17 Subtle but Definite Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You – How you Should React

About Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You

Friends are people with whom we can truly be without fear of being judged. Also, this is the only relationship where gender becomes unimportant.

Gender doesn’t matter because both of you are in a comfortable zone with each other. But as it’s often said, a girlfriend or boyfriend can’t be.

Therefore, sometimes you may notice, or some of your other friends may point out signs that your boyfriend has feelings for you.

But how is it confirmed?

You can do this by learning the signs that a boyfriend likes you in a romantic way.

What are they?

Well, here we are going to talk about 17 subtle signs that he likes you more than a friend. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

Induced? Let’s start:

1. He’ll Tell You to Stop Talking But Can Listen To Your Stupid Rants For Hours:

When feelings develop between friends, more often it is not easy to admit.

Therefore, he may show off by telling you to stop talking to hide his feelings; however, as long as no one else was left, he would remain there for pointless conversations.

This is one of the signs that a boyfriend is secretly in love with you. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

2. He Gets Jealous Easily:

It may not show, but it can be felt. Also, it’s not about getting jealous by watching you with your other boyfriends when you consider them all equally important to you, including him.

In such a situation, you can feel his unusual mood.

There is something about men; They want to be “the only one” for the girl they have special feelings for. Comparison is another thing they don’t even like to stand among their friends.

It’s a sign that your boyfriend likes you romantically. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

3. He Tries to Be Protective and Caring, Better Than Before:

Well, this thing is not to make an impression on you, they naturally feel that they are there for you and not let anyone bother you.

It’s not about being a hero, it’s just about someone starting to develop different feelings for you. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

4. He Would Do Anything to Stay Around You:

Either a colleague, a classmate, or any of your good friends will try to stick with you.

It’s not just about being there in times of need, it’s also about spending more time with you.

You can skip commitments with others to stay around and you will feel this change in your overall routine. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

5. You Become The First Person He Calls To Share Good Or Bad Days:

Yeah! Not all men usually open their lives in front of everyone. An impossible man is incapable of sharing every detail in front of the girl he loves.

You will be the first person to share happy or sad moments. It opens easily in front of you and tries to seek your attention and affectionate gesture. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

6. He Keeps Inviting You For Lunch Dates Using Wiles:

Out of fear of getting caught up in his feelings, he may use tricks and excuses to call you to have lunch together.

For example, he may not ask you if you’re here for lunch or a drink, instead, come, what should I have for lunch?

This could be one of the signs that your boyfriend likes you but is hiding. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

7. You Will Be Invited To His Family Gatherings:

He may not call all his friends, but he will definitely invite you to his personal meetings and family functions. He will introduce you to his family without any hassle.

Men do this just to let you know about their family and other things so you can keep these in mind when he decides to propose to you in the future. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

8. He Lets You Speak More:

Whenever it’s time to talk, he wants to listen to you more than to talk himself. This is because he wants to know what your likes and dislikes are.

It would also allow you to talk more in a group of friends and listen more carefully, giving weight to your suggestions. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

9. He Keeps Prolonging the Conversation:

Guys, talk a lot when together, but only share memes when it comes to the phone.

However, if a guy is more interested in you, he will always try to talk to you and ask more questions if you try to hang up to prolong the conversation.

They also ask meaningful questions that reflect their respective attitudes towards you.

Instead of generic, they talk to you about you – one of the top signs that a boyfriend likes you romantically. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

10. He Always Brings Gifts and Never Forgets Your Big Days:

Your birthday, your friend, your accomplishments, and anything else worth celebrating will all be remembered.

He also celebrated all this in a special way, unnoticed. For example, she will not be afraid to spend on gifts for her one and only lover.

He can write personalized quotes and sayings on gift cards, especially when you’re away or away.

It will also wish you before Facebook notifications showing that it actually remembers you without reminders.

Two surefire signs that your long distance boyfriend has feelings for you. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You

11. He Sends You Random and Special Messages Daily:

Yes, you can see signs that your boyfriend has feelings for you by receiving random or private messages.

The nature of text messages does not matter; it can be from a funny text to wishes of a special month; The important thing is that he remembers you.

Some random signs that your boyfriend has feelings for you via texting are when he texts you and tries to call you when he’s feeling lonely.

Instead of going with friends, he tries to stay around you.

You may think your friend is weird; however, he is simply helpless in front of his feelings. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

12. He remembers Tiny Details About You:

Signs that a boyfriend is secretly in love with you include his memory. He may forget everything, but he will remember small details about you.

These details can be your favorite color, the dress that looks cool on you, why you skipped lunch and if there is something bothering you, these details can be.

He does this because he cannot ignore the emotion he has developed for you, and these emotions occur involuntarily. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

13. He Might Write You About His Feelings Through Text and Delete It Before You Even Read:

At some points, it becomes so difficult to maintain one-sided feelings that there may be times when you can see through texting the signs that your boyfriend has feelings for you.

If you see it being deleted for every single message on your WhatsApp and you ask him, he’s acting completely stranger.

Here you have to understand that she wrote things to you that she could never say, but deleted it because she was afraid that you would not like it or that she would say another private way. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

14. Your Gut Senses It:

Women are said to be endowed with a special sense that informs them of how the other person looks at them.

Therefore, when your boyfriend starts to think about you differently or in a romantic, loving way, your instincts will inform you.

You may see various signs that he likes you more than a friend. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

15. He Blushes When It Comes to Eye Contact:

Yes, men blush too. 😉

But they only give a special place in their hearts for girls.

If you’re feeling it, try to make eye contact and see the colors on her face. When a man blushes you will see the sweetest thing.

He would also keep smiling to hide the shyness he felt because of your eye contact. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

16. Your Common Friends Will Notice:

Your mutual friends will also tell you this, giving you a clue that that guy now sees you more than just a friend.

Your friends may tell you different things they noticed, making it clear that he is now considering leaving the friend zone and wants to be in a romantic relationship with you. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

17. Social Media Tells This Too:

Yeah! However, it’s not just about liking or reacting to your posts, it’s also about mentioning you on Facebook posts like tagging a friend you want to go to Medford with.

Or tag a friend you trust very much. It will also like all your Instagram posts and give you feedback on how you look, perhaps on certain days, with certain accessories or certain dresses. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

What To Do When You Find Signs Your Guy Friend Likes You But Is Hiding It:

Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You

What should you do if you are sure that your boyfriend has feelings for you but he is hiding it? (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

Ask yourself, what do you think about the development of his romantic feelings for you?

Do you feel excited or embarrassed?

If it’s embarrassing, do nothing, try to give him some clues or signs that he might not be the person you want to be romantically involved with. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

Don’t say that to your face because you would never want to hurt a man who was a good friend to you.

On the other hand, if you’re on the same page and started to like your boyfriend after you realized he had a romantic interest in you, your next step should be to get him to confess his feelings. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

  1. Don’t tell him directly that you know what he thinks about you, but instead offer clues that his confession will be welcomed.
  2. Give him the special treatment he deserves.
  3. Make frequent eye contact.
  4. Watch romantic movies together.
  5. Spend more time together shopping, visiting galleries or just walking and talking
  6. Use her heroic instinct to get her to admit her feelings right away. (Signs Your Male Friend Has Feelings for You)

Bottom Line:

Here are 17 signs your boyfriend has feelings for you and a guide on what your next move should be and how to make him fall in love with you using your heroic instinct.

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