110+ Earth Day Quotes That Can Make Any Nature Lover a Happy Person (Inspirational, Happy, Funny, Conserve)

“Happiness is enjoying and appreciating the beauty of nature around you.”

April 22,

It’s time to celebrate our planet, the place we live in, the beautiful mother nature.

We are all responsible for caring for the world, and there is no better time than this upcoming earth day to rejuvenate our soul.

Dedicate your Thursday 2022 to appreciating the blessings and love of the environment. We’ve gathered a list of inspirational, happy, funny and earth day saving headlines to motivate the ecologist in you.

“The earth gives us so much, it’s time to give some love – plant trees, love nature.”

Get your dose of nature with our 110+ best earth day quotes! (Earth Day Quotes)

Inspirational Earth Quotes

Get inspired with these earth day quotes from famous personalities:

🌎 β€œNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing ever owned.” – Margaret Mead (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 “Progress is impossible without change, and those who can’t change their minds can’t change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

🌎 β€œThe world rejoices at our words, our breath, and our peaceful steps. May every breath, every word and every step make mother earth proud of us.” – Amit Ray

🌎 β€œOne of the first conditions of happiness is that the bond between man and nature is not broken.” – Leo Tolstoy (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 β€œLove of nature, like music and art, is a common language that can cross political or social boundaries.” -Jimmy Carter

🌎 β€œThe world will not continue to reap its harvest without a faithful steward. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for future generations to use.” – John Paul II

🌎 β€œSow the seeds of happiness, hope, success and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. That’s the law of nature.” – Steve Maraboli (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 β€œYou can’t go a day without affecting the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

To make this world a better place to live, planting hope, indoor greenery and outdoor pride to showcase the beautiful mother nature around you is essential. Read more quotes about the world and get inspired here:

🌎 “To me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more pleasant than the most luxurious Persian carpet.” – Helen Keller (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 “The correct use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it.” – Barry Common

🌎 β€œStay close to the heart of nature… and step away once in a while and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your soul clean.” – John Muir

🌎 β€œThe more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and truths of the universe about us, the less we enjoy destruction.” -Rachel Carson

🌎 β€œI am not an environmentalist. I am an Earth warrior.” – Darryl Cherney

🌎 β€œEarth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and livable place.” – Scott Peters (Earth Day Quotes)

Sustainability Quotes for Earth Day:

Each earth day quote will encourage you to praise, appreciate and take action to maintain the beauty of mother nature on this earth day:

🌎 β€œHumanity did not weave the web of life. We are a single thread in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. Everything is interconnected…everything is interconnected.” – Chief Seattle (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 β€œThe time has come when nature demands attention: let’s praise all her flowers and gifts and thank Mother Earth for the best we can on this Earth Day.” – Molooco

🌎 β€œEco-friendly cars will soon be no longer an option…they will become a necessity.” – Fujio Cho

🌎 β€œThere is pleasure in the pathless forest. There is an ecstasy on the beach alone. There is a society where the deep seas are trespassing, and there is a society where music roars. I love nature more, not people less.” – Sir byron (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 β€œMother Earth has blessed us with her eternal beauty and nature. So thank him by discovering the forests, trees, flowers, mountains, rivers in it.” – Molooco

🌎 β€œThe world is what we all have in common.” -Wendell Berry

🌎 β€œI am grateful to the world that nurtures and sustains me and all its gifts. Thank you, mother earth!” – unknown

It can be a better option than planting palm trees, lush green Dieffenbachia, beautiful monstera varieties, birth or marriage flowers and more. (Earth Day Quotes)

The planting options are endless; All you need is to take that first step to make the world you live in a better place. Read more quotes about the environment here:

🌎 β€œEarth day. I wonder if we could plant more trees than people for a change? -Stanley Victor Paskavich

🌎 β€œThe best time to thank mother nature, earth is now!” – Molooco

🌎 “Sometimes you have to pick up other people’s trash to leave the world better than you found it.” – Bill Nye (Earth Day Quotes)

🌎 “Look into the depths of nature, you will understand everything better.” – Einstein

🌎 β€œWe don’t need to find a reason to thank our mother earth. Just look once; You will find thousands of people who will admire him for life.” – Molooco

🌎 β€œThere’s never a day when you’re not bright and beautiful. Thank you mother nature.” – Vanshika Varshney

🌎 β€œNature always wears the colors of the soul.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

🌎 β€œDear mother earth, thank you for showing us your stunning and beautiful nature.” – Molooco

Nature Quotes:

Celebrate your mother nature day with these famous earth day quotes. You can also use these earth day captions for your Instagram:

🌎 β€œNature paints endlessly beautiful pictures for us every day.” -John Ruskin

🌎 β€œMother Earth is also a living organism. Love, honor and respect him.” – unknown

🌎 “There is nothing more beautiful than the beauty of the forest before sunrise.” – George Washington Carver

🌎 β€œGoing to the mountains is like going home.” – John Muir

🌎 β€œA clean world is a happy world!” – unknown

Earth Day Quotes

🌎 “The land does not belong to us, we belong to the world.” – Chief Seattle

🌎 “If you can’t admire Mother Nature, something is wrong with you.” – Alex Trebek

🌎 β€œEarth day is every day and wherever you are.” – Official Motto

🌎 β€œAs we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, remember that mother earth showered you with endless gifts and the sweetest fruits.”

April is the month of bloom, spring and nature. But it seems dreary, autumnal and boring for most of us because of the corona and pandemic. Read these April quotes for positive vibes and revive your spirit to celebrate earth day even in quarantine.

Here, read a few more quotes about the environment and awaken your inner nature lover:

🌎 “The wide world is all about you: You can fence yourself off, but you can’t fence off forever.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

🌎 β€œWe do not inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.” – unknown

🌎 “Love the world as you would love yourself.” – John Denver

April 22nd, more than any time of the year, is the time the world wishes ‘May this day be filled with spring, happiness and flowers for all beings on earth’.

Sounds like something May would want too. Right? Why? The name ‘May’ is hoping for good things to happen all month long. Click here to read such positive May quotes.

🌎 “Aim for heaven, you will throw the earth. Aim for earth, you cannot get both.” – C.S. Lewis

🌎 “And remember, the earth likes to feel your bare feet and the winds love to play with your hair.” β€” Khalil Gibran

🌎 β€œUnderstanding the natural world and its contents is not only a great curiosity but also a great satisfaction” – Sir David Attenborough

🌎 “There is hope if people begin to awaken that spiritual side of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are the guardians of this planet.” – Brooke Medical Eagle

🌎 β€œAside from stopping climate change and protecting land, water and other resources, lessening animal suffering, we must celebrate Earth Day every day, with every meal.” – Ingrid Newkirk

Funny Earth Day Quotes:

Here are some fun quotes about the environment for a good laugh with your nature buddies:

🌎 β€œToday is Earth Day. I’m in favor of looking at the earth… it’s the only planet with chocolate.” – unknown

🌎 β€œWhy do we celebrate Earth Day only once a year when we celebrate Sunday once a week?” – unknown

🌎 β€œImagine all the trees, flowers and plants in the world start emitting free WiFi signals on this earth day. (go back, we just wanted you to imagine)” – Molooco

🌎 β€œGo short tree. It’s your Earth day.” – Unknown

🌎 β€œSave the world. They have beer stocks!” – unknown

🌎 β€œI love you to the moon and back. Thanks World, you’re amazing!” – Unknown

🌎 β€œI plan to celebrate Earth Day just by planting flower pots in front of my neighbor’s house.” – Molooco

🌎 “I’m calling out to planet Earth – you’re holding me down.” – unknown

🌎 β€œWhat are you doing on Earth for Earth Day?” – unknown

🌎 “There is so much pollution in the air right now that without our lungs there would be no place to put it all.” – Robert McLuhan

🌎 “Let’s celebrate earth day by putting down our phone and looking at the earth.” – unknown

🌎 β€œCelebrate this earth day as if it were your last. But be kind to your family and don’t reveal your secrets in case it doesn’t happen. Happy Earth Day!” – Molooco

🌎 β€œHappy earth day to someone hotter than our planet.” – unknown

Earth Day Quotes

🌎 β€œHow does the world celebrate earth day? Rotary.” (Hehe.) – Molooco

🌎 “They say there is love in the air, maybe that’s why there is so much pollution on Earth!” – unknown

Flower Earth Day Quotes:

We all love beautiful flowers, but it takes effort, patience, time and dedication to turn them into these beautiful flowers. Dedicate this earth day not to picking flowers, but to growing them. Here are some flower earth day quotes for you:

🌎 β€œThe earth laughs with flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

🌎 “Where flowers bloom, hope grows.” – Lady Bird Johnson

🌎 β€œEvery flower is a spirit blooming in nature.” β€” Gerard DeNerval

🌎 β€œNothing in nature is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be bent, bent in strange ways, and yet they are beautiful.” β€” Alice Walker

🌎 β€œAll my life, new landscapes of nature have delighted me like a child.” – Marie Curie

🌎 “To see a world in a grain of sand, a paradise in a wildflower, Hold Infinity in your palm, Infinity in an hour.” – William Blake

Earth Day Quotes for Kindergarten:

Protecting and preserving the earth is for every individual. Yes, that includes your little ones. Take this opportunity and start telling them the importance of mother nature on this earth day.

You can also use these earth day quotes, slogans and sayings in your classroom:

🌎 β€œJoin the race to make the world a better place.” – unknown

🌎 β€œSave the world today for your tomorrow.”

🌎 β€œEarth Day every day” – Unknown

🌎 β€œThis is our world, take care of it.” – unknown

🌎 β€œFeed Nature!” – unknown

🌎 β€œThink Green, Live Green.” – unknown

🌎 β€œGreen Earth, Clean Earth.” – unknown

🌎 β€œLet’s go green to clean up our world.” – unknown

🌎 β€œYes, we can make the world green, let’s do it.” – unknown

🌎 β€œReduce, Reuse, Recycle.” – unknown

🌎 “Give a hoot – don’t pollute.” – unknown

Positive Earth Day Sayings:

Use these positive earth day quotes to inspire someone you know. To brighten their day and make mother earth a happy place to live by sending them these impactful and motivating quotes about the environment:

🌎 “When we heal the soil, we heal ourselves.” – David Orr

🌎 β€œThe environment is where we all meet; they all have mutual interests; That’s the one thing we all share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

🌎 β€œWe often forget that we are nature. Nature is not separate from us. Therefore, when we say that we have lost our connection with nature, we also lose our connection with ourselves.” β€” Andy Goldsworthy

🌎 “He who plants a tree loves someone other than himself.” – Thomas Fuller

Earth Day Quotes

🌎 β€œThe materials of wealth are in the land and sea and their natural and unaided production.” β€” Daniel Webster

🌎 β€œThe purpose of life is to harmonize your heartbeat with the rhythm of the universe, and your nature with Nature.” – Joseph Campbell

🌎 “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder

🌎 β€œEvery day is Earth Day and I vote to start investing right now in the future of a safe climate.” – Jackie Speier

🌎 β€œNow I see the secret to making the best human being: growing outdoors and eating and sleeping with the ground.” – Walt Whitman

🌎 “The world provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Gandhi

🌎 “The three great fundamental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of the wind in a primeval forest, and the sound of the outer ocean on a beach.” β€” Henry Beston

Happy Earth Day Quotes:

Reading quotes about earth day is something that can bring back the spirit and enthusiasm of a person who has already forgotten his love for nature. Make this earth day fresh and vibrant with these happy earth day quotes:

🌎 “Unless my soul passes through the beauty of the Earth, it cannot find a ladder to heaven.” – Michaelangelo

🌎 β€œThe earth always holds flowers for you. You’re the one who needs to discover them.” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 “There is no heaven on earth, but there are parts of it.” – Jules Renard

Earth Day Quotes

🌎 On Earth Day, we celebrate all the gifts that the earth and nature have given us. We are aware of our complete dependence on his generosity. And we recognize the need for good management to preserve its fruits for future generations. – John Hoeven

🌎 β€œToday is Earth Day… Start cleaning the only room we have.” – unknown

🌎 β€œHappiness is enjoying the beauty of nature around you.” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 “There is no more beautiful flag on earth than a flag that is just a picture of the Earth.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

🌎 “Dear old world… You’re so cute and happy to live in you.” -Lucy Maud Montgomery

🌎 “I’ve grown taller from walking with trees today.” – Karle Wilson Baker

Want to know the best way to enjoy earth day in 2022?

Plant a tree in your garden, visit a nearby forest or park, and feel the calming atmosphere around you with a hot cup of coffee.

Here, read more quotes from earth day to make your day happy:

🌎 β€œTime spent with trees, flowers and wild forests is never wasted. Happy Earth Day!” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 “The highest art is the art of taking peaceful steps into the world, so that the whole cosmos is rejuvenated with every step.” – Amit Ray

🌎 β€œPlant a tree today. Make the world’s life much longer. Happy Earth Day!” – Unknown

🌎 β€œNature paints endlessly beautiful pictures for us every day.” -John Ruskin

🌎 β€œTurn green before it goes green.” – unknown

Save Environment & Protect the Earth Conserve Quotes:

Read these conservation quotes to learn more about the importance of our planet. Start investing in your home, save the world!

🌎 β€œThis is our world and it is our responsibility to save and protect it.” – unknown

🌎 “Give love to the world so it can love you too.” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 β€œThere is only one way to keep ourselves alive, and that is to keep the world alive!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

🌎 β€œNot yours, not mine either. She’s ours, so protect your mother earth who nurtured you.” – Unknown

🌎 We forgot to be good guests and to walk lightly like other creatures on earth.” – Barbara Ward

🌎 “Be the hero of nature’s story and protect mother earth.” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 β€œA nation that destroys its land destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, they purify its air and give fresh strength to our people.” – Franklin D Roosevelt

🌎 β€œNature & soil offers you a chance for a good, healthy and better life. Keep it clean to use it to its fullest.” – Inspire Upgrade

🌎 “The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for.” – Ernest Hemingway

Earth Day Quotes

β€œOnly when there are no trees to grow, no flowers to bloom, no flowing rivers, only then will we realize that we have failed the world. Start protecting nature before it’s too late!” – Molooco

🌎 β€œThe more we pollute the earth, the less we deserve to live on earth!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

🌎 β€œWhat good is a house if you don’t have a bearable planet to put on it?” – Henry David Thoreau

Bottom Line

We always talk about growing trees or planting flowers for a healthy environment.

But how many of us really do this? Get started today!

Buy beautiful flowers or plants for your home to feel connected to mother nature. Promise this earth day to make your planet a better place to live for yourself and all other creatures.

What was your favorite world quote? Are you motivated enough with our earth day words to protect this planet?

And finally,

Share your favorite earth day quotes that never cross your mind.

Happy Earth Day!

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