Long Haired Chihuahua – A Guide From Real Chihuahua Owners You Won’t Find Online

The Chihuahua is the most sought after breed of dog, just like the husky, it is as big as the universe but only the smallest.

Yes, Chihuahua, A.K.C. It is the world’s smallest purebred dog. in 1908.

Ranking 33rd among America’s most popular dog breeds, the Chihuahua has a long history and awe-inspiring geography. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Due to their unparalleled popularity, prolific breeding, and the love of Americans, there are different types of chip puppies, including:

  • Long-Hair Chihuahua
  • Short-Hair Chihuahua
  • Apple Head Chihuahua
  • Deer Head Chihuahua
  • Teacup Chihuahua
  • Fawn Chihuahua

Whichever breed you choose, the smallest chihuahuas are the cutest.

Long Haired Chihuahua Dog:

Long Haired Chihuahua

The longhaired Chihuahua is an ancient breed of dog known as the lively, loyal and fierce guardians of their herd. Not bothered by their tiniest stature, chihuahuas are fearless escorts when it comes to family.

Long Haired Chihuahua Profile: (Powered by A.K.C.)

A.K.C. Race Popularity Ranking: 33

Height: 5-8 inches

Weight: Not to exceed 6 pounds

Life Expectancy: 14-16 years (some sources reported that chihuahuas can live up to 20 years.

Group: Toy Group (Long Haired Chihuahua)

The world’s smallest puppy (in terms of size and weight) is a female chihuahua dog named Milly.

According to some unofficial sources, the ancestors of the current chihuahua dogs were identified to be from Tula, a state in the Mexican state of Italico.

Experts see the long-haired and short-haired chihuahua of both breeds as brave, intelligent, alert, cheerful, religious, sociable, loyal and sometimes restless.

But you know, a Chi puppy can be different from another chi puppy in the same family; however, they are all known to form a stable relationship with their owners and vice versa. (Just like different siblings have different habits) (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Which Chihuahua Breed Do You Own?

Every dog breed has some subspecies; just like that, there are several other types of longhaired chihuahuas as well.

Longhaired chihuahuas are further divided into breeds based on their size, coat color, and mat of other dogs. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Here are some types of longhaired chihuahua dogs:

1. Apple Head Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua

As the name suggests, this Chihuahua has a long, broad and rounded head that is shaped just like an apple. This shape may not be visible due to long hair; however, an expert can verify.

Apple-shaped Chihuahua eyes are quite large, protruding from the head due to the dome-shaped skull. The muzzle is pointed and attaches to the head at a 90° angle. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

2. Deer Head Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua

It really looks like a barking little bear. It has a larger head and a small body with an arrogant, feisty and confident demeanor. Make sure you train them well before adding them to the family. Also, be extra careful if you have children in the family. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Longhaired chihuahuas have very thick fur that can change color on their bodies; however, the cuteness remains constant. In long hair chihuahua you can find the following color types:

1. Black Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua
Image Sources pinterest

Black hair is the rarest color found in Chihuahuas, just like black German shepherds. You will often see black chihuahuas with different colored markings on their hair, such as red, tan, brown or orange. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

2. White Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Just like black, solid white is a rare fur in chi dogs. It even has a lighter colored nose and claws. There is not a single black hair on the body of the white chihuahua. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

3. Brown Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua
Image Sources unsplash

Also called brindle hair chihuahua is brown, they have a black stripe on their body like in tigers. These lines can range from thin to thick. Brindle dogs are the cutest. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Chihuahua Dogs Size:

Long Haired Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is already a very short dog and also holds the title of the smallest dog in the world. However, the breed has shrunk for cuteness and we have a longhaired teacup chihuahua.

The teacup chihuahua size is well determined due to their already short stature. Sometimes a fully grown chihuahua can be a longhaired size micro teacup. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Long Haired Chihuahua Temperament:

“Chihuahuas are the most loyal, highly intelligent and very trainable animals of all breeds, long or shorthaired. Sometimes stubborn but only if you handle them badly.”

So don’t be fooled by false online guides that say chi dogs are angry, aggressive and always barking for no reason. Go and meet real people who have adopted chihuahua dogs.

They will tell you that these smallest dogs are the best addition to their family, just like Pomskies.

Remember that every Chihuahua can have a different temperament; however, the loyalty to its owner remains constant. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

The most distinctive features of the Chihuahua Temperament are:

  • Loyal & devoted
  • Lovers
  • Sociable,
  • Alert
  • Active
  • Courageous (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Besides that, longhaired Chihuahua dogs are sensitive to their owners, so they can appear jealous and anxious at times, demanding attention when it comes to their favorite people.

To get attention, they can bark so hard that it may not be pleasant for those who have not yet adopted a chi dog. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

But you won’t be able to stop yourself from falling in love when Chihuahuas play games to keep your eyes on them because you’re their favorite person. Wow!

If you think your Chihuahua is now clingy like cats, work on training your small dogs. It’s best to train your dog from a very young age so they’ll be less harsh when it comes to seeking attention.

At the start of training, these dogs can have a stubborn demeanor and, if not properly trained, may pretend not to notice your advice and remain silent. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

So how to properly tame your dog????

Long Haired Chihuahua Training:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Here you get the details: but

Are Chihuahuas hard to train?

Intelligent, with a strong head and wild forest-dwelling ancestors, these dogs tend to train themselves. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Therefore, when a human intervenes, the dog may display stubborn behaviors that earn them a reputation that is difficult to train.

However, proper, consistent and reward-based training can help owners achieve good results like other dogs in no time.

How long does it take to train a Chihuahua? (Long Haired Chihuahua)

It varies from one home to another and from one owner to another. Most chihuahuas can be trained in just 3 to 4 weeks.

Since you can always see Chihuahuas peeing around the house, be sure to give their bowel muscles and bladder time to get stronger. Dog pads can come in handy in such matters.

Are Chihuahuas high maintenance?

Because they are so small, chihuahuas can become prey for birds such as eagles and hawks when they are alone outside. They are also prone to be killed by large stray dogs.

Chihuahuas are somewhat sensitive and can break their legs when jumping off the sofa. Therefore, you will need to accompany them outside and keep an eye on them while they are inside.

Should Chihuahua sleep with you? (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Chihuahuas are too small to share a bed with a human because you can roll or kick them while they sleep. Therefore, be sure to separate your chihuahua’s bedding from day one to ensure sound sleep.

Now to education;

While Chihuahuas are both lovely long-haired and short-haired pets, like any other dog, they need to be trained from a very young age in order to become the civilized pet you want them to be. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

When it comes to training, the Chihuahua may display behavioral issues such as:

  • Stubborn
  • Headstrong
  • Extreme aggressive
  • Yappy
  • Or being shy

These characteristics can vary from one chi doggo to the next. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

To get around this, you shouldn’t be new to pets or train your first dog. They will need:

1. Boundary training:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Be sure to train your chi dog to boundaries from the first day you enter your home, as you don’t want him sitting on the bed, in the kitchen or on the tables. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

You can use dog safety gates for this. Hold it between the dog and where you want it to stand.

Chihuahuas are intelligent breeds and these personal boundaries will train them to stay where they need to be forever.

Make sure to bring a comfortable and suitable dog bed to prevent your Chihuahua puppy from going to bed and looking for a place to sleep. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

2. Keep Them From Chewing:

Long Haired Chihuahua

If you google the term chihuahua bite, you can find many eye-opening and disturbing results such as chihuahua bite owner, baby bite, chihuahua bite force and many others. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

It shows that the tendency of Chihuahuas to bite their owners is not small. In reality, chihuahuas are wild animals that were domesticated almost two hundred years ago.

They still have wild nature in their genes and they can become very aggressive if you don’t understand their needs and train them properly. This is why you often see chihuahuas dropping into shelters.

To avoid this, try to bring toys that let him do the chewing work. The biting energy will be channeled into the toy and he will eventually become a calm puppy. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

3. How do you train a chihuahua to pee outside?

Potty training chihuahuas is, of course, strenuous work due to their stubborn childish demeanor and small size. However, with the proper tools and regularity, this henpecked creature can be trained. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

First of all, you will need dog pee pads. Put them in a place where you organize a toilet for your pet.

Now, follow your dog’s call of nature and take him to the ground immediately. It usually happens after a meal.

If you see your Chihuahua sniffing the pads before they poop, let them do it because that’s their habit. You can also use phrases like “go to the potty” to make it familiar.

However, while you train them, make sure you have some pee and scum pads in your home so your furniture stays dirt and odor free if your little buddy is doing his job there. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

4. Grooming a long-haired Chihuahua:

Long Haired Chihuahua
Image Sources pinterest

They are sweet, more trendy and someone you can always accompany when going out. Therefore, your pet should always look like someone who catches the eyes of passers-by. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

This is why cleaning and grooming your long-haired chihuahua doggo is essential. But when it comes to cleaning and maintenance routine, you should not forget the following.

  1. Your little dog has sensitive skin and bones.
  2. Your little dog is too small to use regular grooming tools and bath accessories.
  3. Your little dog is stubborn and will test your patience on the road

Bathing should not be done too often, as the dog is already small and can easily hunt for germs and viruses. Bathe your Chi dog only when they are really dirty and need water to clean up the mess. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

However, please don’t put it in a big tub, just put it in Special Chihuahua bathroom accessories. After your pup has bathed, dry them immediately to avoid colds, flu and fever.

When it comes to grooming, the Chihuahua needs regular brushing as they have long hair to prevent matting. Also, watch out for spillage.

Unlike other dog breeds, chihuahuas shed their hair in clumps rather than strands; hence it is easy to remove them; however, only if you have proper grooming gloves to avoid obstacles.

One thing to remember is that the Chihuahua’s skull is fragile from birth to two weeks old and you need to be extra careful when cleaning and handling them. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

Then their heads may not stay so soft; however, you will need to carefully deal with them throughout life.

5. Exercise & Activity Is a Must:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Don’t go for the small size of your Chihuahua and think of him as a lap dog. Chihuahuas are both long and short-haired, highly intelligent, intelligent and at times stubborn dogs. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

As an active and small dog at the same time, you will find that this little creature will continue to follow you throughout the day. However, this activity cannot replace walking.

Therefore, you should take your Chi dog for a walk every day, and it is better to split the walk into two short walks a day. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

When taking your dog for a walk, be sure to use dog booties to prevent their mini paws from getting dirty or bruised.

Also, because your dog already has a small stomach and is immune to the attack of germs, carry water with you to avoid drinking from road ponds and dirty puddles. (Long Haired Chihuahua)

You will often see your Chihuahua dog with long hair, shaking and trembling. There may be many reasons behind this, such as excitement, fear or anxiety. However, cold is also a major cause.

Due to its size equal to a toy, this dog is very fragile and weak. Therefore, be careful not to get wet by rain, drizzle or dew while walking. Be careful when dressing your Chihuahua in a raincoat.

By doing this, you will see positive changes in your chi doggo’s attitude, such as being less stubborn and showing fewer tantrums. Be sure to thoroughly clean your dog’s paws after returning from a walk.

6. Food and Nourishment Requirement:

Your dog is small; therefore food and nutritional requirements are different from other dog breeds. They cannot eat smaller portions, not larger meals, 3 to 4 times a day.

Be sure to consider the following points when searching for the most suitable dog food.

  1. Longhaired Chihuahua stomachs are not designed to handle large amounts of wheat and barley.
  2. They also have to chew their food a little longer than other dog breeds to maintain the detailed bone structure around their jaws.
  3. In addition, if the food has a high salt content, it can cause dehydration in your dog’s body.

Also, measure your dog’s food accurately before offering it to preserve its nutritional content.

Long Hair Chihuahua Dog Health:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Like other dog breeds, longhaired breeds do have some health issues, so make sure you don’t associate health issues with longhaired chihuahua small dogs only.

Some common health issues Chihuahuas can have include:

1. Mitral Valve Disease:

MVI is a heart disease that many dog breeds are prone to have, including the Chihuahua, in which the lid margins become thick and lumpy, causing blood to leak. If left untreated, the condition can worsen over time.

2. Patent Ductus Arteriosus:

This condition occurs at birth in both dogs and felines and causes incomplete changes in the circulation of the heart. It is an important blood vessel to ensure that blood does not go to the lungs. This problem can occur in the long-fur Chihuahua.

3. Glaucoma:

It causes pain in the eye and can lead to complete blindness if left untreated. This is a genetic condition that is often passed from parents to Chihuahua puppies.

4. Hydrocephalus:

In this case, fluid starts to build up in the brain, causing pressure on the skull. It is common in dogs with Dome- or Apple-shaped heads, just like Chihuahuas. It makes training somewhat difficult and can threaten your pet’s life.

5. Luxating Patella:

The luxating patella is a knee issue in teacup or toy dogs like Chihuahuas. In this case, the knee pad will slip out of place. The pet walks abnormally, falling to one side, etc.

6. Hypoglycemia:

In this case, the dogs’ blood sugar level drops and their glucose production decreases after use.

7. Pulmonic stenosis:

This condition is also related to the heart and has two types. Chihuahuas with mild Pulmonic stenosis can lead a normal life, while severe can be life-threatening.

These are not directly related diseases or health issues related to longhaired chihuahua puppies as any dog can face such health issues in life.

In general, chihuahuas are healthy and low maintenance breeds; you just need to be a little patient and mature pet owner.

Chihuahua Cost Range Is From $500 To$1200:

There are two reasons why the price is high,

  • High demand among Americans
  • Low litter size (dam produces fewer offspring per birth)

You may need to do more if you buy a long hair Chihuahua in a rare color like black and white.

So, if you can afford to buy a dog at higher rates, there are some other considerations you should take:

Check Breeding Standards:

Long Haired Chihuahua

Also, the price of long hair chihuahua is huge. This is why dog mills are under-raising dogs to have too much so they can make money.

Therefore, always check the seller’s reputation before adopting. For this:

  • Take into account not only the puppy’s medical history, but also its parents.
  • Be sure to check whether the appropriate tests are available for the dog you buy.

Please consider buying if you see a breeder charging you more for a dog that has been fully tested and bred to the proper standards.

On the other hand, don’t waste your money if a breeder asks for more money just because of the rare color with low breeding standards and no medical history of the dog.

Recommended Health Tests Done From the National Breed Club:

When purchasing a longhaired chihuahua dog, some recommended tests from the national breed club N.B.C. are:

  • Cardiac Exam
  • Ophthalmologist Evaluation
  • Patella Evaluation

They are extremely sensitive to low temperatures as you can see Chihuahuas shiver more than other dogs. It is caused not only by feeling cold, but also by excitement, fear, or possible hypoglycemia. It is healthy.

When you’re completely satisfied, go for adoption.

Bottom Line:

This isn’t all about the long-haired Chihuahua. Like the longhaired chihuahua mixed breeds, there are some questions our research team is still trying to get the facts on. We will update the content on these queries soon.

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