17+ Worthy Leftover Spaghetti Recipes You Should Try 2022

About Spaghetti and Leftover Spaghetti Recipes:

Spaghetti (Italian: [spaˈɡetti]) is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta. It is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine. Like other pasta, spaghetti is made of milled wheat and water and sometimes enriched with vitamins and minerals. Italian spaghetti is typically made from durum wheat semolina. Usually the pasta is white because refined flour is used, but whole wheat flour may be added. Spaghettoni is a thicker form of spaghetti, while capellini is a very thin spaghetti.

Originally, spaghetti was notably long, but shorter lengths gained in popularity during the latter half of the 20th century and now it is most commonly available in 25–30 cm (10–12 in) lengths. A variety of pasta dishes are based on it and it is frequently served with tomato sauce or meat or vegetables. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)


Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto, which is a diminutive of spago, meaning “thin string” or “twine”. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)


The first written record of pasta comes from the Talmud in the 5th century AD and refers to dried pasta that could be cooked through boiling,[3] which was conveniently portable.[4] Some historians think that Berbers introduced pasta to Europe during a conquest of Sicily. In the West, it may have first been worked into long, thin forms in Sicily around the 12th century, as the Tabula Rogeriana of Muhammad al-Idrisi attested, reporting some traditions about the Sicilian kingdom.[5]

The popularity of spaghetti spread throughout Italy after the establishment of spaghetti factories in the 19th century, enabling the mass production of spaghetti for the Italian market.

In the United States around the end of the 19th century, spaghetti was offered in restaurants as Spaghetti Italienne (which likely consisted of noodles cooked past al dente, and a mild tomato sauce flavored with easily found spices and vegetables such as clovesbay leaves, and garlic) and it was not until decades later that it came to be commonly prepared with oregano or basil. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)


Spaghetti is made from ground grain (flour) and water. Whole-wheat and multigrain spaghetti are also available. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Fresh spaghetti

At its simplest, imitation spaghetti can be formed using no more than a rolling pin and a knife. A home pasta machine simplifies the rolling and makes the cutting more uniform. But of course cutting sheets produces pasta with a rectangular rather than a cylindrical cross-section and the result is a variant of fettucine. Some pasta machines have a spaghetti attachment with circular holes that extrude spaghetti or shaped rollers that form cylindrical noodles.

Spaghetti can be made by hand by manually rolling a ball of dough on a surface to make a long sausage shape. The ends of the sausage are pulled apart to make a long thin sausage. The ends are brought together and the loop pulled to make two long sausages. The process is repeated until the pasta is sufficiently thin. The pasta knobs at each end are cut off leaving many strands which may be hung up to dry.

Fresh spaghetti would normally be cooked within hours of being formed. Commercial versions of fresh spaghetti are manufactured. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Dried spaghetti

The bulk of dried spaghetti is produced in factories using auger extruders. While essentially simple, the process requires attention to detail to ensure that the mixing and kneading of the ingredients produces a homogeneous mix, without air bubbles. The forming dies have to be water cooled to prevent spoiling of the pasta by overheating. Drying of the newly formed spaghetti has to be carefully controlled to prevent strands sticking together, and to leave it with sufficient moisture so that it is not too brittle. Packaging for protection and display has developed from paper wrapping to plastic bags and boxes. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)


Fresh or dry spaghetti is cooked in a large pot of salted, boiling water and then drained in a colander (Italianscolapasta).

In Italy, spaghetti is generally cooked al dente (Italian for “to the tooth”), fully cooked but still firm to the bite. It may also be cooked to a softer consistency.

Spaghettoni is a thicker spaghetti which takes more time to cook. Spaghettini is a thinner form which takes less time to cook. Capellini is a very thin form of spaghetti (it is also called “angel hair spaghetti” or “angel hair pasta”) which cooks very quickly.

Utensils used in spaghetti preparation include the spaghetti scoop and spaghetti tongs. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Italian cuisine

An emblem of Italian cuisine, spaghetti is frequently served with tomato sauce, which may contain various herbs (especially oregano and basil), olive oilmeat, or vegetables. Other spaghetti preparations include amatriciana or carbonara. Grated hard cheeses, such as Pecorino RomanoParmesan and Grana Padano, are often sprinkled on top. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

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Fresh spaghetti being prepared using a pasta machine

Sometimes, large amounts of uneaten spaghetti can cause a wastage problem if you can no longer find spaghetti recipes. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Adding leftovers to quality meals will allow you and your family members to enjoy a delicious second or third course of prepared pasta.

Spaghetti is quite versatile for use in simple baked or stir-fried recipes. You will not have to spend a lot of time and effort to prepare these meals, which are suitable for serving as a breakfast or light meal during the day and even late on weekdays.

For these reasons, in this article, I will now recommend you 18 delicious dishes cooked with spaghetti. Try them at least once because you will never go wrong with them! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Leftover Spaghetti Recipes,Leftover Spaghetti,Spaghetti Recipes

List Of 18 Appetizing Day-Old Spaghetti Recipes

Let’s warm up the leftover spaghetti by adding the following addictive foods:

1. Spaghetti Salad

2. Chocolate Spaghetti

3. Spaghetti Donuts

4. Spaghetti Muffin Bites

5. Leftover Spaghetti Bake

6. Meatball Topped Cheesy Baked Spaghetti

7. Baked Spaghetti Pie

8. Tomato Basil And Romano Ricotta Spaghetti Pies

9. Spaghetti Pizza

10. Spaghetti Frittata

11. Spaghetti Fritters

12. Cheesy Leftover Spaghetti Boats

13. Braided Spaghetti Bread

14. Spaghetti Quesadilla

15. Spaghetti Balls

16. Spicy Asian Noodle Bowl

17. Easy Chimichurri Noodle Bowls

18. Spaghetti Lo Mein

Top 18 Mouth-Watering Recipes From Remaining Spaghetti

Do not keep your pasta in the refrigerator for a long time. Instead, you should remove it to make one or two of the following dishes. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Leftover Spaghetti Recipes,Leftover Spaghetti,Spaghetti Recipes

1. Spaghetti Salad

It is a great idea to combine them in the same recipe instead of preparing a salad with spaghetti.

Each bite of the spaghetti salad will be filled with crispy fresh vegetables and soft spaghetti tossed with a tangy and flavorful dressing. This is definitely a match in heaven! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

Leftover Spaghetti Recipes,Leftover Spaghetti,Spaghetti Recipes

If your kids hate to eat vegetables, make a spaghetti salad for them. The appealing look and taste of this recipe will change their minds! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

2. Chocolate Spaghetti

Hello chocolate lovers! This spaghetti recipe is for you. If you’re hungry and want some chocolate flavor, simply take the leftover spaghetti out of the fridge to make a deliciously delicious meal!

Chocolate spaghetti comes in a dark brown color, like a type of traditional Korean noodle called Jajangmyeon. Thus, everyone will be easily impressed with its beautiful color at first glance.

Along with chocolate, cheese, cream and butter are also used in the dish to create additional cheesy and buttery flavors. Such a good recipe! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

3. Spaghetti Donuts

Crispy on the outside, spaghetti buns will help you “wow” everyone in your family. This would also make a fun treat for your kids who are big fans of cupcakes.

All you have to do is mix the spaghetti with eggs, mozzarella cheese, grated parmesan, cream and spices.

Next, you shape the spaghetti mixture into donut fins before cooking. It is easy but very attractive in appearance and taste! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

4. Spaghetti Muffin Bites

Looking at bird nests gives us an interesting idea of cooking leftover spaghetti. The bite-sized spaghetti bun will be a hit with your entire family, especially kids who love to keep little things.

The recipe calls for simple ingredients like pasta sauce, eggs, grated cheese and of course spaghetti.

Moreover, it only takes 15 minutes to prepare and bake the bun. So what could be more appropriate for a light breakfast than making some spaghetti cakes? (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

5. Leftover Spaghetti Bake

This is a simple yet powerful way to turn leftover spaghetti into a light meal. All you have to do is mix the pasta with the delicious sauce, meatballs and cooked vegetables such as onions, bell peppers, carrots and mix well. It’s up to you!

After that, add some spices, butter and cheese to the pasta mixture before cooking. Hot oven pasta with cheese and delicious will be what you crave most in this recipe. Bon Appetit! (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

6. Meatball Topped Cheesy Baked Spaghetti

If you have leftovers from your spaghetti, meatballs, and tomato sauce, you can use them in a cheesy bake recipe.

Spaghetti stuffed with tons of melted cheese and half cut meatballs will be a hit with your family members.

It’s also a great meal when you add side dishes like salad or sautéed vegetables to the side of the baked spaghetti. (Leftover Spaghetti Recipes)

7. Baked Spaghetti Pie

Using leftover pasta to make a delicious cake is a very creative recipe. You can make a cake to serve as a family lunch or dinner, where everyone will get an equal slice of spaghetti cake, like a cake eatery. This will be so much fun!

In this cooking recipe, you can use different leftovers such as ground beef, sausage or chicken that you have in your fridge.

Adding some of your favorite diced vegetables to the pie will help balance its delicious taste. The cheesy, meaty, delicious bites of cooked spaghetti will definitely blow your mind!

8. Tomato Basil And Romano Ricotta Spaghetti Pies

Have you ever thought of making a cream cake with spaghetti? It sounds weird, but it actually works really well. Curious about the secret recipe?

This is a great combination of spaghetti and ricotta cheese. To be more specific, the spaghetti layers will be filled with a ricotta cheese mixture and topped with a savory tomato meat sauce and additional cheese.

The cooking process helps to heat all the ingredients and melt the cheese. Eating the hot spaghetti pie right after you take it off the stove will be better than anything!

9. Spaghetti Pizza

Eating a pizza made from spaghetti anymore? Why not? Let’s see what magic can turn the leftovers into appetizing pizza! Although it is an imitation of the classic pizza, the result will satisfy you.

Spaghetti pizza is a great idea for the weekends when you want to eat something tasty and cheesy but don’t have time to make pizza.

If you have more time, you can prepare a refreshing salad to serve with the meal. Just try the recipe and you will never go wrong!

10. Spaghetti Frittata

Spaghetti frittata will be a big hit with your family members, especially kids who will be easily impressed by the colorful appearance of the dish.

In this recipe, baked pasta is layered with yummy eggs and cheese, which will definitely bring you the flavor and texture of your favorite pasta.

Plus, the combination of spaghetti, savory pasta sauce, sautéed vegetables and cherry tomatoes will create a great neutralizing flavor you shouldn’t miss!

11. Spaghetti Fritters

How about a fried pasta recipe? I think this will bring you a new favourite! It works well on different types of pasta and of course, including spaghetti.

To do this, flattened pieces of spaghetti mix are fried in a pan until dark brown, crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.

A light bite of delicious pastries sprinkled with cheese and garnished with aromatic herbs will shake your world!

12. Cheesy Leftover Spaghetti Boats

It’s time to take your classic garlic bread to a new level with cheese and spaghetti. It’s very interesting for everyone to hold a boat-shaped loaf of bread stuffed with cheesy spaghetti and take a big bite.

The flavor mix of cheese, butter, garlic and herbs (optional) will satisfy your taste buds better than you think! A very simple, quick and delicious light meal!

13. Braided Spaghetti Bread

You have bread with grilled cheese or barbecue steak, but have you ever tried spaghetti bread? I’d say it’s just as delicious as your favorite grilled meat sandwiches.

Spaghetti bread is perfect for breakfast when you want to eat a delicious bread.

In the recipe, spaghetti, cubed cheese and meat pasta sauce are dipped in bread dough and cooked until golden brown. What could be bigger than a crunchy crust topped with cheesy and salty spaghetti?

14. Spaghetti Quesadilla

Spaghetti folded with meat sauce and cheese is used as a special filling between two pieces of tortilla.

This is a super tasty and quick meal for the weekends when you don’t have much time to make complex meals. The cheesy and moist spaghetti will mix well with a slightly crunchy tortilla in every bite.

Enjoying a spaghetti quesadilla with some crunchy salad will be a match in heaven.

15. Spaghetti Balls

Spaghetti ball is a fun and creative version of your traditional meatloaf. This is an attractive and addictive dish that you should not miss!

Balls made of cheese, eggs, breadcrumbs and spaghetti are deep-fried and then dipped in savory gravy.

The result will be crispy, soft, cheesy and fluffy spaghetti balls in the full flavor of herbal and rich tomato sauce. What a great recipe!

16. Spicy Asian Noodle Bowl

Want to enjoy something spicy with your daily spaghetti? If your answer is yes, you should not look beyond this recipe. Tender spaghetti will be pan-fried in a mixture of sweet, salty and spicy soy sauce.

Such a delicious recipe! Adding a little paprika will make your noodle bowl more appealing in taste and appearance, but please be aware that too much spiciness can leave you with an unpleasant dining experience!

17. Easy Chimichurri Noodle Bowls

Chimichurri noodle is a conveniently packaged dish that can be brought at picnics or school days. It requires a few simple ingredients like cooked shrimp, spaghetti, zucchini, feta cheese, herbs, and seasonings.

A mixture of tender spaghetti and zucchini noodles folded in citrus and flavorful chimichurri sauce. This gives the dish a refreshing and bright taste.

18. Spaghetti Lo Mein

Tired of cheese spaghetti? If your answer is yes, I have a whole new flavor of spaghetti for you. This is the perfect combination of spaghetti and soy sauce mix in a stir-fry pot.

The flavor mix of sautéed vegetables and garlic sour-sweet soy sauce will evenly coat your spaghetti, making it a treasured meal. Make it for your family members to enjoy and they will say “wow” with it!

Just Minimize The Leftovers!

Although we have different cooking solutions to deal with the leftover spaghetti, I definitely do not recommend leaving too many leftovers after meals.

This is mainly due to the lower quality of old dishes in terms of flavor and health effects when compared to freshly cooked spaghetti.

Therefore, you should carefully measure the amount of spaghetti your family can consume in one meal to prepare enough to be consumed.

This will help you keep leftovers to a minimum and prevent food waste should the pasta spoil during storage.

However, it’s not a big deal if you have some leftovers; You can turn them into delicious meals as soon as possible.

Finally, if you have any other ideas for cooking spaghetti for the day, please feel free to share them with me in the comment section. You can also like or share this article with everyone! Thanks for reading, see you in my next post!

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“A perfect meal with some tasty spaghetti”

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