Pomelo Fruit – Everything About The Largest Citrus

What is a pomelo? Why is it called the fruit of fortune? How does it taste? How can I cut this fruit and blah blah.

Many questions come to mind when discovering an unusual fruit or something new that we have heard of but have never tried before.

The blog offers a look at the whole shooting match about the pomelo fruit that you’ll love to absorb.

What Is A Pummelo?

Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo, also called Pummelo, is the largest citrus fruit native to Asia or Southeast Asia.

The crop is not a hybrid and will sprout naturally without crossing. (Pomelo Fruit)

Although native to Asia, the Pomelo is cultivated worldwide;

  • In the US, it is cultivated in California, Florida, Texas, and Arizona
  • In China, it is cultivated in the city of Guangzhou

With all this, pomelos are exported in significant quantities from Australia and the Philippines. (Pomelo Fruit)

FYI: Pomelo is the ancestor of today’s Grapefruit.

The big pomelo, the fruit of wealth or a symbol of luck, is so named because it is a Cantonese word in the language that sounds like prosperity.

For this reason, it is customary for the Chinese to display the Pomelo during the Lunar New Year to raise the bar for money and wealth. (Pomelo Fruit)

Pomelo Fruit Scientific Name & Information:

Scientific nameCitrus maxima or Citrus grandis
Common NamePomelo, Pummelo, Shaddock, Pamplemousse, Jabong fruit, Batabi Lebu, Suha, Chakotra
Spelled asPomello, Pummelo, Pommelo, Pumelo
Growing SeasonFrom November through June
Growing SpanEight Years
Tree Size50 ft high
Fruit Size6–10 inches in diameter
Fruit weight2–4 lb
Pomelo TasteSimilar to grapefruit, but sweeter

Pomelo Varieties:

Pomelo comes in different hybrid and some non-hybrid varieties.

Hybrid Pomelo fruits grow naturally in the wild.

On the other hand, hybrid Pomelos have been bred to bring improvements and variations in the taste and size of the Pomelo. (Pomelo Fruit)

Natural / Pure / Non-Hybrid Pomelos:

1. Dangyuja:

This Pomelo citrus fruit from Korea grows on the island of Jeju. It has pomelo genomes, hence it is variously labeled as pomelo fruit. (Pomelo Fruit)

2. Banpeiyu:

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources flickr

Banpeiyu makes the largest pomelo fruit. Some people consider it hybrid, while others consider it non-hybrid. So there is a discussion. (Pomelo Fruit)

Non-Hybrid Pomelo Types:

1. Grapefruit:

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources flickr

The grapefruit plant grows when the pomelo is crossed with a sweet orange. (Pomelo Fruit)

2. Sweet Orange:

Pomelo Fruit

It is a hybrid between pomelo and tangerine (small citrus tree resembling oranges). (Pomelo Fruit)

3. Bitter Orange:

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources pinterest

Bitter orange is produced when the Pomelo variety is crossed with Mandarin.

Note that the above cross-fertilizations occur naturally and are not man-made. (Pomelo Fruit)

Pummelo / Pomelo Taste:

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources pinterest

We ate Jackfruit, a fruit that tastes like meat because it is nutritionally rich. However, it can also be a delicious food while eating Pomelo. (Pomelo Fruit)

It does not include our smell and taste.

Pomelo has a pleasant flavor similar to a mild grapefruit. Grapefruit is slightly sour, but Pomelo is sweeter.

You can call it, it tastes like a mix of different citrus, like a mix of orange and Pamplemousse.

Everyone can taste this fruit and find it pleasant on the tongue and very friendly to the palate. Still, its protein and mineral wealth is the icing on the cake. (Pomelo Fruit)

Watch this exciting pomelo flavor compilation video:

What Does Pomelo Smell Like?

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources pinterest

The nimbus flavor of Pomelos is often used in perfumery and cologne making.

Pomelo musk is very rich in the citrus family.

You can find different brands and companies that generously appoint Pummelo’s pungent fragrance in perfumes for its pungent aroma. (Pomelo Fruit)

How to Eat Pomelo?

Pomelos are eaten raw, cooked or used to prepare numerous delicious juices, marmalades, jellies, jams and salads. (Pomelo Fruit)

For food, the Pomelo is cut first.

The pomelo is tightly encapsulated to be a jacket/cover or husk, containing the hardest shell with a solid white skin inside. (Pomelo Fruit)

For this reason, many people find it difficult to peel, cut or eat the pomelo:

Do not worry! As before eating, you will need to cut a grapefruit, here is the method:

How To Cut A Pomelo?

You will need to remove the thick crust around each piece and peel off the membrane. (Pomelo Fruit)

You can use a knife or your fingers, depending on how many times you peel the pomelo fruit.

If you’re using the knife, make sure to keep the sharpness at least one light spot away from the fruit, or you may lose juice while removing the peel. (Pomelo Fruit)

Once your pomelo is cut, you can enjoy the raw fruit. There are many other ways to enjoy a pomelo. You will learn more about it in the Pomelo uses section at the end of this page:

Pomelo Fruit Benefits:

Pomelo is very closely related to grapefruit. Many people also call it Pamplemousses, the French name for Grapefruit.

While both have a parallel appearance, the Pomelo has a very thick rind in which the flesh is encapsulated.

FYI: Pomelo Fruit can grow larger than a melon

The fruit is also difficult to cut, but well worth it for its abundant fringe benefits and richness of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Like any other citrus, Pomelo is the best of both worlds; you either use it in recipes or eat it raw – fruit gives you yum-yum. Consuming fruit can bring very positive changes in your life.

Nutritional Benefits of Pomelo

Some nutritional benefits are:

●  Rich in Nutrition:

Since its fruit belongs to the citrus genus, we can expect a lot in terms of nutrition. With no fat, just fiber calories, Carbs and vitamins, Pomelo Bites offer everything you need, especially during the winter months.

“Pomelo will never let you get dehydrated.”

According to the USDA, you get 231 calories, 5 grams of protein, 59 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber by consuming Pomelo meat.

Besides that, riboflavin, copper and potassium offer 12.6%, 32 and 28% respectively.

Pummelo is also the richest source of vitamin C, just like oranges and pomegranates.

● Engrossed With Fibbers:

This fruit of fortune contains 6 grams of dietary fiber. Most people in the US need 25 grams of fiber each day.

Instead of using artificial methods to fill the fiber deficiency, chew this healthy snack and get a naturally rich amount of nutrients.

Pomelo is rich in insoluble fiber from all types of fiber.

Insoluble fiber helps improve digestion. (We will discuss in detail about health, later)

● A Heaven Of Vitamins:

The human body needs vitamin C the most, and that’s what Pomelo offers. It keeps you fit, stays young, makes you look elegant and saves tons of energy inside you.

The 412% vitamin C ratio will never allow you to need another supplement to make up for the Vitamin deficiency. Chew Pomelo every day and stay healthy.

Besides, you can find the amounts of vitamin K and D in Jabong (Pomelo) fruit. This gives your body the energy it needs to do daily tasks without feeling tired.

● Antioxidant:

Pomelo is packed with numerous antioxidant compounds that increase the body’s immunity against free radicals found in the environment or entering the body through food consumption.

You can find naringin extracts in this largest citrus fruit known to prevent chronic diseases and infections.

Health Benefits:

Health benefits are praised in the same way as nutritional benefits, but they don’t make any deeper sense. Here you will know in simple language that using this fruit can help your health in many direct ways.

So, how will this honey pomelo directly help your health? Here are some details:

● Accelerate Weight Loss Process:

Pomelo Fruit
Image Sources pinterest

Weight loss is directly related to the number of calories you consume each day. However, calorie-rich foods also contain enormous amounts of fat.

Pomelo does not contain fat, but contains 231 calories with a rich amount of insoluble fiber.

While eating a Pomelo will keep you full for longer, the calories you consume are less than the human body needs.

Your body will break down the excess fat in your body to meet its needs. As a result, this thing will speed up the weight loss process.

● Fights Against Cancerous Cells:

Pomelo Fruit

Cancerous cells are dead cells that start affecting other nearby healthy cells instead of leaving your body.

An enzyme called Polysaccharides in pomelo peels is known to suppress transplanted Sarcoma 180 tumor growth (obtained from the NCBI Study).

(Pomelo peels are used in different ways; you’ll read more about named uses of pomelo.)

● Improves Skin Discoloration & Aging:

Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo peels are known to work best against skin discoloration. Pomelo peel oil is widely used to improve skin conditions such as eczema.

It has anti-melanogenic effects, which reduces the formation of melanogenic compounds in the skin and prevents them from forming colorless age spots on your skin.

It will prevent pigmentation by inhibiting tyrosinase up to 90.8%.

● Heart Health Improver:

Pomelo Fruit

Pomelo is also known for its ability to improve and improve cardiovascular health. Its use as a cardiac stimulant is not new; It has been cultivated for many years in Southeast Asia for this reason.

Flavonoids such as neohesperidin, hesperidin, naringenin, and naringin work as heart health boosters. The juice contains enzymes, so it is used in many herbal medicines in China and the rest of the world.

● Improves Digestion:

Pomelo Fruit

The richness in dietary fiber makes the pomelo fruit one of the greatest fighters against constipation.

What fiber does is add bulk to your playback. Doing so makes it easier and faster for food to be digested and easily removed from your body.

Pomelo VS Grapefruit:
The pomelo is the ancestral fruit of the modern-day grapefruit. In terms of flavor, Pomelo is lighter than grapefruit as it is sweeter than sour. Also, grapefruit peel comes in green and yellow colors while grapefruit has orange peel. Also, the peel of the Pomelo is comparatively harder and thicker than the grapefruit.

Pomelo Uses:

The pomelo is a famous fruit that allows you to experiment a lot with it and use your whole being to make fancy things, cook food and yes, eat raw fruit.

We all know that the pomelo is a delicious fruit, but have you ever wondered how many different ways you can use the peel and rind that is so thickly and densely coated on the fruit?

Here are some pomelo uses:

1. Pomelo Peel Uses:

Pomelo bark or pomelo bark comes in winter dainty hues that you can use for ornamental purposes.

You can use the pomelo peel to garnish cocktails and add some citrus flavor to them. Pomelo peels are similar to green and yellow lemon peels.

Lemons are very small, so use Pomelo peels, twist them and use them to garnish any drink you make.

Not only that, many people use Pomelo skin to cook sweet dishes.

Do you want to try? Check out this recipe:

  • How to make Sweet Menthol Candy with Pomelo Peels?

To make this distinctive sweet pudding, you need pomelo peels, sugar, water and a glass of milk.

Here is the method:

  1. Take the pomelo shells and rinse the dirt on them under clean tap water.
  2. Put it in the pot, then a glass of fresh water and let it boil.
  3. drain the water
  4. Now take the pomelo skins, put them back in the pot and add sugar.
  5. You can add four tablespoons. Keep it sweet or to your liking
  6. Again, just add half a glass of water
  7. let it boil
  8. When it boils and the water decreases, add a glass of milk.
  9. After the milk has dried, remove the shells from the container and leave to cool.
  10. After cooling, squeeze out excess liquid.
  11. For the treacle, put a glass of sugar in a saucepan and let it melt for a while.

Make sure to keep heat low at this point. 

  1. Add a cup of water to keep it from burning 
  2. Put pomelo peels in it and fry 
  3. Put then under any powdered flavor

Your tasty candies are ready. 

  • How To Use Pomelo Peel For Hair Growth?

Pomelo is rich in protein and minerals that your skin and hair need. Bark oil is used for skin rejuvenation.

You will find that many brands offer pure pomelo oil against skin pigmentation.

Pomelo peels can also be used for hair growth.

How? Here is the method:

  1. Cut the fruit peels into tiny little pieces
  2. Put it in a pot and add some water and cook.
  3. After boiling a little, remove the shells from the water
  4. cut a lemon in half and add to boiled water

Use it to massage your hair after it cools down and see your hair getting stronger, longer and thicker day by day.

  • How to Use Pomelo Skin as Insect Repellent:

Pomelo bark is very fragrant to humans, but not liked by insects. A blessing in disguise.

In the pre-winter season, beetles, lizards, and all the other insects suddenly crawl into cupboards, drawers, walls and everywhere.

If you have Pomelos at home, you don’t need anything else. What should we do?

  1. Undress your pomelo,
  2. Make small pieces of the shell,
  3. Tie them in a mesh sleeve
  4. Put them in the sunshine for a while
  5. Scatter the sheathed dry pomelo peels in drawers, cabinets, or anywhere you have insects
  6. You will have a fault-free home in a short time

Pomelo peel oil can be used in scented lamps to use as a natural deodorant for the home.

2. Pomelo Fruit Uses:

The pomelo fruit is eaten raw and used in a number of fresh vegetable salads.

To do this, you just need to remove the thick peel, separate each piece and remove the white thread-like membrane just like you do with an orange before eating it.

Besides eating it raw, you can use it to make different recipes such as salsas, marinades, juice, jams, salads and herbal teas.

You can use the Pomelo Rind to make iced tea while making hot tea using the flesh of the fruit.

  • How to make Pomelo Tea:
  1. take pomelo fruit and clean it using water and rubbing salt on it
  2. dry it with a towel 
  3. peel off 

make sure to take very thin peels 

  1. cut peels into tiny pieces 
  2. take a pan, add one and a half cups of water 
  3. put light peels into the water once it starts making bubbles and boil 
  4. after some boils, change the water put the same peels into it, and boil again 
  5. now, add some pieces of pomelo fruit into and boil into it along with some water and sugar
  6. boil it 

you will get a thick paste 

  1. store this paste into a jar in the fridge

for tea 

  1. every time you need to drink pomelo tea, add some soda into it and a spoon or two of the paste we made 
  2. add sugar, and enjoy 
  • How to make Pomelo Jam?

Pomelo jam does not require hard effort. Here is the simplest DIY jam method:

  1. take pomelo fruit, remove all peel
  2. remove seeds and inner bark
  3. put the fleshy fruits in the blender, add some water
  4. mix it well
  5. now, put it in a non-stick saucepan and sugar
  6. grab the rope and let it boil
  7. keep adding water and more pomelo fruit
  8. keep doing this until you get a thick creamy jam
  9. put in a container with a lid, store in the refrigerator and enjoy

Bottom Line:

Do you have any other questions about pomelo or any other fruit you want to read about? Let us know in the comment section below and bless us with your reading-worthy feedback to drive us to work even better for you.

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