Black Maine Coon Cat Original Pictures With Authentic Info and A Touch Of Fiction

Before moving on to the main arguments for reliable information on the Black Maine Coon found on this blog, please take some notes about the Maine Coon breed.

What is Maine Coon?

Maine coon is the name of the official domesticated cat breed of America, it belongs to the American state of Maine. It is also the largest domesticated cat breed naturally found in North America.

The Maine Coon cat is known for its distinctive atypical features (shiny jet fur) and stubborn chasing abilities.

However, no source has been able to find the history and origin of the existence of Maine Coon Cats in America and the state of Maine.

Now for the preliminary discussion, Maine Coon black, what is it?

What IS A “Black” Maine Coon?

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

The Maine coon cat has five solid colors, and black stands out among them.

The Maine Coon Cat with straight black fur from every inch of its head to the paws is designated as the Black Maine Coon.

If you own a black Maine Coon cat, you will have a hard time spotting the expressions on your cat’s face as they hide behind the darkest fur.

Let’s say you are watching a giant black lion like a scene from a horror movie; your beloved Coon cat silently stares at you with his bright yellow eyes on the darkest night of winter…

For their glow-in-the-dark eyes, they can sometimes scare you as hell; yet their purrs are as affectionate as Persian cats.

Experts say the black Maine Coon cat is the cutest, like any other cat, with shady black fur and a pair of sparkling (mostly yellow) eyes.

Find out more in the following lines;

Do you know that the black Maine Coon not only appears in solid black, but also in some fur varieties?

Types of Black Maine Coon Cats:

Here they are:

1. Solid Black Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

Solid black Raccoon Cats are born with a thick or thin fur coat based on the inherited DNA segments from their parents. Due to genetic differences, Solid Coon Cats can have long or medium coats.

The coat on a black cat’s body can range from brighter to matte; There is no genetic indication behind this trait.

2. Black Smoke Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

Smoky black raccoon cats have black fur coats but have a smoky undertone to their hair.

What does it mean?

When this type of Black Raccoon Cat moves, you will find traces of gray especially during daylight hours.

How does this look?

In fact, there is no smoke or gray color; The fur is white at the roots and jet black at the tips, so the combo looks greyish.

At night, the Smoky Coon cat appears as a Solid black Maine cat.

3. Bi-Colored / Bi-Patterned Black Maine Coon Cats:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

As the name suggests, your two-colored Maine Coon cat will be:

Bicolor trait, for example black and brown, white and black, silver and black Maine Coon etc. appears in countless tones.

Besides the chromatic aberration, the tuxedo, tabby, tortoiseshell or silver pattern etc. You can also find pattern variations for black raccoon cats, such as

4. Black and Grey / Silver Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources unsplash

Silver and black are not the leading bicolor variety of Maine cats. Why? This is because breeders do not produce this less interesting combination as there are other curious cats of this color.

However, Silver & Black are certified raccoon cats recognized by TICA, The International Cat Association.

5. Black and White Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

The black and white Maine Coon differs from the tuxedo Maine Coon in that here the white and black fur appear in combination, but without any pattern.

Your two-fur cat will have black fur with white patches spread over its entire body without symmetry.

These beautiful Cats can be reached and adopted quite effortlessly and they don’t cost much either. However, the price can vary from one breeder to another.

6. Black and Brown Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Black and Brown Maine Coon

The brown fur coat is also called the red fur coat. However, when combined with a black fur coat, it looks more like a sandy brown color.

The main fur coat will be black with red stripes all over it. You will find this combination in black tabby Maine coon cats, which we will discuss further.

7. Tuxedo Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources Flickr

The Tuxedo Coon is also a bi-colored Coon cat, but has the symmetry of the two colours. While there are white feathers on the apron, paws and belly, it has a black main feather.

Your cat seems to be wearing a stylish coat. Due to the high demand, breeders are breeding tuxedo Maine cats at larger levels.

But the price is much higher for the same reason, just like Solid black Maine Coon.

8. Black Tabby Maine Coon:

Black Maine Coon
Image Sources pinterest

Before getting into the exact details, take some notes:

Tabby is not a color, it is a marking symmetry on the base color. There are also different types of Tabby signs including Classic, Mackerel and Ticked.

Mainly Tabby Maine Coon Cats have an M on their foreheads, right in the middle of the two ears.

Black Maine Coon Cat Personality:

  • Affectionate
  • Energetic like Huskies
  • Very independent in behavior
  • Loves to socialize
  • Gentle in behavior

You should never go with the gigantic size and the terribly black-looking Maine Coon features as in reality; It is a sweet, gentle and very friendly cat.

It is a loving pet, affectionate with its parents (owner) and easily adapts to a variety of environments, but needs space at home to exercise.

It looks like the Brave Lion but is actually a lamb; After living with this adorable cat, you will learn all about the sensitive nature of the Maine Coon.

FYI: Maine Coon Cats have earned the title of being the largest domestic cats. In 2019, “Stewie” won the title of tallest cat. It was a purebred Maine Coon measuring 48.5 inches from snout to tail.

Black Maine Coon Life Span:

Black is just one variation of the color of Maine Coon cats, so their lifespan is no different from the average life expectancy of a cat.

Black Maine Coons live from 12 to 18 years in all their varieties.

This is the most typical life expectancy, but certain health issues and diseases can reduce your cat’s lifespan.

What are these health problems? Let’s read further:

Black Maine Coon Health Issues That Can Decline The Lifespan Of Your Lovely Kitty:

Black Maine Coon Cats are healthy just like any other cat and no health issues or health issues have been noted.

However, there are some issues Coon Cats can improve. These include:

  • Viral Diseases
  • Tract Urinary Diseases
  • Genetic Issues

1. Viral Diseases:

Some viruses can infect your cat throughout his life and cause health problems.

These include Feline Leukemia Virus, Feline panleukopenia virus, Feline calicivirus, coronavirus, Herpesvirus, Lentivirus etc. are included.

These viruses infect the distinctive parts of the Black Maine Coon Body, for example, which affect the immune system and reduce immunity or respiratory infections.

“Viruses such as feline panleukopenia can cause the sudden death of cats without showing any signs of illness. They work by weakening or sometimes destroying your cat’s white blood cells.

Other viruses can cause diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, crying eyes, and skin infections.

Some of the viruses are contagious, while others reach the cat’s body through saliva and when you give your cat certain foods.

Vaccines for these types of viruses are available that you may need to give your lovely pet through injection and food throughout their lives.

However, you should also check before giving anything to your cat.

2. Tract Urinary Diseases:

Under certain circumstances and for any reason, your lovely little cat can develop urinary tract diseases.

This includes vomiting, diabetes, ringworm, and in the worst cases, cancers.

These issues can occur in your Maine Coon black due to poor diet and lack of exercise because this cat is the dog of the cat world.

They’re brimming with energy, and spending all their time indoors can shift their focus on exercise toward eating and sleeping all day.

Because of this, problems such as diabetes occur in Black Coon cats in Maine.

3. Genetic Issues:

Genetics play a stark role in raccoon cats in Maine. From determining fur color to establishing key raccoon personality traits, Genetics plays a role everywhere.

Also, if both parent cats are positive for some problem, the kittens have a 99% chance of developing it.

For example, if Dam and father both cats have heart disease, there is a chance that the kitten will have the same condition.

Genetic issues that can be found in Black Maine Cats are Hip dysplasia, Kidney cysts or Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, which increase the size of the heart in the middle age of cats.

Also, if you separate a Maine Coon Black kitten from its mother at a very young age, they have a chance of developing mental issues like Sticky Cat.

In this case, cats become overly sensitive to their owners’ presence and become too possessive to keep them around. You can find full information about the sticky cat problem here.

Finally, some information about Black Maine Coon Kittens for Sale; Before you go for adoption, please have a read:

Things To Know Before Adopting a Black Maine Coon:

1. Parents’ Fur Color:

Remember, the color of fur for kittens is determined only by the parents.

The X chromosome is the gene for fur color in Black Maine Coon Cats.

  • The color of the male offspring is determined by the dam, mother or queen.
  • Male and female, both parents determine the color of the female offspring.

2. Parent’s Medical History:

As you have read, black Maine raccoons have some health issues that are caused by the health issues of their parents. Therefore, it is necessary to check the medical history of the parents before breeding.

Male and female ensure both cats are healthy or at least one of them has any cysts, heart or bone disease etc. make sure it isn’t.

3. Registration With Tica:

The International Cat Association registers and issues each Black Maine Coon cat certificate if it comes from a purebred family.

If a breeder cannot provide this to you, the cat you take home may not be a purebred Maine Coon Black Cat.

4. The Reputation Of The Breeder:

Finally, be sure to check the manufacturer’s reputation in the market before making any deals.

A breeder with a good reputation means they will provide you with exactly the traits you are looking for.

5. Vaccinations:

Finally, before you bring your black cat home, be sure to provide him with the necessary vaccinations. Also, have your kitten checked by the vet for any health issues.

Common Myths VS Truths About Maine Coon Black:

Can a Black Maine Coon change its fur color?

Number! Due to the lack of an enzyme called tyrosine, their hair turns golden. Due to this deficiency, the production of Eumelanin stops and therefore the black fur turns rusty.

Another reason is that too much sun exposure can turn your cat’s fur a bleached black color.

Do Black Cats Bring Bad Luck?

Number! This is nothing but a legend. Black cats are just as cute as any other cat.

Do Black Maine Coon Cats Have Ghosts in them?

Not at all! They may look mysterious and scary, but they are cute, gentle, friendly and loving cats.

Do Black Coone Cats Have No Market Value?

Wrong! Black Maine Coon price is much higher due to increased demand in the market.

Will My Black Coone Cat Scare Neighborhoods?

Number! Black Raccoon Cats love to socialize and once you get to know them, no one is afraid of them.

Are Black Maine Coons a Mix Breed?

You can find a black Maine Coon mix. However, the black cat is a pure breed and belongs to a US state famous for its trees.

Bottom Line:

If you love animals enough, it doesn’t matter their breed, coat color or background. When they come to your home, they become part of your family, regardless of their previous breed.

Proper training can help to civilize your pet. However, cats are quite difficult to train; Nevertheless, cute attitude can replace it.

Have fun with your cats and don’t forget to tell us about your cute little cats in the comment section below.

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