7 Turmeric Substitute: Reason To Use, Taste & Famous Recipes

Some spices are indispensable in our kitchen because they play a dual role: both adding color and providing good flavor.

It’s not like peppers that just add flavor or food coloring that just adds color to the dish.

One such dual-functional spice is turmeric, which you can find at every spice store.

But today, instead of discussing the turmeric itself, we will be discussing turmeric substitutes.

So, let’s discuss how well each of the turmeric alternatives works in terms of taste, coloring, and health benefits. (Turmeric Substitute)

7 Turmeric Substitutes for Similar Taste

If turmeric won’t be your first choice in your recipe because you’re allergic or not, you can try the seven alternatives below.

So let’s get to know each of them. (Turmeric Substitute)

1. Cumin

Turmeric Substitute

Many people ask, “Can I use cumin instead of turmeric?” asks questions like The answer is yes because in terms of taste, cumin substitute is the closest substitute.

Native to the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent, it is one of the world’s most versatile and readily available spices. The edible part is the seeds, for which it is popular.

It is the best turmeric substitute in cooking because it gives you a similar taste. (Turmeric Substitute)

Why cumin?

  • Earthy taste reminiscent of turmeric
  • Gives turmeric-like aroma
  • easily available
  • Cheap

Downside of using cumin as a turmeric replacement

  • It does not give your food a yellow-orange color.

Best recipes that can substitute turmeric for cumin

  • Spicy Lamp Hand Smashed Noodles
  • Cumin is the best turmeric substitute for soups. (Turmeric Substitute)

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Energy375 kcal312 kcal
Protein17.819.68 g
Fats22.273.25 g
Carbohydrates44.2467.14 g

Cumin flavor

  • Warm, earthy, with a bit of bitterness and sweetness
  • Similar to cumin seeds, cumin has a slightly warm, earthy flavor. (Turmeric Substitute)

How to use cumin

  • Replace whole or ground cumin seeds with an equal amount of turmeric. (Turmeric Substitute)

2. Mace & Paprika

Turmeric Substitute

Paprika can really be called a combination of different red peppers. Their flavors range from fiery to slightly sweet. The color is red, but not too spicy.

Mace is an aromatic golden brown spice obtained from the dried kernel of the coconut seed. (Turmeric Substitute)

Why a mix of mace and paprika?

  • The right combination of mace and paprika will match the taste of turmeric.

The downside of using mace and paprika instead of turmeric

  • The color will be different from what turmeric gives.

The best recipes for turmeric to replace mace and paprika

  • The mace and paprika mix is one of the best turmeric substitutes for pickles. (Turmeric Substitute)

Energy525 kcal282 kcal312 kcal
Protein6 g14 g9.68 g
Fats36 g13 g3.25 g
Carbohydrates49 g54 g67.14 g
Fiber21 g35 g22.7

Bun and paprika to taste

  • Mace has a sharp and spicy flavor. On the other hand, the taste of red pepper is sharp and its temperature changes according to the temperature of the peppers that make up the red pepper.

How to use mace and paprika?

  • A ½ amount of turmeric is fine, as both ingredients are spicy.

For your information

1 ounce = 4 tablespoon (powdered)

1 tablespoon = 6.8 g

2 tablespoon fresh chopped turmeric rhizome = ¼ to ½ teaspoon ground turmeric (Turmeric Substitute)

Turmeric Substitutes for Similar Color

3. Mustard Powder

Turmeric Substitute

What can replace turmeric powder? Well, if you’re worried about the coloring property of turmeric here, it’s nothing more than mustard powder.

Mustard powder is obtained by grinding the mustard seeds and filtering the seed pod to obtain a fine powder behind.

It is the best turmeric substitute for curry because you are more concerned about the color.

However, the commercial packaging of mustard powder is a combination of brown mustard seeds, white mustard seeds, some saffron, or sometimes turmeric. (Turmeric Substitute)

Why mustard powder?

  • The best thing about mustard powder is that it gives you the color you want from turmeric.
  • It helps fight against asthma and pneumonia. (Turmeric Substitute)

Disadvantage of using mustard powder instead of turmeric

  • Mustard powder will not provide as many desired health benefits as turmeric.
  • Best Recipes for Turmeric to Replace Mustard Powder
  • pickle
  • Meat to get a tangy flavor
  • Mustard paste (commonly used in hot dogs)

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Mustard Powder
Energy66 kcal312 kcal
Protein4.4 g9.68 g
Fats4 g3.25 g
Carbohydrates5 g67.14 g
Fiber3.3 g22.7

Mustard powder flavor

  • It gives a sharp heat to your food. In other words, a strong and tangy flavor with a fresh aroma.

How to use mustard powder?

  • Mostly used in salad dressing
  • Cheese and cream sauces
  • Add minced beef

4. Saffron

Turmeric Substitute

Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, obtained from the flowers of the saffron crocus. The stigma and styles of flowers, called threads, are what make saffron.

These yarns are dried before being put into use.

Pretty interesting. Both turmeric and saffron are called substitutes for each other: turmeric replaces saffron and vice versa.

Why saffron?

  • If you want to give your food the same color as turmeric, use turmeric instead of saffron without hesitation.

Disadvantage of using saffron instead of turmeric

  • too expensive
  • It is slightly sweeter, so it may not match the bitter and earthy taste of turmeric.

The best recipes for turmeric to replace saffron

Here is the advice of Geoffrey Zakarian, a renowned American chef and restaurateur.

His real advice is to replace the saffron with a mixture of turmeric and paprika. But conversely, we can substitute twice the amount of saffron for turmeric.

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Energy310 kcal312 kcal
Protein11 g9.68 g
Fats6 g3.25 g
Carbohydrates65 g67.14 g
Fiber3.9 g (Dietary)22.7

saffron flavor

  • Saffron has a subtle flavor; Different people define it differently.
  • It’s either floral, pungent or honey-like.

How to use saffron

  • Instead of ½ teaspoon of turmeric, substitute 10-15 strands of saffron.

5. Annatto Seeds

Turmeric Substitute

If you’re looking for the same color as turmeric, annatto seeds are another good option.

Annatto seeds are a food coloring ingredient derived from the achiote tree native to Mexico and Brazil.

Adds yellow or orange color to foods.

Why annatto seeds?

  • Give the dish a yellow-orange color like turmeric.
  • Useful in diabetes, fever, diarrhea, heartburn, malaria and hepatitis

Downside of using annatto as a turmeric replacement

  • Not recommended if you are looking for the benefits and flavor of turmeric.

Best recipes that can substitute annatto for turmeric

  • Any rice or curry recipe.

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Energy350 kcal312 kcal
Protein20 g9.68 g
Fats03.25 g
Carbohydrates60 g67.14 g
Fiber3 g22.7

Taste of annatto

  • Sweet, peppery and a little nutty.

How to use annatto?

  • Start with half the amount and increase to the same amount.

Turmeric Substitutes for Similar Health Benefits

6. Ginger

Turmeric Substitute

Ginger is another close substitute for turmeric. Like turmeric, it is a flowering plant whose roots are used as a spice.

Ginger, in its fresh form, is the closest fresh turmeric substitute.

Why ginger?

  • Because it is from the same family as turmeric, it has similar health benefits to turmeric, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
  • It can be used easily. It is in almost every kitchen.

Downside of using ginger as a turmeric replacement

  • Unlike turmeric, it is mostly not available in powder form.
  • Does not give your food an orange-yellow taste

Best recipes that can substitute ginger for turmeric

  • Soup is one of those dishes where ginger can replace turmeric for good.

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Energy80 kcal312 kcal
Protein1.8 g9.68 g
Fats0.8 g3.25 g
Carbohydrates18 g67.14 g
Fiber2 g22.7

Ginger flavor

  • Sharp, spicy, pungent taste.

How is ginger used?

  • Use the same amount. Both fresh and powdered garlic can be used for turmeric. But for fresh turmeric it is better to use fresh garlic and vice versa.

7. Curry Powder

It is the most common spice found in any household in the Indian subcontinent.

Curry powder is a combination of turmeric, chili powder, ground ginger, ground cumin, ground coriander and is available in low to high concentrations.

Why curry powder?

  • Contains turmeric itself along with other spices
  • Gives you the health benefits of multiple spices
  • give almost the same color

Downside of using curry powder as a turmeric replacement

  • Because it’s a mix of different spices, it won’t give your food exactly the same flavor as turmeric.

Best recipes that can substitute curry powder for turmeric

  • Deviled eggs
  • Pulses

Nutrition Facts Comparison

Curry Powder
Energy325 kcal312 kcal
Protein13 g9.68 g
Fats14 g3.25 g
Carbohydrates58 g67.14 g
Fiber33 g22.7

Taste of curry powder

  • Unique flavor because both salty and sweet spices make it up. The heat intensity depends on the amount of pepper used.

How to use curry powder?

  • ½ or ¾ tsp of curry powder is enough to substitute 1 teaspoon of turmeric.


Turmeric Substitute

If you’re out of turmeric or you’re looking for a substitute for turmeric, use a mix of cumin, mace, and cayenne pepper for a similar flavor. For a similar orange-yellow color in your food, use mustard powder, saffron or annatto seeds; And finally, ginger and curry powder are the best turmeric substitutes that can give you similar health benefits.

How many times have you used a turmeric alternative in your recipe? How did it work? Let us know in the comment section below.

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