6 Reasons To Adopt The Adorable Spoodle As Soon As Possible

Poodles and their puppies are adorable because they are cute little dogs used for beauty pageants rather than barking and guard dogs.

One such social butterfly of dogs is called the Spoodle, which is a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle.

Intelligent, a wonderful family dog, playful nature and everything that doesn’t describe this adorable dog.

Let’s dive deep to know everything about this wonderful dog.

1. Spoodle is Yet Another Poodle Cross

Just like other hybrids bred by Poodles, Spoodle is another cute and affectionate hybrid.

It was originally bred by designer dog breeders in the United States in the 1960s to develop a cross that is free of the diseases found in its parent breeds.

Now let’s talk about what Spoodle looks like.

What’s a Spoodle dog (Cockapoo)?

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The Spoodle or Cockapoo is a hybrid of Cocker Spaniel and Miniature Poodle. Cocker spaniel can range from an English to an American spaniel.

In other words, a Spoodle is a small dog with shaggy to wavy hair like a poodle, large bright eyes, long drooping ears, and a muzzle resembling a cocker spaniel.

The average weight and height of a Spoodle are between 11-30 pounds and 10-15 inches respectively.

The type of coat depends on the type of main rooster spaniel.

A cross between an F1 American Cocker Spaniel and a miniature poodle will result in a Spoodle with a tight curly coat.

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A Spoodle and a miniature poodle from the cross of the English Show Cocker Spaniel will have a loosely wavy coat.

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And if mating dogs are an F1 Working Cocker Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle, this will result in a smooth-haired Spoodle.

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People also wonder at what age Spoodles are fully grown? Or when do they stop growing?

Well, it depends on the type of poodle crossed with cocker spaniel.

If a miniature poodle is used, the resulting Spoodle will reach its maximum size at 6 months, while a pup from a large poodle cross takes 9-12 months to fully grow.

2. Spoodle Requires Regular Grooming, Especially Teeth Cleaning


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Your Spoodle’s food may not be heavy on your pocket, but it is heavy to maintain.

Trimming nails isn’t the only thing that needs your regular attention. Instead, it’s your hair that needs your regular attention.

Grooming is necessary because sometimes the thick fur grows unevenly, sometimes even covering the poor pet’s face.

You need to see a professional pet groomer every 30-45 days as having grooming gloves is not enough in this dog’s case.

But what you can do on your own is regular combing and brushing.

The good thing about the Spoodle is that he is a hypoallergenic dog.

In other words, it doesn’t shed even if you groom it less and can be tolerated by allergy sufferers like other hypoallergenic dogs.

If the Spoodle’s ears are not cleaned frequently, they can become infected early, which we will discuss later in the diseases section.

Teeth Cleaning

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Interestingly, teeth are another element that tends to be damaged if not given due care.

Most dogs show signs of canine gum disease at just three years of age.

The reason it goes unnoticed is that dogs accept bad breath as normal and their owners ignore it. It’s the same with Spoodles.

If their teeth are not cleaned regularly, they get plaque, which leads to gingivitis and eventually periodontitis if left untreated.

So how can you keep your Spoodle’s teeth safe?

Well, it includes brushing your dog’s teeth or getting dog dental wipes, dog chews, doggy dental treatments and professional service.

A dog toothbrush toy could come in handy here, making it both a fun and tidy cleaning tool for your dog.

Fun fact
The famous animated series for children, PAW Patrol, also features a cute female canoe named Skye, who is in charge of emergencies.

3. Spoodle Is a Happy, Intelligent and Gentle Dog

Spoodle’s behavior is similar to his half-brother Schnoodle.

But how?

The Spoodle is an affectionate and lively dog ​​that is much more social than other dogs.

Unlike coyotes, they are not aggressive, but they do bark at strangers which makes them excellent guard dogs.

They become very friendly with other dogs and cats if socialized from a young age.

New situations aren’t all that new for this furry friend, as he easily adapts to new conditions.

It is his pure intelligence that sets him apart from other breeds thanks to his intelligent, loyal and affectionate parents, the Poodle and Cocker Spaniel.

Not only adults but also children equally enjoy these dogs. They can play for hours without getting tired, like picking up a thrown ball.

Children can climb on them and not be startled.

Another interesting thing is their love for water. So it’s not surprising that you see them jump into your pool every time they watch you do the same thing.

  • So, is Spoodle a good first-time dog?

Well, for some reasons we can say yes and for a few others we can say no.

Yes, because they are gentle, easy to train and happy dogs.

However, if you haven’t owned a dog before, their endless energy and frequent grooming needs are a bit of a challenge to deal with.

4. Spoodle Is Nothing Less Than an Athlete

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Spoodles are highly energetic dogs.

Walking them to the nearest park and playing with them like crazy is what they need.

This is why people often ask if they can keep a Spoodle in a small apartment. The answer is yes, but you have to make up for its incarceration with equal exercise.

The fact that Poodle crosses are so intelligent makes it easy for us to train them.

For example, if you teach him not to bark when the doorbell rings, you will notice this change very soon.

Here’s how smart they are. If you bring home a Spoodle puppy, it will be a source of inspiration for you.

5. Spoodle May Catch Certain Diseases

As discussed earlier, the primary goal of any unprecedented crossbreeding between different dog breeds is to optimize the best traits of each parent.

There are some health issues your furry friend can run into. Let’s take a look at each.

i. Otitis ( an ear infection)

Spoodles are more susceptible to ear infections than other dogs due to their floppy ears.

It is the ear canal that is affected by allergies, infections or certain parasites.

When the irritation increases, it leads to a condition called Otitis, which causes your dog to shake his head violently, flap his wings and scratch his ears.

If you notice the above symptoms in your pet, consult your nearest veterinarian.

The vet will begin treatment and prescribe anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic drugs to prevent further spread of the condition to the inner ear.

ii. Cataracts (eye disease)

Cataract is the disease that Spoodles are often caught.

It is the disease in which the Spoodle’s lens becomes opaque and the poor dog cannot focus while seeing.

Unfortunately, it’s not limited to just one eye. Instead, when one eye becomes infected, the other becomes infected as well.

What’s worse is that the pet infected with cataracts can also get lens luxation, which is a displacement of the lens itself.

Depending on the severity of the condition, your vet may recommend vitamin supplements and nutraceuticals or, as a last resort, surgically replace the lens with a plastic one.

iii. Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation is a permanent or temporary dislocation of the knee and is quite common in smaller dogs.

In some cases, patellar luxation is transmitted from the affected parent to the offspring.

In extreme cases, the disease sometimes leads to arthritis.

Due to the variability of the degree of patellar luxation, the veterinarian divides it into four degrees; Grade 1 is minor displacement of the patella and Grade 4 is permanent displacement of the patella.

According to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, the cocker spaniel is the third breed most commonly affected by patellar luxation.

Thus, the chance of inheriting this disease from a cocker spaniel to a Spoodle increases.

In addition to the diseases listed above, some skin allergies, heart diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, heart diseases, etc. It can also impress your cute pet.

6. Spoodle Can be Awesome if Purchased The Right Way

Here are some tips that will allow you to bring home a healthy puppy.

  1. Like any other dog you buy, always buy a Spoodle from a well known breeder rather than a pet store because puppies from pet stores are difficult to train.
  2. Before purchasing a poodle, take a look at the ethical guidelines defined by the American Spaniel
  3. Club to see if the breeder has followed suit.
  4. Get documented proof that your Spoodle’s parents are free from diseases such as hip dysplasia, eye disorder, thyroid gland problem.
  5. If possible, ask the breeder to show you the parent dogs and spend some time with them to learn about their behavior.
  6. After adopting a Spoodle, have him checked out by a veterinarian, even if you find your pet healthy.


The spoodle or cockapoo is the result of a cross between a cocker spaniel and a miniature poodle. They are the friendliest dogs ever. Their small size and loving nature make them great for those who are a little nervous around dogs. They are easy to train because of their intelligence.

Do you have a Spoodle? How is your experience so far? Please share it with us in the comments section below.

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