Can Cats Eat Watermelon Despite Being Carnivores – The Answer to Your Every Query About This Cat Food

About Cat and Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

The cat (Felis catus) is a domesticated species of small carnivorous mammals. It is the only domesticated species in the Felidae family and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can be either a house cat, a farm cat or a wild cat; the latter freely change and avoid human contact. Domestic cats are valued by humans for their companionship and ability to kill rodents. About 60 cat breeds are recognized by various cat registries.

The cat is anatomically similar to other cat species: it has a strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws adapted to killing small prey. Night vision and sense of smell are well developed. Cat communication includes vocalizations such as meowing, purring, trembling, hissing, growling, and grunting, as well as cat-specific body language. The most active predator (dusk) at dawn and dusk, the cat is a solitary hunter, but a social species. It can hear sounds with frequencies that are too weak or too high for the human ear, such as those made by mice and other small mammals. It secretes and senses pheromones.

Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late fall, with litter sizes typically ranging from two to five kittens. Domestic cats are bred and shown at events as registered pedigree cats, a hobby known as cat fantasy. Population control of cats can be affected by spaying and neutering, but their reproduction and pet abandonment have resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide and have contributed to the extinction of all bird, mammal and reptile species.

Cats were first domesticated in the Near East around 7500 BC. It was long thought that the domestication of cats began in ancient Egypt, where cats were revered around 3100 BC. By 2021, it is estimated that there are 220 million owners and 480 million stray cats in the world. As of 2017, the domestic cat was the second most popular pet in the United States, with 95 million cats owned. In the UK, 26% of adults own cats, with an estimated population of 10.9 million domestic cats as of 2020. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

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Etymology and naming

The origin of the English word cat, Old English catt, is thought to be the Late Latin word cattus, first used at the beginning of the 6th century. It has been suggested that the word ‘cattus’ derives from the Coptic ϣⲁⲩ šau, an Egyptian predecessor of the word “tomcat”, or its feminine form suffixed with -t. The late Latin word may have been derived from another Afro-Asian or Nilo-Saharan language. The Nubian word kaddîska “wild cat” and Nobiin kadīs are possible sources or relatives. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

The word Nubian may be a word taken from the Arabic قَطّ‎ qaṭṭ ~ قِطّ qiṭṭ. “It is equally likely that the forms derive from an ancient Germanic word imported into Latin and from there into Greek, Syriac, and Arabic”. The word may be derived from the Germanic and Northern European languages ​​and eventually borrowed from the Uralic language, cf. Northern Sami gáđfi, “female kadi” and Hungarian hölgy, “ma’am, woman kadi”; From Proto-Uralic *käďwä, “female (of a furry animal)”. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

The British cat, extended as cat and cat cat, was attested from the 16th century and may have been introduced from Dutch poets or from the Low German puuskatte related to the Swedish kattepus or Norwegian pus, pusekatt. Similar forms exist in Lithuanian puižė and Irish puisín or puiscín. The etymology of this word is unknown, but it may have originated from a sound used to attract a cat. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

A male cat is called a tom or tomcat (or a gib if neutered). An unsterilized female is called a queen, especially in the context of cat breeding. A kitten is called a kitten. In Early Modern English, the word kitten can be replaced by the obsolete word catling. A group of cats can be called clowns or dazzlers. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)


The domestic cat is a member of the family Felidae, which has a common ancestor about 10-15 million years ago. The genus Felis split from other Felidae about 6-7 million years ago. The results of phylogenetic studies confirm that the wild Felis species evolved through sympathetic or parapatric speciation, while the domestic cat evolved through artificial selection. The domesticated cat and its closest wild ancestor are diploid and both have 38 chromosomes and roughly 20,000 genes. The leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) was domesticated independently in China around 5500 BC. This line of partially domesticated cats leaves no trace in today’s domestic cat populations. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)


Cats have seven cervical vertebrae (like most mammals); 13 thoracic vertebrae (humans have 12); seven lumbar vertebrae (humans have five); three sacral vertebrae (as in most mammals, but humans have five); and a variable number of caudal vertebrae in the tail (humans only have vestigial caudal vertebrae fused to the inner coccyx). The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae are responsible for the cat’s spinal mobility and flexibility. Attached to the spine are 13 ribs, shoulders and pelvis. Unlike human arms, feline forelimbs are attached to the shoulder by free-floating bones of the clavicle, which allow their bodies to pass through any gaps where their heads can fit. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

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Cats have extendable and retractable claws. In their normal, relaxed position, the paws are covered with leather and fur and wrap around the paw’s toes. This prevents wear from contact with the ground, keeping claws sharp and allowing prey to follow quietly. The claws on the front feet are typically sharper than those on the hind feet. Cats may voluntarily extend their claws to one or more claws. They can extend their claws for extra traction for hunting or defense, climbing, kneading, or on soft surfaces. Cats shed the outer layer of their paw covers when scratching rough surfaces. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Most cats have five front paws and four hind paws. The dew claw is close to the other claws. More closely, it is a protrusion that looks like a sixth “finger”. This feature of the front paws, located on the inside of the wrists, has no function in normal walking, but is thought to be an anti-slip device used while jumping. Some cat breeds tend to have extra toes (“polydactyly”). Polydactyly cats are found on the northeastern coast of North America and in Great Britain. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon

While our feline friends live with us, they try to lick every food we eat for us without realizing their carnivorous behavior.

Although cats are carnivores, they enjoy fruits such as cherries, strawberries, apples, carrots and many green vegetables such as lettuce.

Like fruits like cherries, strawberries, apples, carrots and many green vegetables like lettuce.

Watermelon is another fruit that furry animals like to wear their tongues with.

But the question that constantly tingles us as owners of loving fluffy coats is can cats have watermelons? (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Here is a complete guide:

Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Yes, cats can eat watermelon.

However, some fruits like melons and juices, watermelon are good for cats, but the seeds, skin, peel or seeds inside are harmful.

All of them are rich in vitamins like A and C. Since cats also get these vitamins from meat and tuna meals, they do not necessarily consume vegetables in their diet.

However, watermelons are safe for cats, but some precautions are necessary in moderation and otherwise there is a choking hazard. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Things That Make Watermelon Treats Healthy for Cats:

1. Watermelons Keep Cats Hydrated:

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As summer approaches, your cats will need a lot of water to stay hydrated. 90 percent of watermelons are made with healthy water.

Small watermelon treats can be turned on or off to keep cats hydrated and full. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

2. Watermelons Improves Cat’s Bowel Movement:

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon

Melon family fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to improve and stimulate the cat’s digestive system.

To prevent cat litter from building up on carpets and under sofas all over your home, make sure your digestive system is working well, and small treats of watermelon can do just that. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

3. Water Melon Treats Keep Cats Healthy and Groomed:

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that offers your cat all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

When your cat is healthy, she will groom well, shed less and stop being clingy.

Some precautions need to be taken. As:

How Can Cats Have Watermelons – Precautions:

Do not give your cat a whole watermelon, including the seeds and skins, to lick; May be toxic to cats.

If you find your cat licking its tongue on the watermelon, take the following precautions:

1. Remove Seeds

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Image Sources flickr

Remove all seeds from the fruit before serving it to your cats because the seeds may contain toxins that can harm their bodies and health.

Can you eat watermelon seeds? As humans you can, but as cats they are hard to digest. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Q: Can cats eat seedless watermelons?

Ans: Yes, seedless watermelons are good food for cat during summers, however keeping a check at quantity is a must.

The science behind not feeding your cat watermelon seeds is a compound called cyanide, which can become toxic to cats and other animals.

It is the same as cherry seeds with cyanide, it is harmful for cats to eat. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Watermelon Seeds Cause Diarrhea In Cats:

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Image Sources pinterest

Cyanide is a compound that can cause severe vomiting in pets if chewed or swallowed.

This vomiting can lead to diarrhea and cause a lack of water in the pet’s body.

Cats have sensitive stomachs, especially when they’re young, so you need to be even more careful if you owe a kitten. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

2. Remove the Rind:

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Image Sources pinterest

You also need to remove the peel of the fruit again, as it is difficult for cats to digest.

The ring is the outer shell, or we can say the hardest shell of the watermelon.

If you want to feed your pets such as cats and dogs with watermelon, make sure that the watermelon is seedless and the skin is completely removed from the edges.

With all this, you should keep up with the amount of watermelon and get your cat medically examined before feeding sweet-rich fruit. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Watermelon Is Harmful For Cats With Diabetes:

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon

Watermelons are very sweet and although they contain natural sugar, they can create a diabetic imbalance in your pet’s body.

Now, there are two scenarios to keep in mind when feeding your pets watermelon.

  1. Cat has diabetes
  2. Cat does not have diabetes

If your cat is in the first category, you are unlikely to feed your cat watermelon.

A high sugar level can cause high sugar in your cat’s blood.

In the latter category, it’s fine to give them a decent amount of fruit from this melon family, but more than that can bring them diabetes symptoms.

Do you know

If you see your cat choking, it’s likely that she has swallowed the cyanide from pits or seeds. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

How Much Watermelon Quantity Is Enough for Cats?

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon

According to professionals, the amount of watermelon depends on your cat and its dietary habits.

You will need to calculate the amount of watermelon you will feed your cat with the following formula:

Total cat diet ÷ 10 x 100 = amount of watermelon for cats

This means that 10 percent of the total diet is the amount of watermelon you can eat.

Try to use appropriate measuring scoops to maintain quantity control.

Now, what to do with the rest of the 90 percent diet?

For this, try to use suitable cat food that is full of all essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and give it to your cat to eat. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

How Often Cats Can Eat Watermelons?

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon
Image Source Pinterest

Watermelons, along with other melon family achenes, are summer fruits.

However, offering it to your cat too often can pose health hazards.

Therefore, feed watermelon occasionally for your cats and offer it less frequently. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

How To Keep Your Cats From Taking Uninvited Treats?

Your cat will literally show interest in anything you eat, whether it’s to carnivore tastes or not. Then:

1. Do Not Eat Watermelons When Cats Are Around:

You should avoid eating watermelon in front of your furry cat to prevent it from eating watermelon.

This is because it can cause cravings and your cat may behave strangely and be stubborn to bite.

Make sure your cat isn’t around when you treat yourself to sweet watermelon treats. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

2. Keep Your Cats Hydrated:

However, be sure to give your cat plenty of water to drink in the winter as well as in the summer.

Cats are not as active as different breeds of large or small dogs.

However, even if they are not active and stay in an air-conditioned room inside the house, they often feel thirsty. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

3. Keep water always beside you:

For this, always have water with you.

You can use portable pet bottles to keep water with you and have your cat drink water without moving from your seat.

We know as your cat’s pet, you don’t like to move around a lot either. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)


Because it is carnivorous, your cats cannot live alone on plants and herbs.

They also need to eat their natural food and meat.

Therefore, try to feed your cat their food, they were created to eat naturally.

However, make sure that the meat and food you use is appropriate and best for your cats to eat.

Second, don’t feed your cat the same food once in a while, or even give him something different every day.

Make a diet plan for your cat. Before giving an edible food to your cat, be sure to check the contents. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Why Do Cats Eat Watermelon?

Cats Eat Watermelon,Can Cats Eat Watermelon
Image Sources pinterest

Before answering this question, let’s say that your concern is quite true.

In fact, while cats and dogs live with humans, they adopt many of our habits, such as watching TV, eating junk food, drinking with us.

Ah! I’m talking about healthy milk drinks. Therefore, if your cat’s teeth are always in the melon family fruit, this is not strange behavior, your cat is doing just fine.

But is watermelon safe for cats, that is the question that needs to be answered. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

For convenience, confuse and solve your queries

“YES!!! Cats can eat watermelons, and not just them, all types of watermelon like melon and honeydew are safe for cats to lick and eat.”

But as always, some precautions need to be taken.

This guide will cover in more detail Cat eating behavior and safety precautions to take when feeding a cat anything. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Content Round Up + FAQs:

Before we finish this content, let’s do a summary of the content in the form of FAQs:

Q1 – Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Yes, they can in moderate amounts, as it only makes up 10 percent of their total diet.

Q2 – Can Watermelon Kill Cats?

Well, too much can cause diabetes, while seed-enriched watermelons can cause diarrhea. As long as both conditions persist, watermelons can kill cats, but a little treat won’t. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Q3 why a moderate quantity of watermelon is safe for cats?

The large amount of healthy water in the fruit makes it cat-safe as it helps cats stay hydrated. (Can Cats Eat Watermelon)

Q4 – Can Kittens Eat Watermelon?

A small amount of watermelon is safe for kittens as long as the seeds have been removed.

A tip: As a kitten, your cat is still learning and developing eating habits.

Make sure you develop healthy eating habits in your cats here.

Q5 – What Are the Watermelon Seeds Toxicity Symptoms in Cats?

  1. The cat may start chocking.
  2. Vomiting
  3. Stomach Upset


In conclusion, we can say that cats can eat watermelon, but not too often and not too much.

Have you ever given this fruit to your cat? Let us know in the comment section below.

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