I’m Sick Of “Ugly” I’m Not Talking About Physical Looks I’m Talking About…

Ugly hearts and ugly souls are not seen, they are felt.

Have you ever experienced some uncomfortable feelings in the presence of certain people?

This is the ugliness of the soul and the heart that sometimes arises from people’s actions and makes us feel rude and uncomfortable.

Do you often hear that the talk of malicious people is very sweet?

But his actions say otherwise.

However, you should never put such people and their actions in your head or heart. It does nothing but make you feel uncomfortable.

It is sometimes impossible to stay away from such people, as they can be seen everywhere in different avatars, such as friends (fake), colleagues (snake), passers-by (negatively looking at you).

Therefore, you need to learn how to deal with the presence of such people.

5 Ways To Counter Negative Energies of People

Here are some ways:

1. Start Your Day with Positive Energy – Look Good:

Every time you wake up, thank God for giving you another blessed day.

If you feel bad at work because of some of your colleagues and their negative intentions, don’t worry.

Always remember, “he who digs a hole for others often falls into himself.”

Confidence always, ugly souls and ugly hearts bother others for a limited time, but feel rude forever.

So smile confidently every time you wake up and get ready for the day.


Love yourself enough and leave the rest to fate.

2. Eat Healthily – Stay Healthy:

Another thing that will help you stay positive in your mind and heart is your diet.

You have to accept that not only people but also places, objects and objects have vibrations.

For example, we often feel nostalgic when looking at the drowning sun.

So yes! You will need to find things that bring positive vibes.

The food you eat will help you achieve health – and if that’s not positive energy, what is health?

However, if you have a hard time eating fresh fruit and are in love with hamburgers and drinks that spoil your health 😜 just like most of us, don’t worry.

Here’s how to lure your brain toward healthy ears.

Try to eat delicious fruit slices enriched with water as a snack.


By doing this, you will find that your mood improves and you become less bothered about negative things. (Ugly)

3. Never Hate Everyone Because Of The Actions of Some:

In addition to keeping your morale high and not thinking about people with ugly behavior, you should not lose your positive energy for others.

Remember, not all people are the same.

So if there is someone at work who annoys you with their behavior, there will always be people who try to make you feel good.

If you find hard-headed womanizers at the bus station, you’ll also see gentlemen offering seats to the elderly and pregnant women.

Therefore, do not hate people in your heart, only hate their bad deeds. (Ugly)

4. Mediate in Free Time – Inhale the Comforts, Exhale the Pain:

On weekends or in your free time, try to make the most of your time by doing yoga, meditation, Zumba, salsa, or any movement that will help your brain sink in an air of positivity.

Don’t you know how to do yoga? Do not worry!

Just open a YouTube video, remove it from your map and repeat all the actions. (Ugly)


Yoga offers great help for people suffering from depression, tension and negative energies. (Ugly)

5. Stay Positive – Remove all the negative thoughts before you sleep:

With all this, sleep with good thoughts in your mind instead of remembering negative events that happened all day long. It will even disturb you during sleep.

The disturbed sleep then results in a sore neck, sore back and bad mood.

You can use a soft mattress and a comfortable pillow for this. (Ugly)


Dear Soft-Hearted People:

Finally, we would like to say that your beautiful heart is not your weakness, but your strength.

Never lose the good in you because some people are not treating you well.

Your beautiful heart will bring you closer to Allah.

Do you agree?

Please share your thoughts with us.

Also, don’t forget to pin/bookmark and visit our blog for more interesting but original information. (Vodka And Grape Juice)

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