Standard, Toy, Or Teddy Bernedoodle – Detailed Guide on How to find, look after and Buy Healthy Bernedoodle Pup

About Dog and Bernedoodle:

The dog or domestic dog (Canis familiaris) is a domesticated descendant of the wolf, characterized by an upturning tail. The dog derived from an ancient, extinct wolf, and the modern grey wolf is the dog’s nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated, by hunter–gatherers over 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture.

Due to their long association with humans, dogs have expanded to a large number of domestic individuals and gained the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canids. Over the millennia, dogs became uniquely adapted to human behavior, and the human-canine bond has been a topic of frequent study.

The dog has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. Dog breeds vary widely in shape, size, and color. They perform many roles for humans, such as huntingherdingpulling loadsprotectionassisting police and the militarycompanionshiptherapy, and aiding disabled people. This influence on human society has given them the sobriquet of “man’s best friend.”


Bernedoodles is the ultimate bundle of joy and cuteness. A dog would love to be around you, go for a walk and enjoy watching movies together.

They’re so fun and cute that they’re small enough to keep in your pocket.

With his extremely twee face and cute demeanor, he’s more of a family pet than a star of cute, goofy, hybrid dog shows and dog competitions.

Here we have a very detailed, most exciting and extremely interesting guide aimed at every single detail about these dogs.

What Is “Bernedoodle – Bernese Mountain Poodle Mix”


The Bernedoodle is a hybrid dog between the dumb poodle and the faithful Mountain dog of the Bernese.

I mean, they have cuteness and loyalty in their bones. They shed lower than normal dog breeds, which makes them excellent pets for people with allergies. They are also called Bernese poodles.

Generation of Bernedoodle:

There are many generations of this dog and they are crossed between different types of poodles and the Bernese mountain dog.


1. Miniature Bernedoodles:


The Miniature Bernedoodle dog results when the Bernese mountain dog is combined with a toy poodle. These are two loving, good-natured and most civilized breeds.

Not only does it result in a civilized dog, but crossbreeding also helps reduce the shedding rate common in Bernese dogs.

Miniature Berne doodle dogs come in a variety of sizes, and some are 12 to 17 inches tall. They are known as Tiny Bernedoodles for this reason:

2. F1B mini doodles:

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Bernepup and cross dolls are divided into different f categories according to their size and number of crosses. As:

F1B mini doodles also known as Tiny Bernedoodles:

What Does F1b Mean?

Ans: F1b means the second-generation crossbred poodles.

  • F1 mini doodles look like 50% Poodle and 50% Bernese Mountain Dog
  • F1B mini doodles are 75% similar to toy poodles, but only 25% to Bernese mountain dogs.
  • F2 B: mini doodle is 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Bernese Mountain Dog

These are very small and are also referred to as Micromini poodles. Breeders use toy poodles to create them.

3. Teddy Bear Bernedoodle:

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The Berne doodle dog male is crossed with a Berne doodle dog female to create the hybrid Teddy Bear Bernedoodle.

These are Multigen dogs created from crosses between the same breeds.

Health tests are done on Bernepoo parents prior to crossover and creation of the Teddy Bear Bernepoo.

He is a great pet. It’s not very big either, and apartment life is great to live in.

However, appearance is the most important thing for adoption and no one can deny having little toy-like poodles at home.

As a serious parent of a pet, health, behavior, intelligence, and many other factors also come into discussion. So, let’s go through each point one by one.

First, let’s talk about the looks of these cute dogs:

Bernedoodle Appearance:

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They differ in their personality and appearance. Their coats can be of various types, including curly, wavy or solid color types.

You get Bernedoodles in mini, miniature and standard size in Bernese Doodle, which is attached to the toy, mini or standard poodle parent.

Here is the detailed discussion:

1. Bernedoodle Size / Weights:

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Their sizes and weights also vary as you find different Bernepoo dogs such as toy, miniature and standard. Males have more weight and larger size than females.

Bernepoo’s size and weight chart:

  • Standard Bernese doodle dog sizes: 23 to 29 inches and 70 to 90 pounds
  • Miniature Berne doodle sizes: 18 to 22 inches tall and 25 to 49 pounds
  • Tiny Bernedoodles: 12 to 17 inches tall and 10 to 24 pounds in weight

2. Bernedoodle colors:

The Bernepoo is one of the best breeds you can find in rare and fascinating colours.

Whether you need a teddy bear dog or a standard Bernese poodle, there are many colors to choose from; including:


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  • Sable
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  • Phantom
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  • you also get common colors like black, white and brown.

3. Bernedoodle Coats:

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You get various multiples, including:

  • Fluffy curly fleece coat
  • Straight jacket (rare in Bernepoos)
  • Curly coats are also found.

They have low hair loss tendencies.

In short, Bernepups are very charming in appearance and charming in their behavior, making it feel like you have an energetic dog by your side at all times.

However, as we have said before, appearance is not the only thing to see in an adopted pet. Here are some of their special personality traits:

Character Behavior of Bernedoodle:

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They have inherited some wonderful personality traits from their parent breeds i.e. Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle breeds.

Despite their silly and cute appearance, they are extremely intelligent, loyal and hardworking dogs when necessary. They are great family pieces; affectionate with children and other dogs.

1. Temperament:

The dog inherits its happy temperament from the Bernese mountain dog, while the poodle inherits the intelligence of its parent. They love to cuddle with children and take part in family relationships and are a dog breed that celebrates 24/7.

However, personalities can be different overall in Girl Puppies Vs Boy Puppies. As:

Male dogs are more stable in emotions and less prone to mood swings than females. However, male dogs are more aggressive than females in most breeds.

Personality Differences Between Male and Female Dogs:

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You can clearly see the personality differences between male and female dogs, but those that have not been neutered.

Males are dominant, easily distracted and create space around them. Female dogs do not do this.

However, males are also more active and playful, while females are more like lap dogs that love to cuddle with people they love.

2. Are Bernedoodles Aggressive?

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Actually not! However, the breeding environment can make a difference. Bernepoos living with families are typically less likely to develop aggressive behavior.

To make them friendly towards other dogs and people, train them to socialize with others from a very early age as this often depends on them.

3. Do Bernedoodles Like to Cuddle?

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They have a happy-go-lucky nature to have intelligent and friendly parents so YES they love to cuddle and play with their favorite people.

They crave people’s attention and love to hang out with kids even when they’re home alone.

They are friendly and have a cute appearance; Glances depending on which trait they get from which parent.

Bernedoodle Health and grooming:

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Bernedpoos are healthy dogs and need regular special grooming due to their non-shedding coat. Intelligent, handsome, cute and lovable hybrid of two breeds, these loyal dogs have inherited many positive traits from their parents.

They are generally a healthy breed and can lead a healthy life with regular health checks.

1. Bernedoodle Lifespan:

Hybrid dogs live better and longer than purebred dogs like German Shepherds.

Like all other hybrid dogs, cockapoo Shepadoodle, cavoodle, pomapoo and Pomsky etc. The Bernedoodle’s lifespan is also between 12 and 15 years.

The best part is that a mini bernepoo lasts even longer, which is 17 years, but only with good care.

Small dogs have a longer lifespan.

2.  Bernedoodle Food:

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Experts say that dogs’ growth, health, and behavior during and after training are mainly dependent on food.

Why? Because dogs love to eat and will do anything to be fed.

But the real question is what, how and how much you should offer your pup based on its health, size and breed.

Here is the answer:

The Bernedoodle needs nutrient-rich foods determined by its size. For example,

The greater a dog’s height and weight, the more food they need and vice versa.

The food you choose should be pet-specific, ready to serve in your kitchen at all times, because they cannot withstand hunger. Measure out appropriate amounts so you don’t overfeed or underfeed your pet.

3. How Often Should You Bathe a Bernedoodle:

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Keeping your dog clean is one of the most essential things you should do.

Whatever the size of your dog: small, micro, tiny or standard, they are active and love to go barefoot.

If you have a ground or garden where your dog tends to walk, dig and play, try to cover their feet with dog shoes before putting them on the ground.

But if you don’t want to bind your dog, be sure to properly clean and wash their feet at least once every 2 weeks.

With all this, take your pet to a hairdresser for grooming and give him a regular haircut. You can transform your cute berne doggo into a teddy bear, small toy, lion dog or panda at a suitable hairdresser.

4. Bernedoodle vet checks:

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However, there are some health conditions that bernepoos may be susceptible to, such as:

  • Skin problems such as allergies and hot spots due to their thick coat, especially if they live in hot climates.
  • Hip and elbow dysplasia are prone to the same diseases poodles as their parents.
  • eye problems

Regular veterinary checks are required for this. Take your dog to a veterinarian regularly and always talk to them about your pet’s proper health history.

Keep a record with you and if you are changing vet try to convince him with your dog’s previous health reports before any health advice.

Bernedoodle – The Buying:

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Now that you know all about your upcoming dog, here are some tips on buying along with the Bernedoodle Price.

1. Places to buy:

First of all, you need to check all the options where you can buy a Bernepoo for a good price.

Remember, as one of the designer breeds, this dog can be expensive but easy to find because breeders often breed dogs that are in high demand due to their small appearance.

For your information:

A designer breed offers a hybrid animal from registered purebred parents of different breeds, especially dogs, as well as cats.

Intentional discussions take place before breeding these hybrid animals, such as micromini or toy Bernedoodles.

Here are some options you can use to purchase:

  • Bernedoodle Breeders:
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If you google the results of the query mentioned above, you will see the addresses and google maps of the various breeders appearing in front of you.

There you will find some farm breeders, lab breeders, shelter homes and puppy mills appearing in the results.

We do not recommend purchasing the dog from a puppy mill as it has been proven that dogs in such places are not well treated.

Even if you find plenty of dogs there, their health will still not be at the desired level and they are likely to bring different diseases into the house.

But the choice is yours, but you have to take precautions.

  • Lab Mix:
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If you need a customized Bern poodle mix such as a custom size, fur color, eye color, and special features, labs will do the work.

Breeding laboratories are places where experts cross-breed dogs within the framework of scientific rules and thus offer you the small pet you want.

Remember, the puppy mill hybrid is a crossbreed (known parents), not a dog (parents unknown). You can check your dog’s entire gene history at the time of adoption or acquisition.

  • Shelters:
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Shelters for dogs often have many or lost pets. It’s kind of hard to find a hybrid designer type out there. However, you control the bunkers for your satisfaction.

2. Check Bernedoodle Generations:

Once you’ve found the place to buy your pet, it’s time to check their lineage. You can find Multigene and first generation Bernedoodles.

The choice is yours. Multi-gene dogs are cuter and more expensive because of their designer breeds. Like the teddy bear Bernepoo.

3. Check Bernedoodle Price:

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As we said earlier, compared to purebred dogs, sheep and designer breeds are a bit bulky in price. You can visit different breeders or labs to figure out the right price for your dog.

If you ask how much a puppy of this breed will cost, we suggest a price between $2500 and $5000 depending on market trends.

The most expensive Berne doodle will be the tricolor coated Bernepoo. However, before finalizing the price, negotiate with the seller as this tactic is likely to reduce some cost.

4. Conduct Health Checkup:

Before completing the purchase, request a complete medical history of the dogs. Also, don’t just rely on the documentation, take your pet to a vet and do a deep check.

This is because; You can find out if the dog has any health problems for any reason.

This is a necessary point because we have seen that pets bring sickness in the family. It is also necessary for their health so that if there is any problem, it can be solved with drugs.

5. Documentation:

Finally, the documents: here you will need to sign the forms, provide the necessary documents and also collect all the adoption papers.

Now that the dog is yours, bring it home and welcome it into the family in a classic way.

Congratulations, you’ve brought home a constant source of entertainment.


The blog has discussed everything about the Bernedoodle dog, which is a cross between a Bernese mountain dog and a poodle.

It gave an idea about the types of Bern poodle dogs, the standard and the smallest.

He also discussed any health concerns and grooming ideas, as well as a detailed guide on where to buy this dog.

Bottom line:

We have a team of experts in dogs and cats.

Although dog and cat lovers can never agree on a point, we sit here together and write expert pet guides based on our soul personal experience.

So if you have any questions you can write to us and let us know and don’t forget to check out our pet blogs that are worth reading.

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