compassion, love, care and ethical behavior will go to waste.

There are many instances where the mother is very good with her children but always argues with her husband. As a result, children do not share their problems with either of them for fear that it will not cause a problem between their parents.

7. You Don’t Care About Children’s Problems

You have been called to the Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM), but you are making up the ridiculous excuse of being extremely busy, as before.

PTMs have always helped to know your child’s problems, otherwise it is not possible.

Or your child told you he was bullied at school, but you make a false promise to call your school teacher, as usual, and you didn’t. (Bad Parenting)

8. No Appreciation Whatsoever

Your child is back from school one day and is jumping with joy that he’s top of the class or bought something from his part-time income and is so happy to show it to you.

But surprisingly for him, you showed no signs of joy. Instead, you listened and the next moment went back to watching the football game. (Bad Parenting)

9. Helicopter Parenting

What is helicopter parenting and why is it bad?

The human mind must work and practice the same way other parts of the body do, because it can be nourished properly.

At a young age, parents need to be compassionate and cooperative to help their children understand things and solve problems.

But when care goes beyond needs, it becomes a disaster.

When you intervene and solve for every problem your children face, you are literally undermining their decision-making abilities.

With this attitude, their self-efficacy decreases and fear grips them when they have to make a new decision.

10. You Insult Your Child before Others

Scolding your child before his siblings doesn’t have much of an impact on children.

But when you scold them before friends, relatives, or strangers, it does a lot.

Parents often do this under the impression that self-esteem belongs only to the elderly, which is wrong.

11. Setting Poor Examples

Banning your kids from smoking while you smoke is something they will definitely embrace, even if you haven’t allowed it a few times.

Similarly, while deterring others from pursuing higher education in front of your child, forcing him to get good grades doesn’t work either.

12. Creating a Negative Environment

Some parents regret their past too much. They don’t realize that their children who hear this will lose hope for the future their school is trying so hard to build.

Most of the time, it’s because of mistakes parents have made in the past or bad luck they’ve encountered so far.

13. Keeping Your Children Aloof From Others

Taking your children away from other children for fear that it will negatively affect your children is another bad thing you can do as a parent.

For example, you don’t like your child mingling with their friends, or you are discouraged by setting time limits, not realizing that such isolation will make them uncompetitive in their professional lives.

14. You Label Your Children with Demeaning Names

The worst thing you can do as a parent is to name your children before others. When you call names, you detect lack that would otherwise not be revealed.


Call him Fat, Loser, etc. to call. The impact of name-calling is much more severe than you might expect. The worst thing is to rebel when you’re strong enough to do so.

15. You Don’t Spend Time with Your Children

Let’s say you as a parent are not doing any of the wrong things described above. But still, you can’t be called a good parent if you don’t spend time with your kids.

What is a good time? Being together at dinner tables or dropping them off at school doesn’t count as wasting time.

Instead, play with him, tell stories of the past while hugging him, or be a child yourself playing with him.

Also, laughing when they laugh, going to picnics often, discussing the agenda when they are old, etc. If you don’t, you have a serious question mark in your parenting.

16. You Force Things against Your Children’s Will or Capacity

Your son wants to choose medical sciences, but as a Civil Engineer you want him to choose Civil Engineering as a program.

Or your child is extremely weak in Mathematics but you are preparing him for the next Mathematics competition.

These things will not make your child competent, but he will look for a chance to escape your pressure.

17. You Are Too Lenient (Permissive Parenting)

What permissive parenting is bad?

If you are a pushover for your children’s not-so-good demands, you are not a good parent.

Because when you let your kids do the crazy thing they want to do, you’re not giving them freedom; instead, you are playing with their future.

It’s like your kid wants to smoke weed, or join a crazy anti-government protest, or demand food that’s harmful to their health, but you still don’t ban it.

Another example is when you’re in a store for shopping and your naughty kid is messing around on the floor, but you ignore it.

18. Not paying importance To Your Children

If you absolutely do not care about where your child goes, what he eats, what people he is with, you are wrong.

Even though you know your child is obese, you often allow them to eat fast food. You can call it freedom, but it’s destructive. Such children join a bad company, where they lag far behind their classmates or children of similar age.

fun fact

There’s a bad parenting movie called Bad Parents about parents who are overly obsessed with their school kids’ soccer game and even offer sexual favors to the coach to give their kids special attention. (bad parenting nude)

What are the Effects of Bad parenting? (Impacts of Bad Parenting)

When you fail to fulfill your duty as a responsible or good parent, your child suffers from it and sometimes suffers a lot.

Let’s look at how bad parenting affects the child.

1. Your Children Will Become Depressed

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude

According to CDC USA, 4.5 million children have been diagnosed with behavior problems; In 2019, 4.4 million people experienced anxiety and 1.9 million were diagnosed with depression.

One study concluded that certain dimensions for parenting are closely related to childhood depression.

Constantly scolding or being unfriendly with your children will soon make them depressed. Depression will then severely hinder their ability to do things efficiently. They will experience a fear of uncertainty for anything new.

Sometimes depression can go too far, causing sleep disturbances, fatigue and low energy, crying over little things or causing thoughts of suicide or death. (bad parenting nude)

2. Rebellious Behavior

The more you suppress your child’s feelings or the more hostile you are towards him, the more likely he is to be a rebel. The rebellion within is expressed in one of the following ways:

  • keeping things secret from parents or
  • prefer solitude or
  • sudden mood changes or
  • Despite liking the same things in the past, disliking the parents’ choices etc.

3. Inability to meet the challenges (Poor Performance)

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude

Another serious consequence of poor parenting is that children do not perform well, whether in academia or professional life. In school, there are signs of low grades, difficulty understanding the concepts of subjects, or inability to participate in extracurricular activities.

In professional life, not being able to meet deadlines, making mistakes too often, poor coordination with team members, staying in the same position for years, preventing any functional or dysfunctional changes in the organization are some of the effects of bad parenting. .

4. Your Child Becomes Aggressive

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude

One study concluded that children’s aggression is directly related to how well their parents control or manage their aggression.

Tantrums or Rage Anger is a condition associated with children who display their emotional distress through stubbornness, aggression, crying, violence, and hitting other children.

When children see their parents being aggressive about anything related to themselves or someone else, the same behavior automatically crosses their minds.

Parents who are rude to their children also behave rudely and aggressively to their children, which is often a source of embarrassment for such parents.

5. Anti-social Behavior

When you hit or frequently slap your child for petty reasons, he starts to believe that corporal punishment is just as acceptable as anything else. So when he gets older, he does the same to others. And then, hitting or slapping remains a minor thing, stabbing, torturing and even killing becomes his norm.

People here often ask if ODD is caused by bad parenting. Yes, ODD (Defiant Defiant Disorder) and OCD are more likely to catch children because of bad parenting. So, when a child shows symptoms of ODD, it’s up to their parents to help them get better soon or even worsen their behavior with it.

fun fact

Bad parenting is used as a metaphor by most organizations today. For example, “Why is journalism really like Bad Parenting and how can we fix it?” (

Bad parenting Solution: How to recover from bad parenting?

It is acceptable that you have not been a good parent for whatever reason, such as stress at the office, not being on good terms with your partner, or that you have never realized that such behavior is ruining your children’s future.

But there must be a solution: the sooner the better. The good thing is you realized how badly your children are being affected and now it’s time to change yourself.

That’s why we recommend the following measures that can help you raise your child much better than you think.

1. Be Your Child’s Friend (Express Your Love)

Approaching your child may seem a bit difficult at first, as it may be perceived by him as another act of beating. But still, ask how her day was at school. What was funny in those hours? Did he enjoy lunch at school?

As she begins to tell her story, show full attention, expressing her feelings like laughing at funny things and raising eyebrows at bad things. UFO drone toy. It may seem strange but it will work like magic and after a while you will find that he will make friends with you.

2. No More Shouting, Scolding or Spanking

Although it may be difficult for you to change suddenly, try not to shout, even if the child makes a mistake. Crying out what is right causes fear even in children, and this fear continues to reverberate in their minds for years.

Therefore, avoid yelling and scolding your child. Instead, let them understand in a friendly and gentle tone that a certain thing is not right for them.

3. Support Denials with Reasons

Let’s say your child insists on ice cream while they already have a sore throat. Here, instead of saying no outright, tell him the only reason he can’t get the ice cream is because of a sore throat and he’ll get it right away when he’s cured.

You can replace the things he insists on with useful but attractive ones like the magic LED drawing board.

4. Give Your Child Space

Do not try to do everything yourself for your child. Give him a space to play on his own, using his own mind, even with losses, but with a lot of learning. Failure is not a failure if you have learned something from it.

The rule here is that a sapling does not grow under a tree. If you want your children to become better decision-makers and successful people in the future, educate them, listen if necessary, and let them study with complete freedom. This is true if your child is doing some kind of work, doing housework, or even studying.

5. Set a Good Example

Children tend to be more influenced by their parents than other people. If parents are fearful, aggressive, or less interested, so will children.

Therefore, the good things that you often ask your children to do, do it yourself first. Going to bed on time, being nice to others, etc. and avoiding things you don’t want your children to adopt.

Bad Parenting Comic

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude
Image Sources Pinterest

Bad Parenting Memes

Bad Parenting,bad parenting nude


Your children are your asset. If you raise your children well, you will find that they are successful in all areas of life. On the other hand, your bad parenting moments will not only affect their future but also see a bad relationship between you and them.

However, if you notice any of the above symptoms or observe strange behavior in your children, the solution is there. Still, you can improve your relationship with your children and call yourself a proud mom or dad before it’s too late.

Also, don’t forget to pin/bookmark and visit our blog for more interesting but original information. (Vodka And Grape Juice)

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