Red Nose Pitbull As Your Next Pet – Why or Why Not

Looking for a Pitbull that could be your next pet?

The Red Nose Pitbull may be the breed for you.

It is mild-mannered, strong, extremely loyal and low-maintenance.

But no breed is perfect.

We will discuss the point-by-point details of why you should or should not keep him as your pet.

Disclaimer: The pros will definitely outweigh the cons.

So let’s “bark” the article together. (Red Nose Pitbull)

1. Their charming color and appearance will earn you a lot of likes on photos (00:40)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

To be honest, beauty and color are among the first things a normal person sees in a cat when buying.

And that’s what your guests will see, too.

The good thing is, you’re in luck with this dog.

Most have copper, cream, brown and rust-white patterns on the shoulders and chest.

This combines splendidly with the red nose that earned them their name. Apart from that, they have brown, amber, gray, yellow or black eyes, muscular, small ears and a whip-like tail.

Many will also have a white or brown lightning bolt extending from their nose to the top of their head.

Red Nose Pitbull puppies are extremely cute, but as they reach maturity, they take on a fierce attitude. That being said, they are very cute.

After all, you can’t change the shape of their mouths and eyes (which gives them the reputation of looking serious); nature must be respected.

We can’t stress enough that their adorable coats make them one of the most photogenic dog breeds in the world. It looks very elegant under the camera.

So, with this dog, you are bound to get hundreds of likes on your photos and Instagram posts. (Red Nose Pitbull)

2. They are large dogs and not meant for apartments (2:10)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources PinterestFlickr

If you want an apartment dog, you may want to look for another dog. These dogs need ample space to run, rest and interact.

A fully grown Red Nose Pitbull will be anywhere between 17-20 inches (43-51 cm) when females are younger than males. Normal weight ranges are 30-65 pounds.

As they are medium to large sized dogs, they will not fit in a small apartment at all. They need plenty of daily exercise, so where will you take them for a walk?

Yes, they need a big house with grass next to it. Even if you don’t have a lawn in your house, you can always take him for a daily walk and practice “catching the ball” in the garage.

Also, because they are muscular they have more power with them so a small house dog will soon feel cramped for you. (Red Nose Pitbull)

The world’s largest pitbull is “Hulk” who weighs 174 lbs

3. They carry a reputation for being aggressive (2:55)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

Because they are highly trainable; this is why bad people or their owners train them to be fighting dogs rather than sweet pets.

Also, their ancestors were used for bloody wars in the 19th and 20th centuries, so any connection with aggression cannot be completely ruled out.

There is a legend about these dogs that they can lock their jaws when they bite. This is hardly true as they have incredible jaws with great grip and strength.

Unfortunately, people have used this quality to bad effect, resulting in this breed being banned in countries like the UK and parts of Australia.

Here is the deal.

Breed-specific legislation does not allow some dangerous dog breeds to be kept by their owners; These include red-nosed Pitbulls, along with Tan and Black German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pinschers in some areas.

But the American Veterinary Animal Behavior Association (AVSAB), along with many other platforms, has publicly declared that breeds have nothing to do with dog bites.

It is education that makes them dangerous. As such, it’s safe to say that this breed is perfectly safe and the training it receives is highly dependent on the breed.

In fact, countries like Italy and the Netherlands have reversed their Race-specific legislation. (Red Nose Pitbull)

4. They are extremely intelligent and can be taught many tricks (04:05)

You and your children will have a lot of fun with this dog because it can respond to commands instantly. He learns quickly and masters commands quickly.

Be sure to start with basic commands like sit and stay, and then move on to jump, speak, and catch commands.

The important thing in teaching is to be dominant. You have to be the alpha in the relationship and make sure the dog understands commands by talking rather than shouting.

Make eye contact as they teach the commands and indulge in their favorite treats when you have to.

Here is the video that will show you what we are talking about. See how smart he is. (Red Nose Pitbull)

5. Kids would love them to take them outdoors and play Frisbee With Them (06:25)

It’s a great feeling if you’re looking for a friend in a dog and he can enjoy sports with you just like humans do.

Red Nose Pitbulls are of this type. (Red Nose Pitbull)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

No less than Michael Jordan, they can swim, unlike the French Bulldogs, who have heavy chests and catch balls and Frisbees.

One of their other adept traits is that they follow you perfectly as you walk. That’s why it’s a good idea to take them with you when you go out for grocery shopping.

Not only will it be enough for daily exercise, but they can also have the opportunity to interact with the people outside. (Red Nose Pitbull)

6. They love to be around you at all times (07:10)

Professional for some, scammer for others!

These dogs love to be around people. They are more than happy to spend all their days hugging you, bouncing around and running around to pick up the objects you threw for them.

They definitely communicate with family members, especially children, even if they are not very social with other pets.

Kids should be taught, however, about how to interact and play with them.

One of their most outstanding traits is that they are always ready to receive compliments from their owners. They can respond obediently to commands and cleverly unravel the mysteries you have for them. (Red Nose Pitbull)

7. Early socialization is imperative for them (07:52)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

It is true that these dogs have long run from the blood of fighting and aggression, but socialization from a young age is still very important.

Get them to interact early with the neighborhood dogs as well as with the people around you.

After eight weeks, teach them to be obedient and generous. When your guests arrive, ask them to play and treat pitbulls so they can learn to interact positively with everyone.

Keeping him attached to your own self will certainly make him loyal to you, but he will be aggressive around other people and animals. (Red Nose Pitbull)

8. One hour of daily exercise is required for them (09:03)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

Similar to the affectionate Golden Mountain Dog, this is a high energy dog breed and requires two walks a day (one is absolutely necessary).

Besides, they need regular movement and that’s why small apartments are not for them. You can leave them in the park with something to chew on, but watch out for them so they don’t chew on something else.

If you don’t give them enough exercise, they will develop behavior problems such as mischief and aggression.

And we talked about how their jaws are before! They can then easily gnaw at your sofas, carpets or rugs.

Some people even train their Pitbulls to run over treadmills to make up for their daily exercise, and the dogs happily respond. here is an example. (Red Nose Pitbull)

Red Nose Pitbulls would love to go for a walk with you and spend a day at the beach. Here are some other things:

  • Swing with a tire
  • Create a jumping sequence on the grass as they are great jumpers
  • Tug with them as they unleash their energies. But get them to learn commands like “release” or “hold” so they will let go whenever you tell them. (Red Nose Pitbull)

9. They are prone to retinal degradation (11:21)

Although there is no specific Red Nose Pitbull disease, Pitbulls are likely to have problems with their eyes in general. Retinal deterioration is damage that can cause the retina to become confused when approaching walls or obstacles.

If you experience such symptoms, take him to the vet and have him diagnosed.

Apart from this, they are the most common skin allergies. Pollen allergies can cause skin irritation and rashes.

If you’re not a fan of dog remedies and antiseptic solutions, you can treat them with extra-virgin coconut oil.

Rub the affected area 2-3 times a day. Another method is the fish oil capsule. Open the capsule and mix the oil inside into the dog food. (Red Nose Pitbull)

10. Servings 2-3 times a day is the best way to feed them (12:05)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Picuki

Remember to keep the diet under control for your Pitbull.

If they become obese, they can cause joint problems and complications such as hip dysplasia and kneecap dislocation.

The rule of thumb now is to feed them 30 calories per pound of their weight.

For example, if he weighs 40 kg, you need to give him 30×40=1200 calories worth of food per day.

It should be distributed in 2-3 portions.

And remember that they are carnivores, so they need a certain amount of protein daily. Add dog food with 15-20% protein.

Or give them chicken, brown rice or beef.

An ideal Pitbull should have a belly line that curves upward when viewed from the side. Also, if you gently pat your hand over your body, you should be able to feel the ribs.

The spine should not be visible (we are talking about shorthaired dogs only) but you should feel it when running. (Red Nose Pitbull)

11. They are prone to food allergies (13:48)

Now what about the foods Pitbulls shouldn’t eat?

Since he is allergic to wheat, potatoes, soy and corn. They can develop skin irritation and allergies if overfed with them.

The most important symptoms of allergy are ear inflammation, vomiting, constant paw licking, excessive itching and sneezing.

When finding dog food for them, look to meat as the best ingredient. (Red Nose Pitbull)

12. They are not for first-time dog owners (14:35)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose

This breed is not suitable for first time owners as it is strong but stubborn.

Red Nose Pitbulls require extensive training in their early years to be interactive, gentle and well mannered.

First-time owners won’t have this type of experience behind them to develop an effective training relationship with these dogs.

When they grow up, they won’t be able to take the necessary steps and won’t know what to do if they don’t eat their full potential.

You should look for other breeds as your first pet. An incredible option, he is highly trainable and a great Poochon for apartment living. (Red Nose Pitbull)

13. They would remain with you for quite long (15:57)

The average lifespan of this dog is 12-14 years, with some living up to 20 years.

Thus, they will remain as your family member for a while.

However, diet and healthy interaction are crucial to achieve this lifespan. After all, you can’t expect them to live longer if you feed them allergenic foods.

Or give them very little exercise a day. (Red Nose Pitbull)

14. Deep below, they know they are lap dogs (16:25)

Red Nose Pitbull,Nose Pitbull,Red Nose
Image Sources Flickr

The large size does not prevent them from cuddling. They love children and are ready to cuddle with them at any time of the day.

They also don’t have a thick coat to keep them warm, so they like to be rubbed and petted frequently.

15. They are not a specific breed so no need to pay a lot from them (16:45)

Many people think this is a specific breed, but this is a variant of the American Pitbull Terrier (APBT).

Some breeders use this myth to their advantage and sell it for a very high price.

Beware of them!

You can get a good red-nosed pitbull for $500-2000, but most crafty breeders overcharge even $5000-10000.

Due to their rarity, they are more expensive than common Pitbulls, and it’s safe to keep in mind the $800 starting range when you go to buy.

We don’t need to remind you to always buy from reputable breeders and contact friends, neighbors and family members who have already bought this or another breed from a breeder you are considering going.

FAQs (18:04)

1. Do Pitbulls attack their owners?

Pit bulls are more likely to bite and attack people than other breeds, as their ancestors are blood-stained. There is no clear data on how many attacks there have been in the US, but this attitude depends on education. They can be trained to be loving, gentle pets.

2. Are Red Nose Pitbulls good family dogs?

If you’re an experienced dog owner, they are. They love to cuddle, are very intelligent and can swim and play at the same time. If you are ready to train them and give them proper exercise, they can be excellent family dogs. They are big dogs so they don’t like much in a small apartment.

3. How do you train a red nose pitbull to be a guard dog?

Attach a short leash to your Pitbull and walk him every morning in the area you want him to protect. Also, appreciate them when they bark or growl at a stranger. You can even offer them treats. This teaches them the act of protecting a place.

That’s it from our side

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