Blue Calcite – Lets Extract the Energies Hidden in Nature for Your Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Do you believe that nature has its own energy and vibrations? Have you felt the prophecies constantly sending us positive or negative to guide us on life’s journeys?

Nature has energies for everyone, but only those who appreciate it and understand it can benefit. Nature heals you physically, mentally and emotionally.

Can you deny the happy effect on your mind after spending time in landscapes? Just like greenery, stones and crystals have healing powers.

People now think of ancient remedies rather than artificial methods to heal themselves, and using crystalline energy is one of them.

One such crystal is Blua Calcite:

What Is Blue Calcite:

Blue Caribbean calcite is a stone or crystal found in Pakistan (Asia) in 2019. The stone is known for its gentleness, serenity, calmness and energies that help reduce anxiety and discomfort in the brain.

Blua Calcite works by relaxing frayed nerves associated with the throat chakra and the third and fifth chakra, known as the third eye, helping to communicate in peaceful, clear and sweet tones and see things that the other two eyes have already ignored.

In short, it comes with chakras and energies directly related to our well-being.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the ocean of energies derived from crystals by finding the meaning of blue calcite.

Blue Calcite Meaning:

Blue Calcite
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Blue is the color of the sky, the color of water (although the water is colorless, you often see the oceans as blue) it represents the calcite minerals, specifically calcium carbonate, aragonite, and vaterite.

These minerals, naturally found in the earth’s crust, when combined with blue, create a comforting aura between the crust and the outer core that heals emotional damage such as the death of a loved one.

Yes, the blue calcite raw orb brings energies to keep your mind strong and your emotions in check to help you continue the flow of positivity and healing.

For more information on the subject, we mentioned the properties of Blue Calcite:

Blue Calcite Properties:

Blue Calcite
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There are two types of properties you find in all crystals, for example:

  • Healing properties
  • Metaphysical properties

Before we get into the discussion of the metaphysical qualities and healing of this stone, you need to understand the difference between both terms.

Recovery has more to do with one’s physical well-being, such as improving one’s physical health, benefiting the immune system, or stabilizing the heart rate.

On the other hand, metaphysical properties are related to your natural energy flow. It is concerned with bringing energies, vibrations and creating positive auras around the person.

● Blue Calcite Metaphysical Properties:

  1. Transforms Negative Energies, Evil Eye and Bad Vibrations into Positive Ones:

Blue Caribbean Calcite comes with powerful healing powers.

Physically, it is usually available in the form of crystal stones in the form of towers to hold in homes, offices, bedrooms and places where you think you need help warding off negativity.

This powerful crystal relaxes, relaxes, and supports the emotional body because blue calcite creates a protective aura around your mortal and, with its transformative energies, helps to transform negative vibrations into a positive environment before they affect your mental or physical state.

For example, “In an office setting, if you are struggling with the negative vibrations of anyone, having the crystal tower by your side will create an invisible protection to convert negative energies into positive energies before they reach you.”

Buy natural authentic crystal from Molooco:

2. Alloy the Energy Points on Your Body, Third Eye, Throat Chakras:

Blue Calcite

Your body has seven focal points known as Chakras. It is related to the mental, third eye, throat, heart, upper abdomen, creation and desires and sense of security.

Different crystals, such as the rainbow fluorite crystal, directly affect certain chakras in the body, resonating with the first four focal points of your body.

On the other hand, Blue calcite helps to open the third eye and makes your speech sweet, chirpy and calming.

How does it resonate with the third eye? Well, you are beginning to understand the prophecies in mortals and you are receiving messages from spirits to guide you clearly.

3. Provides Protection Against Theft, Business Loss, and Money Lose:

Blue Calcite
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It is also said that Blue Calcite crystals create a protective ambiance against theft and robbery of your home, workplace, room and all other areas.

The stone has the power to transform people’s negative intentions into positive or completely neutralize them and protect your property from any harm.

It is recommended to use one or two crystals outside of your home or office to be affected by the powerful energies of this stone.

4. Blue Calcite Encourages Optimism, Positivity, and Enhances Memory Function:

Blue Calcite

Calcite Blue crystals are directly associated with vibrations and auras. It helps you get rid of negative thoughts and make room for positive energies.

You feel an optimism instilled in you to find perfection in the universe. Your mind begins to focus on the constructive side of things rather than the destructive side.

Besides that, it also improves kinship functions and enables students to memorize more things. Cramming becomes easy.

5. Blue Calcite Helps You Do Angelic and Spiritual Communications:

It is also known that pastel blue stone or crystal opens your doors to spiritualism, far from realism. It says you can communicate with angels and receive messages from the divine.

Especially when you are in control of your dreams, you can finally control what you can see and what you can’t see. You can meet your deceased relatives and receive messages from the other world.

However, this is a very professional energy level and not everyone with blue Calcite can do it. It takes practice, practice and practice.

● Blue Calcite Healing Properties:

  1. Balances Immune System, Irregular Heart Beats, and Blood Pressure:

Blue Calcite is known to work for your physical health as well. It helps boost a person’s immunity by boosting the immune system, balancing blood pressure, and unstable heartbeats.

How does he do this?

Well, the things we eat and the water we drink are no longer 100% organic or pure. Water contains plastic waste. The particles are too small to be seen.

For healing, you can obtain a bottle of healing natural quartz that helps naturally cut down on plastic waste and enhances the true purity and nutrient richness of the water.

You can use this water for drinking and cooking to get the most out of calcite crystals.

Buy a water bottle with pure and real crystals in it.

Blue Calcite
  1. Help You Get Rid of Pain and Aches on All Parts of Body:

As a person continues to age, certain parts of their body begin to feel sick or sick, and aches and pains occur throughout the person’s body.

However, have you seen the Chinese ways to cure pain through pressure points? They call it acupuncture and they have special acupuncture pens and slippers to solve the problem.

However, the process may require small static shocks. On the other hand, if you are going to relieve aches and pains through crystals, you do not need any blows, needles or needle sticks to your body.

Blue Calcite Benefits:

Apart from its properties, if we just look at the benefits of blue Calcite, you can say:

  • Sooths your cognate
  • Enhance your memory
  • Makes you a positive person
  • Gives etheric protection
  • Lets you control dreams
  • Let you communicate with immortals
  • Brings you emotional intelligence
  • Lift up anxieties
  • Control over your emotions
  • Promotes inner support
  • Promotes wisdom
  • Sooth frayed nerves

How to Use Blue Calcite:

Fortunately, there are several ways to use crystals, gems, and stones instead of one. Here are some uses:

1. Use Blue Calcite in Jewelry For Love Relationship:

Using gems, stones and crystals in jewelry is not a new practice. If you wear it, you can improve your love affair.

You can always have the stone with you by keeping it in your jewelry.


You can find many types of earrings decorated with diamonds, gold or fluorite crystals.

Nose Rings:

They are also used in nose ring jewelry.

Finger Rings:

Instead of earrings and nose rings for crystals, people wear them in their rings. You can find many ring designs in which you can wear blue Calcite or your favorite crystal.

Stones, diamonds and jewels are embedded in the middle of the rings, giving you a relevant feeling.

Do you know that the effect of the ring varies according to the fingers? For example, if a ring is worn on the first finger and its meaning changes completely if it is worn on the thumb, would it have a different effect on your personality?

Ask your nearest jeweler to make a ring with blue calcite in it. You will need to provide them with a crystal and


In different bracelets, one or several stones are used to create an atmosphere of vibration around the person and to keep him away from the thick and thins of life.

For example, you can check out this Arrow Stone Lava Bracelet at Molooco Stores.

If you have blue calcite original crystals, you can make a DIY bracelet at home.

However, if you do not have the original, you can prepare crystals with resins and use them in your necklace.

While doing this, you should remember that the crystals made of resin are used for ornamental purposes only and have nothing to do with the effect.


The practice of wearing stone and crystal embedded necklaces is also very old. People wear gems in their necklaces that are sacred or need to stand out more.

Like an obsidian stone necklace to protect from the evil eye.

Likewise, you can protect a blue calcite crystal tower from the evil eye by attaching it to a band and tying it around your neck.

2. Use Blue Calcite in Decorative Items To Call In Wealth:

Another option that you can have crystals with you without notice is to add them to decorative items around your home.


  • You can use lamp bodies made of crystal.
  • You can display the blue calcite tower as a decorative item on your office desk.
  • You can hang crystals on the wind chimes at the entrance of your house to protect them from bad vibrations.
  • You can place calcite crystal on the wall of your house against theft.

3. Use Blue Calcite Combination with Other Crystal or Stones:

It is also recommended to use blue calcite in combination with other stones to enhance the effect of vibrations:

  • Moldavite and Blue Calcite:
  • Phenacite and Blue Calcite:
  • Aquamarine and Blue Calcite:
  • Banded agate and Blue Calcite:
  • Green Crystals and Blue Calcite:

Blue calcite combinations will increase the effect and healing properties of crystal energies.

Now you have all the information you need to think about where to buy blue Calcite?

Where to Find Blue Calcite?

Blue Calcite
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Calcites are easy to obtain and most of these stones come from Mexico.

However, the original Caribbean blue calcite was recently discovered in Pakistan.

However, the stone is easily found all over the world. You can ask the nearest jewelers to get your hands on the original blue Caribbean calcite tower.

You can also browse in-store vendors and crystal vendors for blue calcite orbs or towers.

How to Identify Original Blue Calcite?

When it comes to obtaining blue calcite, you also need to know and understand the shape, color, weight and other properties of the original blue calcite.

So, if you go to buy this calcite blue crystal, you can check the following things to find out its authenticity.

  • Blue calcite is available in the form of large blue towers or spheres.
  • The appearance of blue calcite is waxy and milky glace-like.
  • Blue calcite can be found in a pale blue to dark blue color.
  • It is not transparent, it is opaque.
  • Blue calcite also has a white twist in it.
  • When available in rainbow colors it is called blue Lemurian calcite.

But when it comes to finding genuine blue calcite, you should know the difference from other crystals like Angelite, Celestite and of course Blue Calcite:

Blue Calcite vs Celestite:

Blue Calcite
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The main way to find the difference between blue calcite and celestite is by weight and chemical combination.

When two stones of similar size are taken, celestite will be heavier than calcite. Numerically, Celestite spheres are 1.5 times heavier than the blue calcite sphere.

Blue calcite vs Angelite

Blue Calcite
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Angelite is also known as anhydrite or angel stone, its color is glacial blue or lilac blue, different from the pale or dark blue color of calcite.

To find the difference between Angelite and Blue calcite, put both stones in water. While angelite will remain blue as calcite is, after a while it will turn white or become less colourful.

While Celite’s waxy appearance makes it shiny and shiny, Angelite does not have a high sheen.

Check out this remarkable expert guide to find the difference between these three extremely similar crystals.

With the continuous use of blue calcite, you can say that the stone continues to absorb the negative energies in the environment and therefore gets dirty or loses its freshness.

What should you do in such scenarios? Did you get the new stone? Number! You can easily clean your blue calcite at home.

Find the details in the following lines:

How to Cleanse Blue Calcite?

You can use three ways to clean blue calcite:

1. With Dry Salt:

Take salt in a glass and put your healing crystals in it overnight and extract it fresh.

2. Singing Bowl or Playing Music:

Blue Calcite

Playing sweet melodies with a drum can remove the negative effects on your crystals and make them new and invigorating once again.


  • Do not use metal containers as salt or crystals may react with water.
  • Do not use the water technique as crystals such as celestite can dissolve in water.
  • You can use google for more information

FAQS: Things You Asked About Blue Calcite:

1. Is Blue Calcite a birthstone?

Blue calcite is not a birthstone or directly related to any zodiac, but Calcite is suitable for Cancer.

2. Where do you put blue calcite?

To protect from theft, you can choose any entrance part of your house that intruders can pass through. You can also wear it to appeal to your communication, tone and words.

3. Can blue calcite get wet?

No, it’s better not to associate it with water because it can cause it to dissolve, break or discolor.

Bottom Line:

It’s all about blue calcite. However, if you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to write to us.

Also, don’t forget to pin/bookmark and visit our blog for more interesting but original information.

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