Selaginella Facts and Care Guide – How to Grow Spike Moss at Home?

Selaginella is not a plant but a genus (a group of plants with similar characteristics) and there are more than 700 species (varieties) of vascular plants.

Selaginelle makes an excellent variety of houseplants, and they all have the same care requirements, such as “needing more water to sprout.” However, their distinctive appearance makes them a lovely ornamental plant variety for plant aficionados.

It can be a creeping plant, a climber or a trailing plant.

For instance: 

  • Selaginelle kraussiana, or trailing Spike Moss, has 1 inch long vibrant green leaves that grow in small clusters.
  • Selaginella stauntoniana has longer leaves that are 6 to 8 inches long and have green triangular shapes.
  • Selaginella lepidophylia has leaves that are 3 inches high and 6 inches wide and can live without water for days.
  • Selaginella uncinata, or peacock plant, has blue-green leaves that grow 2-3 inches long.

What is the best thing? Regardless, Selaginelle provides an excellent variety of houseplants.

Lycopodiaceae is also a family of vascular plants, although the former Selaginella differs from it in that it has a ligule and two different spore-bearing scaly leaves.

Here is a detailed and original guide on Selaginelle, its houseplant varieties, care and how to grow it at home:


Although Selaginelle plants are called spike moss, they are not moss by nature and characteristics. Instead, they have an attitude of growth and care, more like indoor ferns.

Why? That’s because they are native to places that can be grown more for ferns and also produce spores like ferns.

Decorative Houseplant Varieties of Selaginella, You Can Grow at Homes:

You may have heard that Selaginelle plants are not easy growers and only if you are a professional. Well, that’s not the case.

Like any other herb, Selaginelle has its own set of requirements and needs, if you do it right you will find it thrives like any other easy to keep plant.

Here are the varieties you can keep at home and look vibrant during the day with the care tips given below:

1. Selaginella lepidophylia / False Rose of Jericho:

  • Scientific name: Selaginella lepidophylia
  • USDA Symbol: SELE2
  • Higher classification / Order / Family: Selaginella
  • Rank: Species
  • Kingdom: Plantae

It is one of the miraculous plants belonging to the deserts and dry climates of Chihuahua. Why miraculous? Because it can survive for days without water.

With fresh but scaly dark green leaves 3 inches high and 6 inches wide, Selaginella lepidophylia is easiest to grow in homes. You will need:

  1. Shallow dish 
  2. Put some gravels in it 
  3. Add water 
  4. Place it in the bright but indirect sunlight 

Selaginelle lepidophylia is the easiest to care for. Don’t worry if you forgot to water it because it can turn itself into a brown ball of moss when it doesn’t get enough water, but it will revert to its standard green form when watered again.

“The Lepidophylla variety of the genus Selaginelle differs from its other sister plants; one sibling can survive the drought days while the rest like to drink water.”

2. Selaginella Kraussiana:

  • Scientific name: Selaginelle kraussiana
  • Symbol: SELAG
  • Higher classification / Order / Family: Selaginella
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Class: Lycopodiopsida

The most sought-after species in the genus Selaginelle is Selaginelle kraussiana, a vascular plant native to the Azores and parts of mainland Africa.

It has many names given by the general public, such as Krauss’ spikemoss, Krauss’s clubmoss, or African clubmoss.

Just like Ceropegia (wires of the heart plant), it is a cute little plant with vibrant green branching leaves no more than 1 inch in height.

If you find brown-tipped leaves on your plant, these are varieties of it.

However, within 24 hours of watering, you may see it getting wider. In addition, it has an unlimited wide rooting system. To grow, they need:

  1. Lots of water 
  2. Regular water 
  3. Watering without dryness 

Check the video; You can see this plant blooming overnight this easily:

3. Selaginella Uncinata:

  • Scientific name: Selaginelle uncinata
  • USDA Symbol: SEUN2
  • Rank: Species
  • Family: Selaginella

Known by many names among plant aficionados, such as Selaginelle uncinata, blue spikemoss, peacock moss, peacock spikemoss or spring blue spikemoss, with its attractive blue-green flowers, it makes the best types of plants you can grow at home.

Selaginelle uncinata is native to the Gulf Coast of the United States. It grows only 2-3 inches from the ground, with oblong, paper-like, very delicate leaves.

It is grown in greenhouses and nurseries as a ground cover, as an outdoor plant, just like a dense mat. To sprout, they need:

  1. Water
  2. Humidity 
  3. partial shade
  4. Moist soil 

Selaginelle uncinata attracts reptiles because it likes to stay drenched and thrives well in humid environments.

Just check out how dramatically this plant grows:

4. Selaginella Stauntoniana:

  • Family: Selaginellac Willk
  • Genus: Selaginella P.Beauv
  • Native to: Mongolia, China, Taiwan
  • Common names: Selaginelle stauntoniana spring, Staunton’s spike moss

Selaginella stauntoniana is more similar to its sister plant, Selaginella lepidophylia, in that it needs less water to sprout than its other two siblings.

It makes beautiful 12-inch-tall reddish-brown or maroon stems with creeping scaly, asymmetrical, triangular-shaped fresh green leaves. They are also outdoor plant species.

However, the best they need to germinate well is woodland ground, dryness and light shade. If you can provide that, you can grow this Chinese native anywhere.

One thing to note is that Staunoniana is a slow grower like the blue star fern, which is a beautiful indoor plant. Therefore, you must be patient while growing it.

5. Selaginella braunii:

  • Family: Selaginellaceae Genus: Selaginella
  • Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Biomes/Growing conditions: Mesic, Oregon Coast
  • Sun exposure: Part Shade, Shade
  • USDA Hardiness zone: Zn6a -5º to -10ºF
  • Foliage color: Bronze/Orange, Light Green
  • Foliage season: Evergreen 

Braunii is another species of the genus Selaginella, also called Arborvitae fern, but despite its name, it is not actually a fern either in care or growth characteristics.

It is called a fern because of its arrow-shaped leaves that grow up to 10 inches.

Selaginella braunii is an interesting plant with bright green leaves (leaves in summer). In contrast, the leaves turn crimson red or light brown during the winter, making it an excellent ornamental species for your outdoor garden.

It is also an evergreen that makes an excellent ornamental to grow near cottages and backyard pavilions. To develop you need:

  1. Well-drained soil
  2. Shaded area 
  3. Regular watering in summers

Now that you know the Selaginella species, here are some Care Tips for all Selaginella species.

Selaginella Plants Care:

All Selaginella species differ slightly in care.

1. Watering:

In general, Selaginella is sensitive to drying out, but some species in particular need constant watering, while others (poikilohydric plants) can tolerate dryness.

Kraussiana, braunii and Uncinata love watering and can germinate well in moist conditions, while Staunoniana and lepidophylia are dry sweet resurrection plants and can survive for days without water.

The poikilohydric or resurrection strains of Selaginella roll them into a ball when dry.

The irrigation routine will also change seasonally. For example, water-loving selajinella varieties in winter will need even less water due to the density in the environment.

Be sure to follow strict precautions regarding watering your plant, such as:

  • Do not leave your plant unattended in the rain and let the water drain the soil more than necessary.
  • Over-wetting will cause wet soil and root rot, and your plant will eventually die or show signs of unhealthy health.
  • Do not leave water-loving Selaginella varieties dry as they can dry out and become lifeless and will not come back to life once again kept in water (like dormant varieties)

Mist your plant from time to time, and if you’re someone who forgets to water the plants more often, a self-hanging watering can will come in handy (thank you later).

2. Humidity:

“Selaginella can die if there is no high humidity!”

After watering, your biggest concern will be to conserve moisture while growing the beautiful moss selaginella.

All types of spikemoss love moist environments, making them an excellent ornamental species to keep indoors for decoration purposes.

So, here we have only one instruction for you and the only rule to follow is,

Maintain a high humidity environment around your leafy friend! For this you can use

Also, when growing outdoors, find a moist, shaded and acidic location to see your plant happily flourish and dance.

Also, misting and watering from time to time will also help you maintain your plant’s humidity.

3. Light:

“Selaginella loves shade and indirect sunlight.”

Light conditions for Selaginella species will vary from species to species and where you grow them. Selaginella likes to stay in the shade and do not like to catch the eye with the sun.

This means when you choose a room or outdoor space for plants.

  • A room that receives sunlight most of the day will indirectly place your selaginella plant in this light.
  • For outdoors, grow selaginella species as ground cover and place large plants and trees that can provide shade and help your species grow well.

4. Temperature

A little too sensitive to watering and humidity, this plant is also very strict about bed temperatures.

Temperatures range from 50°-75°F, such as Selaginella Species, while some thrive best at 40°F.

While not a moss in temperament, you will often find it grown outdoors under the shade of large plants where humidity and temperature are natural.

Then when growing them indoors, try to maintain the temperature by using glass containers or terrariums, of course.

People may think of using terrariums for decoration, but you are actually helping your plant grow better.

5. Soil:

Moist soil is best for some Selaginella species, while others can grow well in rock gardens or shallow gravel areas.

Moisture-retaining soil is perfect for nearly all Selaginella plant species. However, you should make sure that the soil is not wet with water, which will damage the roots of the selaginella plant.

The nature of the soil will also vary, for example depending on the location indoors and outdoors. Some species of the Selaginella plant grow well in rock gardens, woodlands and gravel surfaces.

You can mimic the same environment in a pot when growing Selaginella indoors. Imitate:

  • It is better to use peat moss soil as it drains well and also retains moisture.
  • Check the PH level of the soil as it may vary for each Selaginella species.

“Selaginella mostly likes acidic soil.”

Some experts also recommend humus-rich soils to plant enthusiasts for some species of this genus.


6. Pruning:

Selaginella species grow very well and grow very tall when it comes to providing them with suitable conditions. However, they don’t mind pruning either.

As a caring parent, you may prune your plant from time to time to appeal to its beautiful and attractive appearance.

So, to give it a bustier, bushy appearance, pinch off the leggy and longer ends and branches and prune them back to encourage widespread growth of your plant.

In addition, do not leave dead and damaged leaves attached to your plant; bud them and have fun with your leafy friend.

7. Fertilizers:

Like all other plants, Selaginella needs fertilizers only during the growing season, that is, from spring to autumn.

Never over-fertilize your plant, keep the amount right.

You will be surprised to know that too much fertilizer can kill your selajinella plants.


Selaginella Propagation:

Selaginella species are excellent breeders and reproduce by spores from time to time throughout the year.

You can use the cutout method to enlarge from scratch.

  • Take a healthy branch from your plant with leaves on it.
  • Bread in rich compost
  • Place your baby plant in a partially shaded indoor area
  • water regularly


  • Don’t use cold water
  • Don’t let the soil go soggy 
  • Maintain humidity 

When you see your plant has reached its optimum size, transfer it to a glass terrarium for decorative purposes and to help your plant retain moisture naturally without using a humidifier.


Common Pests and Diseases:

This plant is as attractive to insects as it is to humans, and some typical household pests that can affect Selaginella include:

  • Spider mites 
  • Mealybugs 
  • Curling leaves

Selaginella Care for pests:

Care will be different for different pests. Follow this guide:

You will see a spider web like a curtain around your plant; this definitely happens in the event of an attack by spider mites. To get rid of it:

  • Maintain high humidity around the plant

If you see your plant’s leaves turning yellow despite proper care, it’s nothing but mealybugs. To avoid it:

  • To ensure safety against mealybugs, you can use soapy sprays and clean the leaves using neem oil.

Note: mealybugs often suck nutrients from the plant and weaken it, so increase fertilizers so that in the event of an attack the plant can return to a stable state.

Finally, if you find any of the selaginella plant species whose leaves curl, be sure to check that they are getting enough moisture.

  • In this case, provide a more humid environment around your plant and prevent the leaves and stems from curling.


Selaginella is a completely safe herb to keep in homes as it is non-toxic to humans, pets and other plants. Dah, that’s not a Leucocoprinus Birnbaumii.

  • It is not toxic to cats.
  • It is not toxic to dogs.
  • It is not toxic to kids or humans either. 


1. Is Selaginella Fern?

Selaginella is neither a fern nor a moss, it is a vascular plant; However, instead of moss, it is technically a fern based on the temperament and attitude associated with care and growth.

Selaginella produces fern-like spores for reproduction rather than seeds.

2. Can I grow Selaginella indoors?

Generally, almost any type of selajinella plant grows and thrives outdoors.

But there’s no harm in growing it indoors as long as you’re prepared to provide the appropriate environment, such as the appropriate 50˚F temperature, high humidity, drying soil, and partially shaded area.

3. Is Selaginella Hard to care plant?

As a beginner, plants like snake plant, maidenhair fern, Pholiota Adiposa or pothos are great for you to grow as they have a very light and easy growing attitude.

Selaginella can be a little tough to care for, unless it’s Rose of Jericho, which can stay and survive for years like a ball of moss.

Bottom Line:

This is related to Selaginella, a genus that is often misjudged as a plant.

We’ve discussed the famous varieties you can grow at home, the general care every selajinella plant will need, and some growing conditions.

By following these, you can help your plant grow well.

Do you have any questions in mind? Let us know in the comments below.

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