15 Types of cheese You Must “Cheese Down” Your Stomach

How many types of cheese are there?

Blue cheese, cheddar cheese, hard cheese, salty cheese, perforated cheese.

Even typewriters would get tired of typing all the different types of cheese in the world.

And the best part

Still, they could manage to forget many of them.

This topic is so intense.

However, we found a unique way to get around it.

A classification method that you will not find on the Internet.


Cheese types according to milk types.

Induced? Let’s start then. (Types of cheese)

Types of cheese according to milk source?

Types of cheese

According to Wikipedia, there are 9 most distinctive milk producing animals.

Of these, only buffalo, cow, sheep and goat are used in cheese making.

It is very difficult to calculate the global share of each type of milk in cheese production; however, one thing is certain.

The most commonly used milk for this is cow’s milk.

There are several characteristics that the best milk must pass for cheese making. Top cheese makers like Emmi Roth, Alpha Tolman, Green Hill and Grotta Del Fiorini definitely use:

  • Flavor; It should have a fresh taste. Not necessarily sweet or salty but extremely original and fresh.
  • Pasteurization level; It should not be pasteurized too much. Anything above 170oF is not very good.
  • Cost: It should neither be too expensive nor of cheap quality.
  • Processing: It must undergo clean and hygienic processing.

So let’s start our cheese list. We have made it easy for you to understand each type of cheese without reading the words and words on it. (Types of cheese)

Types of cow cheese

Now, what makes this milk the most desirable diary for cheese production?

First, it is nutritionally balanced.

Second, it is available in abundance.

Here are the best cheeses made from cow’s milk. (Types of cheese)

1. Cheddar

Types of cheese

Probably the most popular cheese in the world, this cheese comes from the village of Cheddar in Somerset, England.

It tastes different depending on how old it is.

Light or young cheddar cheese is 2-3 months old, has a smooth texture and a creamy flavor.

It is medium sized, 5-8 months old, with a smooth texture and a medium-sharp flavor.

Mature or sharp cheddar cheese is between 9-16 months, has a sharp, acidic taste that is hard and crumbly.

The color can vary from white to orange depending on the food coloring added. Often, annatto is added to make it yellowish-orange. (Types of cheese)

The whiter the cheddar, the more it indicates that the cow is fed a poor diet.

According to the USDA, 100g of cheddar cheese contains the following.

Calories393 kcal

Here is a video showing how cheddar cheese is produced in a 100-year-old factory.

For the best?

It also contains beneficial trace amounts of minerals such as calcium, sodium and phosphorus. It can be used as a slice on the top burgers, to add to the pasta, raclette is melted and grated in quiches. (Types of cheese)

2. Camembert

Types of cheese

This feta cheese is home to the town of Camembert in Normandy, France. It can be made from raw or pasteurized cow’s milk, depending on the type.

For cheese to be called Camembert, it must be at least 10 cm in diameter and contain 22% fat.

It has a soft, flowing texture and is made in circular potions. It ages for up to 4-5 weeks, which gives it a decent time for the fungus to fully envelop it.

Initially it is completely white, but as it is given time to reach maturity, brown tints begin to appear on its edges. It has a creamy, nutty and mushroom flavor with a sharp, pungent odour. (Types of cheese)

The more mature the Camembert becomes, the more creamier it gets.

Here are the nutritional details of 100g.

Calories250 kcal

For the best?

Tastes best at room temperature. You can consume it by spreading it on crackers and slices. It is also used in salads, melted and sandwiches.

3. Parmesan (Parmigiano-Reggiano)

Types of cheese

Parmesan, the king of cheese, is so called for two reasons.

  1. It is one of the most expensive cheeses in the world.
  2. The oldest cheese in the world (normally 2 years, some matured for 10 years)

This hard, yellow cheese comes from Northern Italy and has a fruity flavor with a granular texture. It likes to be shredded and chopped. (Types of cheese)

Protected under the DOP Status (confirming that cheese can only come from its origin), cheese is one of Italy’s largest exports. Only 329 factories produce Parmesan cheese in the world.

It takes 131 gallons of milk to produce a single wheel of cheese (Food Insider) – hence the high price. During the process, it is brined for 19 days.

Below is what 100 g Parmesan offers. (Types of cheese)

Calories392 kcal
Fat25 g
Protein35.75 g
Carbohydrates3.22 g

For the best?

Parmesan cheese has a strong flavor and is seldom consumed alone – it is grated on pasta and pizza, mixed with dough to make cookies, and sprinkled over casseroles or salads. (Types of cheese)

4. Brie

Types of cheese

Camembert’s cousin, Brie, hails from the French town of Meaux and has the same texture; Soft and creamy, chewy rind.

But what are the differences?

Brie is packaged in a larger wooden box, has a higher fat content (29% versus 22%) and takes longer to mature than Camembert. It also has a more subtle flavor compared to a rustic flavor. (Types of cheese)

100g Brie contains:

Calories357 kcal
Fat32.14 g
Protein17.86 g

For the best?

Especially in France, people use it in salads and melt it on steaks, or use it raw with caramelized apples or honey.

Enjoy with garlic bread or toasted slices. You can also combine it with grapes and red wine in a delicious way. (Types of cheese)

5. Mozarella

Types of cheese

Although traditionally Mozzarella is made with buffalo, today it is commonly made with cow’s milk.

Considered a semi-soft cheese, it is the best Italian cheese and goes head-to-head with cheddar cheese in different parts of cheese-loving countries like France, Germany, Finland, and Greece.

There are different types of mozzarella cheese; Some say 6, some say 12.

However, let’s say it’s over 10 just to be safe.

Here are the most popular ones:

  • Fresh mozzarella: It has a milky flavor, very soft texture and is consumed with olive oil in salads or just for breakfast/lunch.
  • Mozzarella di Bufala: Made from buffalo milk (the traditional milk used to make mozzarella). It’s a little sweet.
  • Smoked mozzarella: you got the gist, right? Wood chips such as chestnut, alder and sour cherry are used for smoking and give a cooked taste with a brownish rind.
  • Burrata: Just warm mozzarella mixed with cream and stracciatella. When you slice it, what you get is a rich, runny cream cheese.
  • Mass production: This is the dehydrated layered cheese you see in most grocery stores. It is hard and is most commonly used in pizza, pasta and lasagna. It tastes a little salty.

It is difficult to give a single taste to mozzarella cheese, as there are many varieties of this cheese. However, it can be considered milky, fresh and slightly acidic with a chewy texture. (Types of cheese)

Traditional Italians claim that there is no way to make Mozzarella while wearing gloves.

It is short-lived, normally between two and four weeks. We do not recommend storing it in the refrigerator for a long time, as it loses its original taste and creaminess, like cream, which takes about 2 weeks.

Here’s the table:

Calories321 kcal
Fat28.57 g
Protein17.86 g
Carbohydrates3.57 g

6. Gouda

Types of cheese

You may have consumed Gouda cheese, but did you know that it is from the Netherlands? It’s called Gouda because it was (and still is) sold in the city traditionally called Gouda.

This semi-hard cheese has a different flavor depending on the aging time:

  • Young: Aged for 4-10 weeks
  • Mature Gouda: Aged for 16-18 weeks
  • Old Gouda: Aged for 10-12 months

Young Gouda is soft and has a somewhat sweet flavor, so it is best used for sandwiches, bread and crackers.

Ripe Gouda turns into a salty and nutty flavor that is ideal for wines and burgers.

Old Gouda has a savory richness and is especially served in salads or with wines like Shiraz.

The best way to store Gouda is to use flexible storage lids or use on plates/bowls using vacuum lids. (Types of cheese)

100g of Gouda cheese contains (USDA data):

Calories419 kcal
Fat42.86 g
Protein33.33 g

For the best?

This type of cheese can be used in all melted cheese dishes such as soups, sandwiches, quiche and pasta.

7. Emmentaler

Types of cheese

Raise your hand if you’ve noticed the cheese with holes in the Tom & Jerry cartoons!

This is Emmentaler cheese. (Types of cheese)

It comes from the region of Switzerland, which produces about 80% of Emmental cheese; It is also referred to as Swiss cheese in the USA.

With its smooth texture, yellow color and fruity taste, its most iconic feature is the perforations, which are the result of CO2 production from bacteria during the storage process.

It ages for about 8-10 months until it gets into the hands of the wholesaler. (Types of cheese)

Food Insider calls it the world’s largest cheese with a diameter of 80-100 cm.

Here’s how it’s made, stored, processed, and how it tastes.

You get a good amount of protein from it:

Calories393 kcal
Fat32.14 g
Protein28.57 g

It’s also the world’s most fraudulent cheese, so real Emmental cheese always comes with a reference number and a logo on the crust (if you cut a large piece). (Types of cheese)

For the best?

Due to its good melting properties, it is mainly used in cheese fondue, cheeseburger/sandwich and casseroles. (Types of cheese)

Types of sheep cheese

You don’t see many sheep cheese farms in the world because they don’t produce much milk.

But there is a catch here! (Types of cheese)

A gallon of cow’s milk will give you a pound of cheese.

One gallon of sheep’s milk gives you three pounds of cheese.

It’s that rich.

People who make traditional sheep cheese take pride in what they do.

Oh, let’s not get carried away. Let’s get to the topic :p

Sheep’s milk cheese contains a high percentage of butter and is defined by its tangy flavor. It contains more lactose and minerals than goat or cow milk.

Also, the fat globules are smaller, which makes them easier to digest and therefore less likely to have high cholesterol. (Types of cheese)

The best varieties of sheep’s milk cheese are:

8. Pecorino Romano

Types of cheese

This hard, pale and salty cheese dates back to the villages of Italy 2000 years ago, still valued for its natural flavor and crumbly texture. (Types of cheese)

It is one of the oldest cheeses and comes in three types based on aging time:

  • Fresco: aged for 30 days
  • Semi-stagionato: less than a year
  • Stagionato: 24-36 months

The older it gets, the more salty, hard, and crumbly it gets. Many people find Stagionato Pecorino too strong and not suitable for use alone. It is grated to be added to pasta or sauces.

A circle of proper taste flows from a piece of Pecorino placed on the tongue.

At first, it imparts a hint of nutty, which immediately turns into a salty taste before regaining the ultimate sophistication of an earthy, crumbly taste. (Types of cheese)

Here is the nutrition chart:

Calories393 kcal
Fat32.14 g
Protein28.57 g
Carbohydrates3.57 g

For the best?

This is a great shredded cheese option for dishes like pasta, pizza, soups, and meatballs. It can also be splendidly sprinkled on vegetables and potatoes.

Although the peel is very firm, it is added to stews/soups as a flavor enhancer.

Pecorino vs Parmesan

Types of cheese

People often tend to confuse Pecorino with Parmesan. Both are different. (Types of cheese)

Pecorino is made from 100% sheep’s milk, while Parmesan is made from cow’s milk. It is softer than Parmesan, but within a few months it reaches hardness compared to Parmesan.

In comparison, it has a lighter color and a milder flavor. (Types of cheese)

9. Roquefort

Types of cheese

Roquefort, one of the best blue cheeses in the world, hails from France and is locally referred to as the “King of Cheese”. (Types of cheese)

It is famous for its blue veins, chunky texture, and nutty, salty taste. Roquefort is a natural mold found in the caves of France.

Varieties (usually penicillium roqueforti) are added to the cheese as a requirement during preparation to give the cheese its blue colour; rennet and bacterial culture are the other two.

Before the mold starts to work its magic, it has a pale yellow color. In general, it takes about 1-2 months for the mold to spread through the cheese wheel after packaging.

It is left to age for another 1-3 months, which increases the total aging time to 5-6 months.

He explains very well how to do it in the video. (Types of cheese)

Calories357 kcal
Fat32.14 g
Protein17.86 g

For the best?

It is mostly used in sauces and salads, it is also spread on crackers and toast, or consumed with wines as well as rich-tasting honey. (Types of cheese)

10. Manchego

Types of cheese

It’s hard to keep Spain out of all the cheese discussions. (Types of cheese)

This semi-hard cheese comes from the La Mancha region of central Spain and integrates the fruity essence of sheep’s milk with the sweetness and spicyness it gets from the mold that covers the wheel.

Another distinguishing feature is its herringbone shell, and it must mature/age for at least 2 months before it can be called a Manchego.

Although it is also made in Mexico, it shares little resemblance to the traditional Spanish recipe. It’s made in Mexico with cow’s milk and aged for only 2 weeks, so it’s soft and fluffy.

Due to this incompatibility, Spanish cheese makers do not approve of sharing the name of their cheese and it is given a Protected Name of Origin. (Types of cheese)

Calories429 kcal
Fat35.71 g
Protein25 g
Carbohydrates3.57 g

For the best?

Manchego melts perfectly and is mainly used for making empanadas and egg dishes.

Types of goat cheese

Cheese made from goats is softer and generally contains more protein and fat than cow’s milk. There are many low-quality sheep cheese varieties on the market, which has somehow drawn customers’ attention to this type.

Here are three you should try. (Types of cheese)

11. Feta

Types of cheese

Feta is made either with a combination of goat and sheep milk or with sheep’s milk alone. (Types of cheese)

It belongs to the territory of Greece and is distinguished by its white color, crumbly, soft texture and mild taste. It is usually made in slices.

The minimum ripening time for feta cheese is 2 months in brine, although it is aged at different times – hence different types – by different manufacturers.

Some are runny and creamy, while others, more mature, are firm and tangy. (Types of cheese)

100 g of feta cheese contains:

Calories286 kcal
Fat21.43 g
Protein17.86 g
Carbohydrates3.57 g

For the best?

They are added to fruit salads such as sliced apples, peaches, mangoes and grapes; It is marinated in olive oil or eaten on the grill.

12. Bucheron

Types of cheese
Image Sources Picuki

Originating in the Loire Valley of France, this cheese is enriched with fresh, expansive pastures, has a semi-soft consistency and is made in logs.

In fact, if the color was brown, people would easily confuse it with wooden logs. It has a shell scaled pattern while the center is chalky.

The diet of the goats from which the milk is obtained plays a vital role in determining the flavor of the cheese; but overall it has an earthy, citrusy aroma with notes of mushrooms.

Here’s a simple recipe for making goat cheese at home using a starter, colander, and some salt.

Calories250 kcal
Fat21.43 g
Protein14.29 g
Carbohydrates3.57 g

13. Valencay

Types of cheese
Image Sources Pinterest

Valencay is a French cheese made with fresh goat’s milk. This cheese is made in the shape of a truncated pyramid, which has a distinctive feature.

After the cheese is prepared, it turns from pale white to yellow, but how does it get its blue-black color?

It is actually covered with vegetable ash and left to rest for 4-5 days in industrial caves. After being covered with suitable culture for another 4-5 days, it turns into a wrinkled blue-black consistency, that is, its final shape.

One legend explains the shape of this cheese – Napoleon sliced the top of the pyramid-shaped Valencay cheese after it was eaten in Egypt.

It is soft and has a citric flavor when fresh – this changes over time to a nutty flavor. It does not wear out for more than 2 months.

Types of buffalo cheese

Buffalo milk is thicker and creamier than cow’s milk as it contains more fat. Here are two types of buffalo milk cheese.

14. Caciotta

Types of cheese
Image Sources Pinterest

This semi-soft white cheese is produced and valued in Italy. Although cow and sheep milk is also made, we will only talk about the buffalo version.

It is about 2 months old and has a sweet, creamy flavor. Very interestingly, it is flavored with different ingredients such as paprika, onions or herbs.

Aged for at least one month before final packaging in factories. 75-85% humidity is required for perfect ripening of this cheese.

100 g of Caciotta cheese contains:

Calories357 kcal
Fat28.50 g
Protein24 g
Carbohydrates1.14 g

For the best?

Caciotta cheese can be a delectable addition to omelets, quiches and pies.

15. Paneer

Types of cheese

Cottage cheese or Paneer is the staple food of the Indian subcontinent. It is made plain, spicy or pickled. It is soft and jet white in color with a milky flavor.

The good amount of carbohydrates in Paneer makes it a suitable staple food. In fact, the poor areas of India are preparing them at home and feeding their children with it, rather than buying it from outside.

The thing to keep in mind about this strain is that it doesn’t melt and age. Some people consider Paneer to be a mild and therefore spicy and selected variety.

It is produced in cubes, tins and slices in factories and then transported all over the world.

Calories343 kcal
Fat26.9 g
Protein19.1 g
Carbohydrates6.1 g

For the best?

The best pane dishes are Palak Paneer, Matter Paneer, Kofta and Paneer Tikka Masala.


We know that we may have missed many varieties of cheese from your country.

So why not ping us about them in the comments section so we can include them on our blog.

Happy cheers!

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