Should You Get Double Helix Piercing? Yes or No? A Complete Guide

Double helix drilling is on trend; It suits everyone, but all men and women adopt this style to look stunning, pair it with a beautiful stone bracelet or try something different but cool.

Double helix piercing also refers to cartilage piercing, which happens when you drill a pair of holes at the same time. Most often, Double Helix Piercing is done vertically, especially in areas such as:

  • Rooks
  • Orbital
  • Snug
  • Scaffold
  • Industrial
  • Conches
  • And of course, the helix area

Tip: trace your finger from your earlobe to the upper end; this is the area where all the above points are located and you can select the points of your double helix drilling.

But is it really safe to have your ear pierced twice at the same time?

This blog covers Double helix drilling types, preparations, process, improvement, limitations, do’s and don’ts etc. He will let you know everything about him.

Double Helix Piercing:

Helix Piercing
Image Sources flickr

You have two spiral points in your ears; both are located next to the industrial point of your ear.

However, this does not mean that Dual piercings will be done only at these points of your ear; instead, a double helix piercing will be required at any point in your ear that needs two holes around the cartilage at the same time for a single piece of jewelry.

You might say that the spiral piercing has nothing to do with the spiral point of your ear, but it is more about the ornament you put on your ear for the spiral-shaped fashion.

It’s possible:

  • Forward double helix drill
  • Reverse double helix piercing

Also called

  • cartilage piercing

Limitations of Getting Two Helix Piercing at One Time:

Helix Piercing
Image Sources pinterest

Fun fact: Double Helix Piercing is safe; people even get a triple helix piercing at a time.

Anyone can drill two holes at the same time.

In fact, sometimes double helix piercing is recommended so that the ear can heal faster than waiting for one to heal.
However, the limitations mean you need to do some preliminary preparations before you go for double piercing.

Note: They are no different from a single piercing, except you get a double penetration into your ear in one go.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Finding Double Helix Piercing Location:

Helix Piercing

They’re usually made along the helix of your ear, and that’s why they’re called that. Both holes are drilled close to each other. Thus, it looks more like one hole than two.

Also, if you already have holes in your ear, you will need to determine the distance between your old holes and the new holes you are about to drill.

Tip: Consider the jewelry you’ll be carrying with you when marking the distance between the holes. Make sure the length of the b/w holes is sufficient so that the jewelry pieces do not get tangled when putting them on.

You can also ask your piercer or artist to recommend a perfect place for you that is free of cartilage discomfort.

Tip: Do not finalize the ends until your expert artist approves.

2. Booking Your Appointment:

The second thing to do is to pre-book the day of the appointment with your piercing.

It’s best to book your piercing a week in advance so you can prepare yourself and decide to think more deeply about what’s coming.

Also, make sure the artist you choose to have your double helix piercing is well-trained and has a license to do the job.

Hint: Here, you won’t be in a rush to find an artist and pick anyone you see in first or second place. Remember, good things are for those who expect, and it’s okay to stay and seek rather than suffer later.

Ask specific questions that ensure the person or artist you choose is worth it. Like:

  • How long have you been working in the niche?
  • How many people do you help get piercings per day?
  • How much does double helix drilling cost?
  • Have you had an unfortunate event in your career like a piercing gone wrong?
  • How did you deal with the situation and did you resolve your client’s problem?

Tip: Ask about the piercing tools they use, ointments if they recommend it, and physically check what they tell you.

3. Talk To Your Artist Beforehand:

Helix Piercing

Once your artist has been selected and the date set, it’s time to have another conversation with your expert and consult him/her about:

  1. Double helix penetrating pain
  2. Does double helix drilling do double damage?
  3. How long does it take for a double helix puncture to heal?
  4. Should I get a spiral piercing or two?

These questions will help you structure whether you’re ready to take the time to make this thing look stylish.

A simple note: Piercing pain is different for different people, just like injection pain. So, none of them can configure it.

On the other hand, the recovery period can take up to 6 months, but sometimes the ears heal completely in 3 months.

Finally, regarding your question, it’s not a big deal to get two cartilage piercings at once if done professionally and well cared for.

Tip: Ask the piercer to invite you to get a cartilage or double helix piercing from another client so you can see for yourself the process of overcoming the tension and fear.

Getting Cartilage Double Healing Piercing – The Day:

Helix Piercing

On the day of your cartilage or helical piercing, don’t be nervous or feel anxious. There are many people who have had this procedure before and have recovered.

when you wake up,

  • Take a deep bath and clean yourself deeply.

A cleansed body heals faster.

  • Reach your piercing at least 15 minutes early.

Needle, needle, gun, etc. You may need some time to get used to the environment.

  • Get to know the tool your driller will use.

Make sure the person is using a needle, not a gun.

  • Let your piercing know if you’re feeling nervous

By doing this, your piercer may chatter indiscriminately to keep your attention from the process.

  • Pierce with a needle instead of a gun

Because you have soft bone, the gun can have a crunch that can take even longer to heal.

  • Make sure the needle and other piercing instruments are properly sterilized.

A less cleaned tool is necessary as it means more infections

  • Stay calm throughout the process

Following them will help you feel comfortable while the transaction is being done.

How to do double helix drilling? Check out the video below:

As you can see the process is smooth, easy and painless but… it depends on the piercing or artist you choose.

Double Helix Piercing After Effects – The Healing:

That being said, double helix puncture can take 3 to 6 months to heal; During this time you will need to take care of your ears to avoid aches and pains and stimulate healing.

It may seem like a long journey at first, but after a few days you’ll get used to the routine and wonder when you’ll get better.

When you’re done drilling, make sure:

“Clean your ear thoroughly inside and out. Outside, use a cotton swab dipped in slightly warm salt water and gently rub the cartilage near the piercing, then give it a thorough massage with warm oils like almond and tea tree twice a day.

Here are the things that come with “Dos”.

  • Proper cleaning routine regularly for at least two months
  • Be prepared to take salt baths twice a day
  • Occasional applications of warm almond, tea tree, or tamanu oil to keep your skin from drying out for more soreness
  • Keep rotating your earrings in the holes from time to time so they don’t get stuck in one place.
  • Prevent hairs from getting stuck in the earrings of the holes you just drilled.

Here are things come in “Don’ts.”

Proper healing takes time and you need to be patient as the skin returns to normal. In addition, you will not:

  • Do not change the earring until it has healed.
  • Do not stop spinning the earrings, but wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.
  • Don’t play around the drilled holes too much.
  • Sleep on the pierced side (at least for the weak ones)
  • Do not panic; Pus is a common problem when you have a cartilage double helix piercing
  • Do not use solutions enriched with harsh chemicals on your ears
  • don’t play with your piercing
  • Avoid double-helix piercing with a gun

If you don’t avoid the do’s, you could get double helix penetrating infections.

Cartilage Piercing Infections:

Helix Piercing
Image Sources pinterest

Double helix puncture infections include:

  • cartilage piercing bump
  • intense pain

Slightly swollen gland at the site of the infected cartilage piercing (common)

  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Dryness
  • Mild pain

If poorly handled:

  • A pustule
  • Keloid
  • Scab

If any of these problems occur, be sure to contact your artist and a doctor immediately.

Cartilage Double Helix Piercing Risks:

There are no particular risks associated with double helix piercing. It is as normal as a lobe piercing or a single helix piercing.

However, the only thing that might bother you from doing this is the recovery time.

In some cases, recovery can be as fast as a month, but in rare cases it can take up to a year.

It’s up to you whether you’re ready to be patient, follow a proper cleaning routine, and show off like a diva or don’t want to have it.

Double Helix Piercing Jewelry:

Helix Piercing
Image Sources pinterest

Tip: It is better to choose small earrings with no large posterior ends to pierce your ear to prevent infections and promote faster healing.

The jewelry you choose to wear after piercing should be made of genuine metal such as:

  • karat gold
  • stainless steel
  • titanium
  • niobium

Once the piercing is fully healed, choose from trendy earrings and show off like a diva.

Bottom Line:

It’s not a bad thing to groom yourself from time to time, and also trying new looks in fashion will make you more confident and admirable.

Tip: Don’t be afraid to try something because of some pain or precautions you need to take along the way.

Get ready for the day, bathe, put on your favorite dress, do your nails for a beautiful look.

So, have you decided to have a double helix piercing? Or have you ever had any cartilage piercings? What was your experience? Let us know in the comments below:

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