Rare Green Flowers Names, Pictures, And Growing Tips + Guide

Green is abundant in nature but rare in flowers. Have you seen all-green flowers commonly grown in gardens? Not very often…

But green flowers are love!

Flowers in rare but pure colors look very charming like Pure blue flowers, pink flowers, Purple Flowers, red flowers and much more.

Just like that, Green flowers are naturally eye-catching, such as the bells of Ireland, the green dahlia, the hydrangea flower, and the “Green ball” carnation with its fuzzy lime-colored orbs.

So let’s get to know all the green flowers you can grow in your gardens without wasting time. (green flowers)

Green Flowers Names, Pictures, and Growing Tips + Guide:

First we will talk about all these flowers that are in pure green tissue. So let’s start:

1. Flowering Tobacco:

Green Flowers

Woohoo! As the name suggests, this plant is poisonous, but looks perfect for growing in the garden. All you have to do is keep kids and children away.

Scientific Name: Nicotiana Sylvestris

Family: Solanaceae, nightshade

Common Name: Forest tobacco, flowering tobacco, South American tobacco, Persian Tobacco

Plant Type: Tender perennial / Annual

Growth period: two to three weeks of sowing

Hardness zone: 10 to 11

Flowering Season: June to Frost

Flowering Time: About 10 weeks

There are several plants that look like weeds but are not poisonous at all. Still, this is one. But they look so fascinating that you can’t stop growing them in your homes. (green flowers)

It comes in different heights, short and long. However, a small size you can include:

6” x 6” (width x height)

It comes in many colors, including green. Here is a guide on how to grow Nicotiana Sylvestris, or sweet tobacco green flowers, at Home:

2. Spider Mum Flower:

Green Flowers
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Spider mother flower is available in a variety of colors; however, they look very charming in the shade of green.

Their residence time is quite long, so Asteraceae is well suited to be used in wedding and other floral decorations. (green flowers)

Scientific Name: Dendranthema x Grandiflorum

Genus: Chrysanthemum

Family: Asteraceae

Common Name: Moms, Spider Mom Flower, Spider Flower Mom

Plant Type: Perennial and annual

Growth Time: Four months

Growing Season: late July to early autumn

Hardness zone: 5

Fun Fact: It can stay fresh for 14 to 21 days at banquets.

Generally, Spider flowers can grow quite large.

Spider mother flower size up to 6 inches wide

You can keep the size less inches wide if you remove some buds.

The easiest yet quickest way to grow Spider Mom Flowers at Home without worry:

It is easy to grow mothers from cuttings. However, if you see your plant wilting and its flowers drying up, don’t throw it away. (green flowers)

Here you can use dried spider mother flowers to collect seeds and then use them to grow new and fresh plants.

Here are some tips and guidelines in the video on collecting Mum’s seeds and growing them from seeds rather than cutting them. Please follow the instructions carefully. (green flowers)

Note: The video was not made by a native speaker; however the instructions provided are very detailed.

3. Bells Of Ireland:

Irish Bells are, without a doubt, the most delicate flowers with a peculiar bell-like shape. If you ask the meaning of these green flowers, the bells of Ireland symbolize luck and fortune.

Irish bells are so delicate that their tissue paper is used in delicate flower arrangements. In addition, this flower is used in dried form and beautifies the environment in its own way.

Scientific Name: Moluccella Laevis

Genus: Moluccella

Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Irish Bells, Bark Flower, Icelandic Bells

Plant Type: Annual

Growth Time: Two months after sprouting

Growing Season: July to September

Hardiness Zone: 2 to 11 at the north end

Fun Fact: Irish Bells are Turkey and Iran, not native Ireland or Iceland. They are called Irish bells because of their bell shape and green color, which is related to the foliage of Ireland.

Bells of Ireland flower size:

Height 2-3- feet

It is a slow grower; so if you are producing green flowers from seeds rather than cuttings, it will take up to a month for the seeds to sprout.

If you know the right techniques and are prepared to follow the instructions carefully, you can have beautiful green flowers dancing in your garden. (green flowers)

Here’s how you can grow Irish bells at home:

4. Cock’s Comb

Green Flowers
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The rooster comb often sprouts in a variety of shades, but they look incredibly charming in green. Why are they called that? Thanks to their shape resembling a rooster comb.

Scientific Name: Celosia cristata or Celosia

Genus: Celosia

Family: Amaranthaceae

Common Name: Rooster comb, Wool Flowers, Brain Celosia,

Plant Type: Annuals

Growth time: About four months

Flowering Period: Summer to early autumn

Heat zone: USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11

The genus names are derived from a Greek word meaning burning, as it looks like a burning flame.

Fun Fact: Of all the varieties, green Cock’s Combs are the least expensive of all.

Their green color has a slightly bright lime-toned texture.

Head and stem sizes are combined to find the exact size of Cock’s Combs because the flower head of this plant grows more in an upward direction than a wide one. Like this,

Rooster’s Combs Crested Head 2-5 Inches Wide Leafy Stem 12-28 Inches Long

The rooster comb or comb of the rooster plant is widely cultivated around the world, especially in sunny and warm areas. However, it can sprout well in less warm areas, but not in frozen ones.

The flower is great for ornamental purposes because they look truly stunning and are often grown in public gardens to enhance their beauty. (green flowers)

To make your garden look beautiful If you want to grow it at Home, follow the instructions given in this video:

5. Green Rose Flower:

Green Flowers
Image Sources best-wallpaper

There is no doubt that the Rose is the most sought after flower and is available in incredible hues and colours. Red and burgundy roses are the most common; but you can also have green roses.

Green rose is not very common in gardens; They are rare but not impossible to germinate. (green flowers)

Scientific Name: Rosa

Family: Rosaceae

Common Name: Rose

Plant Type: Annuals, Perennials

Growth Time: six to eight weeks

Flowering Season: Summers

Hardness zone: 4, 5 or 3 depending on the temperature of the area

Fun Fact: Green roses may be the oldest roses.

You can use green flowers in banquets, flower arrangements, and more. Everyone loves roses and it is the most famous flower ever.

Roses are available from the smallest to the largest. In the smallest miniature they are several centimeters long, while a hybrid flower can rise to several inches.

How to Get Green Roses:

Roses are not for growing plants; but finding seeds for green roses can be difficult. But if you can’t find seeds, you can use cuttings to grow these flowers. (green flowers)

Another way to have green roses at your Banquets and in your Home is to color them. Are you surprised? In this video you can learn how to turn white roses into green, blue and purple roses.

6. Mediterranean Spurge:

Green Flowers
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It is a unique and majestic perennial with green flowers that grow up to a foot tall and look stunning in your garden, but just as captivating. (green flowers)

Scientific Name: Euphorbia Characias Wulfenii

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Common Name: Mediterranean spurge, Albanian spurge

Plant Type: Perennial shrub

Growth Time: Its slow germination can take from a few weeks to several months.

Flowering Season: Spring

Hardness zone: 4 – 8

When viewed from afar, its color is lime green or yellowish-green. Euphorbia Characias Wulfenii flowers grow naturally green and have a very peculiar shape.

Mediterranean Euphorbia Plant begins to grow in winter.

When these plants bloom, you’ll need to cut off the buds almost completely so the leaves can come back after they’ve exhausted their blooms.

The plant is very tall, while the flowers grow in clusters, which makes the plant even taller. Flower size:

12-18 inches long x 6-8 inches in diameter (approx.)

Mediterranean Spurge needs a garden or a large pot to grow in due to its larger size; Roots need a large room to germinate well.

Tools like the easy garden spiral hole drill make gardening effortless for this type of giant plant. (green flowers)

You can spread Mediterranean Yoghurts from cuttings as follows:

  • Choose early spring season for growth
  • Take cuttings with 4 to 8 sets of leaves
  • Remove the lower leaves and the growing tip of the plant
  • Rinse the sap from the cut with cold water
  • Wait a while for the washed area to dry.
  • Prepare the soil with 20 – 50% soil
  • Place the cutting in the ground
  • Gently water your baby plant
  • Be prepared to place in direct sun
  • Place the pot on a heating mat to encourage root growth.
  • Place the pot in full sun when you see it sprout.

Pay attention to the following things:

  • Wear gloves when cutting as the sap can irritate the skin
  • Allow the plant to drain well to prevent rot
  • Do not repot before the roots fill the pot.
  • Use the root remover tool to properly remove and transfer the plant

Now we will discuss the green flowers with a combination of colors.

Lime Green Flowers

7. Green Dahlia Flower:

Green Flowers
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Dahlia, with its eye-catching design, allows you to make a garden full of colors as it offers a variety of hues that grows continuously all year round. (green flowers)

Dahlias are available in linden tones (green) as well as black, purple, blue, red, orange and white.

Scientific Name: Dahlia pinnata

Family: Asteraceae

Common Name: Garden Dahlia

Plant Type: Tender perennial

Growing Range: 8 to 9 weeks planting

Flowering Period: Late autumn to late spring

Hardiness Zone: 8 to 11

They are perennial plants, meaning they are evergreen plants that can be grown year-round under certain conditions. (green flowers)

What you need to know about Dahlia size:

As wide as a dinner plate X several inches long (width x height)

Follow the tips given in the video for growing dahlias at home:

You can use water guns for regular and even irrigation, and easy hoeing can be done with garden claw gloves. (green flowers)

8. Dianthus “Green Ball”:

Green Flowers
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Dianthus barbatus ‘Green Ball’, also known as Sweet Williams, develops unique and ball-shaped flowers several inches in size with fuzzy spikes. (green flowers)

Scientific Name: Dianthus barbatus

Genre: Pink

Family: Caryophyllaceae

Common Name: Green Ball plant, Sweet Williams plant

Plant Type: Perennial

Growth time: seeding begins in 14 – 21 days

Flowering Period: Late spring and summer.

Heat zone: 1 – 9

They have a rod upright body on which ball-like spikes grow and form a ball. The plant has dark green leaves and looks bushy in the garden.

Dianthus green ball grows to several inches tall, sizing:

up to 3 inches

The best season to grow Dianthus “green ball” is spring. They sprout, bloom and thrive quickly and effortlessly, but only with the right methods. (green flowers)

Check out how to grow Dianthus “Green Ball” at home here:

9. Gerbera Daisy

Green Flowers
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Who doesn’t know daisies? Colorful daisies, each more beautiful than the other, are smiling in your garden, what a wonderful experience it will be. (green flowers)

Daisies come in a surprisingly fresh green color along with many other colors. You can easily grow them in gardens or pots and add more greenery to your already lush gardens.

Scientific Name: Gerbera jamesonii

Breed: Gerbera

Family: Daisy

Common Name: Green Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Barberton Daisy, Transvaal daisy

Plant Type: Annuals, Perennials

Growth time: About four months

Hardness zone: 8 – 10.

These plants are true spirits that will show a springy texture in your garden with colorful blooms spread all over. (green flowers)

The typical growth of Gerbera Daisies in any color or green is quite tall.

Gerbera Daisy Length = 6 to 18 inches tall

These daisies sit on dead stems about 6 inches above the foliage.

You can quickly grow Gerbera daisies at home. But if you know the right techniques and tactics, you can do it even better. (green flowers)

Here is a guide to breeding better gerberas at home:

10. Calla Lily Green Goddess:

Green Flowers
Image Sources flick

Calla lily flowers, which can be found in different eye-catching colors, are one of the most used flowers at banquets after the rose. (green flowers)

The green lily is called the green goddess because of its beautiful appearance and delicate and sticky scent.

Scientific Name: Zantedeschia aethiopica

Family: Araceae

Common Name: Calla Lily, Green Goddess (green flowers)

Plant Type: Bulbs, Perennials

Growth Time: Sprouting begins in two weeks, but takes 13-16 weeks for flowering.

Growing Season: Spring

Hardness zone: 8 – 10

Having green lilies is a great option to have in the flower garden, thanks to their easy-growing attitude, sweet scent, and showy beauty.

Calla lilies give you a tall flower with a large stem for easy addition to banquets.

Shaped funnels, lily flowers can grow up to 30 inches

Winters are suitable for growing Calla Lilies; however, they can be symbolic all year round with special conditions. (green flowers)

Here are some tips on how to grow a calla lily plant easily at home:

Pink And Green Flowers:

What do the pink and green flowers mean? Well, that just means you get the flowers in a combination of green, not just a shade of green.

It can bring fascinating choices for plants for your garden. So, let’s check them out:

11. Cymbidium Orchid

Green Flowers
Image Sources flickr

Cymbidium Orchid is a genus that produces the longest lasting Boat Orchid flowers for stemless survival planted in the ground. Therefore, they are the best option for colorful bouquets.

These gorgeous looking orchids don’t just bloom in green and pink, they also come in a variety of colors like red, pink, white and yellow.

Scientific Name: Cymbidium

Family: Orchididae

Common Name: Boat Orchids

Plant Type: Perennial

Growth Time: Three years

Flowering Season: Spring

Hardiness zone: 10 to 12

Cymbidium Orchid Flowers can stay fresh when grown and last up to one to three months. They like when the night temperature drops below 58 degrees as it initiates flowering.

They produce large flowers up to:

2 ½ to 6 inches

These are winter plants and you will need to start growing them from February. However, you need to be a very patient person to grow Cymbidium Orchids at Home because they take the longest to develop.

Here is a helpful video on how to grow cymbidium orchids in pots at home:

12. Hydrangea-macrophylla

Green Flowers
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You find seventy different types of Hydrangeas in nature. They bring dotting flowers and usually bloom throughout the winter.

It is recommended to bring large-leaved hydrangeas indoors to protect them from the cold during frosting.

Its buds grow very well indoors and begin to produce unique flowers in a combination of colors such as pink and green.

Scientific Name: Hydrangeaceae

Family: Orchididae

Common Name: Bigleaf Hydrangea, French Hydrangea, lacecap Hydrangea, mophead hydrangea, penny mac, and hortensia.

Plant Type: Deciduous Shrubs

Best Season to Grow: Mid-summer to spring

Growth time: Hydrangea grows 25 inches per year until maturity

Hardness zone: 3 – 10

Fun fact: Bigleaf Hydrangea is very sensitive to cold as it can shrink the size of the bushes.

Bigleaf Hydrangea flowers are known for their large, coarse leaves that envelop the plant in all directions, absorbing nutrients from the soil and helping Hydrangea grow well.

With all that said, keep in mind that as the hydra in their name suggests, Hydrangea needs a lot of water to grow well.

They give you big flowers:

4 – 6 inches long x 4 – 6 inches wide

If you want to grow Hydrabdea at Home, be sure to give them at least four hours of direct sunlight per day.

However, you need to give them plenty of water to sprout well and make your plant richly flowering. Here are some other things you need to do to get well-grown hydrangeas.

13. Hen aNd Chicks (Sempervivum)

Green Flowers
Image Sources pixabay

Sempervivum forms evergreen rosettes on the leaves, turning a shade of pink that turns purple during the frost season.

The mesmerizing beauty of this plant with its succulent leaves look like enchanting flowers, full of sap looks impressive and adds to the feel of any place.

Scientific Name: Sempervivum

Family: Crassulaceae / stonecrop

Common Name: Houseleeks, liveforever, hens and chicks

Plant Type: Succulents, Perennial

Best Season to Grow: Mid-summer to spring

Growth time: Three weeks to a year to germinate

Growing zone: 4 – 8

Once mature, each offset begins to form its own roots and is no longer dependent on the parent plant.

Each parent plant dies after flowering; but the fry takes up space by then and the cycle continues.

Houseleek (Sempervivum) Flower blooms taller and wider horizontally. The size of the flower will be:

2 – 6 inches high x 9 – 12 inches wide

Being succulent, Houseleek doesn’t take much to grow. However, since it takes a lot of time compared to other plants, you need to be patient to grow your pink and green flowers.

Here is the method on how you can grow this everlasting houseplant at Home:

14. Amaryllis Minerva

Green Flowers
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There are two different genera of Amaryllis, but there are many species, almost 700. But today we are talking about Amaryllis Minerva, a giant tricolor flower that will decorate your gardens.

They do not have a full green color, but because the buds are green, the leaves of the bulbs give a green texture when in bloom. However, the green surface is quite distinctive and we can call them Amaryllis green and pink flowers.

Scientific Name: Amaryllis Minerva

Family: Amaryllis – Hippeastrum

Common Name: Amaryllis Minerva, Amaryllis Bulbs, Amaryllis Pink and green flower

Plant Type: bulbs

Best Season to Grow: Winter, early spring

Growing time: In the right growing conditions in 6 – 8 weeks or up to 10 weeks

Climate zone: 14 – 17, 21 – 24, H1, H2

Many times we confuse Amaryllis and Hippeastrum because of their similar looking flowers and plant characteristics.

Interestingly, it was part of the genus Hippeastrum Amaryllis but later became an independent genus in 1990.

Just check:

For an even more greenish texture you can have Butterfly Amaryllis Papilio with a slightly darker maroon color.

Amaryllis has no flowers; they are light bulbs. So the size of Amaryllis bulbs:

1 – 2 inches x 7 – 8 inches ( Height x Spread)

This elegant plant is the basis for growing. It’s easy, straightforward, and usually takes less time to grow than bulbs. To have this smart plant in your Home, please follow the step-by-step instructions given in this video:

Blue and Green flowers:

Blue and green, the color combination is not found in flowers in nature. But many bridal feasts are held using blue and green flowers.

They use green and blue flowers side by side but arrange them to look more natural.

But while Bluecrown Passionflower Passiflora Caerulea can give you both colors, what you’re really looking for is:

15. Bluecrown Passionflower Passiflora Caerulea,

Green Flowers
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Passiflora Caerulea, a species of flowering plant currently native to South America; however, it was introduced elsewhere than in America.

The plant is a vigorous vine that is semi-evergreen and can grow to 10 m or more.

Scientific Name: Passiflora Caerulea

Family: Passifloraceae

Common Name: Blue passionfruit, blue-crowned passionflower, common passionfruit, sweet Grandia

Plant Type: Perennial evergreen vine, Climbers

Best Season to Grow: All Summer, Fall

Growth time: 1 – 12 months at 20°C

Hardness zone: 6 – 9

Fun Fact: Soak the seeds in warm water for 12 hours and sow them in late winter.

You can find plenty growing around you, especially when it comes to the passion flowers category.

Interestingly, the blue and green flowering vines are not only planted for ornamental purposes, they also produce an edible flower and are used to make many medicines.

The flowers are small but not too small to be seen. They grow:

3.9 inch diameter

The most detailed guide on how to grow Blue Passionflower at home:

Just follow along and in 12 months you will have your own passion flowers and passion fruits.

Bottom Line:

This is not the end. The blog just stated. We will be adding more queries to our green flower category soon; We’re doing research on it.

Queries include White and Green Flowers, Purple and Green flowers and some that we will explain later.

So stay tuned, keep visiting us, and don’t forget to bookmark our blog or sign up for the newsletter to get notifications about updates.

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Good Plantings!

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