Can Dogs Eat Human Foods, Fruits, & Vegetables As Treat? 45 Options Discussed

Human food for dogs or what human food dogs can eat can be more difficult things a pet owner may encounter.

We know that dogs always drool over our food, whether we eat salad, meat or bread; but are they really and actually dog safe food?

You’ve reached with many such queries. The good thing is, we’re updating you on _ different opinions and list of what foods are safe for dogs.

So let us help you! and find out what fruits or vegetables dogs can eat? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

Here is a list of fruits that dogs can safely eat without upsetting their stomachs:

1. Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Dogs? watermelon? Moderately yes!

Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Remember that watermelons are foodstuffs but can only be served as treats to dogs. What does it mean?

This means that only a moderate amount is safe for dogs when it comes to watermelon.

Watermelons provide your dog with fiber and nutrients, but a heavier amount can be problematic. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

You will remove the husk, seeds and other shells; Make small slices of fruit and give some to your lovely pet.


Can dogs eat watermelon seeds?

Number! remove them.

Can dogs eat watermelon rind?

Never! It must be removed. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat watermelon ice cream?

Be sure to check the ingredients before offering ice cream to your dog. For example, it contains artificial sweeteners that are not suitable for your pup.

In this case, you can freeze the lemon slices and black or white seeds you removed from the peel and offer them to your dog as a treat with watermelon ice cream. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Note: Click here to find out if any watermelon is safe for your cat?

2. Can Dogs Eat Zucchini?

Yeah! Safe (but don’t feed too much)

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Vegetables for dogs aren’t a great idea as we’ve come to know about the toxicity of garlic and onions for dogs. However, zucchini can be a pretty healthy treat for your dogs. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Some experts consider zucchini to be the best vegetable ever to feed dogs. But wait, only offer your dog a moderate amount.

Can dogs eat raw zucchini?

Yeah! Plain raw, steamed, or cooked zucchini is safe for dogs to eat. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat zucchini bread?

Hmm… No! As for the making of zucchini bread; contains substances such as oils, salts, and spices. Dogs should never eat food prepared with such elements. These are toxic.

Can dogs eat pumpkin peel? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Pumpkin peels have the highest concentration of antioxidants that help keep puppies’ stomachs in order.

Can dogs eat zucchini plants?

Yes, flowers and leaves are all safe to feed your dogs.

Pro-Tip: Measure the amount of food you give your dog to keep her health in check. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

3. Can Dogs Eat Mango:

Yes! They can.

Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Mangoes are rich in vitamins and your dog may enjoy biting them. But do not let the amount exceed the reasonable amount. Also, the bark and pit must be removed. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat mango skin?

The skin is not easily digested by puppies’ stomachs. Therefore, it is better to remove the peels or skin when serving mango food to your canine champ.

Can dogs eat mango seeds? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Number! Never! Not at all! Mango seeds can cause choking and get stuck in your dog’s digestive tract. The list of dangers is too great, do not feed your dog mango seeds or pits.

Can dogs eat mango ice cream?

Artificially sweetened ice creams in any flavor are harmful to your dog. You may need to take your dog to the vet if he is gnawing at regular ice cream treats. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Freeze mango slices without adding anything to give your dog frozen sweet treats.

Can dogs eat mango slices?

Yeah! Dogs can chew mango slices when the skins and seeds are completely removed.

Can dogs eat mango sorbet?

Made at home without artificial additives, yes! Never with all artificial sweeteners made on the market. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

4. Can Dogs Eat Rice?


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Rice is an important ingredient to be used in specialty but commercial dog foods. This means that rice is a completely safe food for your dog, and even a sick puppy can bite into the delicious rice on your plate. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

White rice is a great thing to feed your dog as it is easily digested, and its low fiber content makes it an even more healthy treat.

Can dogs eat rice cake / rice pudding?

Nothing made with artificial materials is good for dogs. Homemade rice cakes or puddings are fine to feed your dog, but too much sugar can make him overweight. One bite is enough. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat rice pudding?

Rice pudding is non-toxic to dogs, accidentally eating it will not harm your dog. However, it is not a good idea to deliberately feed it to your dog.

The low amount of protein does a no-no for your pup. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat rice noodles?

Cooked dough or rice is fine for your dog to eat. However, if your dog has an upset stomach, make sure to give him boiled rice with no chicken or meat added, or even boiled. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

5. Can Dogs Eat Berries?

Yeah! The berries are not poisonous, they are risky.

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You can feed your dog strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, juniper berries, holly berries, blueberries and berries without pits. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat strawberries in the wild?

Number! Wild berries have pits that can cause choking and digestive issues in puppies. So whenever you take your dogs out for a walk, make sure they don’t chew on such things. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

6. Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

Yeah! These are healthy alternative snacks for your dogs.

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Bell peppers have good nutritional value for young puppies, and if you’re eating a bell pepper dish, feel free to share it with your sweet pet. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Cooked bell peppers are safe for dogs to eat and easily digestible. But do not add onions or garlic to the ingredients while cooking.

Can dogs eat bell pepper raw?

Actually! Yes, your dogs can eat bell peppers uncooked or raw with no problem. However, digesting them can be a problem.

Can dogs eat bell pepper seeds? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Number! Before giving peppers to your canine friend, the seeds and stem or stem must be removed.

7. Can Dogs Have Pineapple?

Yes, dogs can eat pineapple as a snack.

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Sometimes dogs don’t like to bite pineapples. No problem! You don’t need to feed your dogs fruit they don’t like. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat pineapple seeds?

Pineapple seeds are very hard and will be very difficult for you to digest and can cause problems in the canal. It has the potential to cause blockages, so it is recommended to remove the core before feeding.

Can dogs eat pineapple peel? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

The core or crown of a pineapple is harmful, so don’t let your dog eat the peel. Remove completely before offering pineapple treats to your dog.

In addition, ice cream, pizza, juices, cakes or ice cream made from artificial ingredients, even if pineapple flavored, should not be offered to pets. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

8. Can Dogs Eat Papaya?


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Papaya is another healthy treat for dogs. But once again, since they contain cyanide, seeds, rings or other husks must be removed to prevent intestinal blockage. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Chop the papaya and give it to your dog.

The AKC advises people to give their dogs a handsome but moderate amount of papaya.

Papaya contains special enzymes such as carbohydrates, fats and fiber that give dogs energy and help them be high energy.

This is why experts recommend feeding old dogs papaya slices. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

9. Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?

Yeah! Cabbage is a safe vegetable for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Cabbage is a healthy human food that your dog can eat. However, there may be some gas warnings and your dog may wander off with gas. SO FUNNY! (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Therefore, introduce it slowly and feed small portions at the beginning, for example, you can sprinkle cabbage cutlets on your dog’s food.

It is also inexpensive, easy to prepare, and a nutrient and vitamin store.

Can dogs eat cabbage seeds? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Purple and savoy, all cabbages are rich in antioxidants and are safe and even beneficial for dogs to eat. It aids digestion, is good for the skin and fights cancer.

It is safe dog food that is raw, chopped, rolled or mixed with other vegetables such as kale, broccoli or carrots. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

10. Can Dogs Eat Chickpeas?

Yes! It is safe.

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Chickpeas that have been thoroughly cooked and softened are safe for dogs to eat. Never give raw chickpeas to pets as they have less of a desire to chew their food. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Can dogs eat canned chickpeas?

Canned chickpeas are not that safe for your pup as they are rich in sodium.

Be sure to thoroughly clean them and rinse off excess salt before cooking and serving them to your sweet little canine friend.

No, no, raw chickpeas for your dog. But in cooked form, all legumes are safe for dogs to eat, including dry foods such as lentils, beans or pasta. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

11. Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


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Can dogs eat yogurt? Yes, it is enriched with protein, calcium and flavors. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

However, since it is a dairy product, it should not be consumed in excess. Also, make sure to feed yourself plain, nonfat yogurt that is free of all preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Or your dog may have a digestive problem.

Can dogs eat yogurt every day? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Depending on the breed, dogs can have a small meal with Greek yogurt each day.

Do taxi dogs eat raisins with yogurt?

Number! Chocolate or yogurt-covered raisins are not for dogs to eat and enjoy.

Can dogs with diarrhea eat yogurt?

Yes, it can aid digestion. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

12. Can Dogs Eat Black Beans?


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Black beans contain high levels of manganese, vitamin C, K, fiber and protein. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

It is healthy for dogs as it strengthens the immune system, helps burn fat and regulates sugar levels.

Note: Because black beans have a high nutritional value, they can be a good treat for mixed breed dogs such as the Golden Mountain, pomeranian husky, black German shepherd, Azurian husky, and others.

13. Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

A plain variety of oatmeal properly cooked with water instead of milk can be a healthy alternative to add to your pup’s daily meals.

Do not give your dog uncooked oatmeal. Also, start with a smaller amount and increase gradually to increase the dog’s tolerance. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

14. Can dogs eat sugar

Limited and small amount yes; too much, no!

Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Sugar can cause your dog to develop diabetes, dental problems and gain weight. Even artificial sugar is dangerous. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

For this reason, ice creams, puddings, cakes and cupcakes made from artificial additives containing sugar are not recommended as dog food.

Can dogs eat cane sugar?

Yeah! Fresh and raw cane sugar is safe for dogs to eat. However, they should eat a reasonable amount.

Can dogs eat sugar cubes? (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Number! This is unhealthy.

Can dogs eat sugar cookies?

One bite is good, too much is harmful.

15. Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Nectarines are delicious fruits packed with potassium, vitamin C, A, dietary fiber and magnesium. Nectarines can be a safe treat for your dog if given in a moderate amount. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

16. Can Dogs Eat Spinach?


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Dogs can consume spinach as long as they don’t eat large amounts of these vegetables on a daily basis.

Or you should skip spinach altogether as it contains high oxalic acid (which can inhibit calcium absorption in the body), which can cause kidney damage. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Note: Click here to find out what human foods cats can eat?

17. Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?


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If given in moderate to limited amounts, cantaloupe can be a healthy alternative snack to the usual food treats, especially for overweight dogs.

Although melon seeds are not poisonous, you should be careful when feeding them to your dog as they can choke to death.

Note: Click through to read a detailed guide on the different types of melons and to find similar varieties of melon that you can use as a substitute for regular dog treats. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

18. Can Dogs Eat Cauliflower?


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Raw or cooked (plain) cauliflower, without the leaves and stems, can be served in small pieces to dogs as a healthy treat. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

Cauliflower is packed with fiber that aids digestion, antioxidants, vitamins that reduce inflammation and help older animals with arthritis.

Be aware. A high amount can cause stomach upset.

Note: High nutrients can strengthen the digestive system of dogs prone to obesity, such as pitbull puppies. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

19. Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

You can feed your puppy a small amount of air-popped (no oil) or plain popcorn, but buttered popcorn, artificial flavors, or other ingredients are not healthy for dogs to eat every day.

Is popcorn bad for dogs? No, as long as it’s not flavored and served plain. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

20. Can Dogs Eat Pears?


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Can dogs have pears? Of course, pets can eat pears as a healthy snack. It can be a great treat, as it’s packed with vitamin K, C, fiber, and copper.

Cut into small pieces and remove cores (contains hints of cyanide) and cores. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

21. Can Dogs Eat Apples?


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Dogs can eat apples, but should only complete 10% of their daily food diet.

Because it is enriched with carbohydrates, Vitamin C and fiber, it can be a great fruit alternative to your traditional puppy’s snack.


According to a nutritionist, dog food should follow a balanced diet. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

22. Can Dogs Eat Applesauce?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

There is nothing wrong with adding applesauce to your dog food diet. However, you should find an organic brand or opt for homemade applesauce with no extra sugar or fillers.

Packaged products often contain artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners that can be toxic to your pup’s health. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

23. Can Dogs Eat Bread?


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Your pet dog can eat wheat or plain bread, but should only complete 5% of his daily food diet.

Sometimes giving bread as a feast will not upset their stomachs, but they should eat balanced meals with regular and ample exercise.

Skip this food entirely from your pup’s feed if he has any allergies. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

24. Can Dogs Eat Cheese?


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Cheese is a safe and tasty human food for most puppies, except those who are lactose intolerant. Although most dogs love cheese, it’s best to feed it in moderation and in limited quantities.

Note: Click through to read about 15 unique cheese flavors and find the best snacks for your dog! (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

25. Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?


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Vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and even baked potatoes (plain) can be considered safe and healthy human snacks for your dog to eat.

However, raw and cooked potatoes are not healthy for dogs. (Can Dogs Eat Human Foods)

25. Can Dogs Eat Dates?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Given moderate amounts, dates (unlike raisins; toxic) can be a healthy and safe snack to replace traditional dog treats.

However, be sure to remove the palm pit before serving your pup as it can be a potential choking hazard for your pup.

27. Can Dogs Eat Turkey?


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Cooked, plain and unseasoned turkey is safe for dogs. It is also sometimes used as an additive in packaged dog foods on the market.

Turkey has high phosphorus, protein, riboflavin and nutritional value that are beneficial for dogs.

Be sure to remove the oil to include it in homemade dog food.

Note: It can be a healthy addition to the meals of playful and active husky dog breeds.

28. Can Dogs Eat Peaches?


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Can dogs have peaches? Yes, they can eat this fresh summer delicacy in small slices without leaves, stems and stones.

These berries are packed with vitamin C, A, fiber and sugar compared to other sweet fruits and berries. Therefore, food should be only 10% of their diet.

29. Can Dogs Eat Green Beans?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Any kind of cooked, uncooked, plain and unseasoned green beans, whether canned, chopped or steamed, is safe for your dog.

It is sometimes recommended by veterinarians as a healthy snack.

30. Can Dogs Eat Corn?


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Corn is a healthy and nutritious treat for dogs as it has fiber, protein and antioxidants. It is not toxic or filler, it is a dog food ingredient with minimal or no nutritional value.

Note: Click here to find out whether to include corn in their daily meals for dogs with notorious health problems such as Dogo Argentino and Red Nose Pitbull.

31. Can Dogs Eat Lemons?


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Dogs may eat lemon zest or flesh as they are not toxic if fed in limited quantities. A large amount can upset their stomachs and whether they should eat them is another matter of debate.

32. Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?


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Can dogs eat broccoli? Yes, it is a nutritious vegetable dish. So is broccoli good for dogs? Yeah! However, start with a small amount to avoid digestive problems.

33. Can Dogs Eat Peas?


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Dogs can eat frozen or fresh green peas here and there as a healthy treat.

They are rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, fiber and potassium, which can support your dog’s kidney, muscles and nerves. Be sure not to serve them canned peas.

Note: It can be a low-calorie treat for the rare red Boston Terrier.

34. Can Dogs Eat Pork?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Cooked and unseasoned pork is a good source of amino acids and protein for dogs.

However, undercooked or raw pork can have the parasite Trichinella spiralis, or pork worm, which can cause Trichinosis infection in dogs.

It usually happens when puppies consume infected and contaminated pork. Symptoms include inflammation, vomiting, etc.

Note: Protein-rich foods make up a significant part of poochon puppies’ meals until they are 12 years old. They follow a dry dry food diet based on serving high protein meals.

35. Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?


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If given in limited quantities, dogs can enjoy the nutty, savory and delicious peanut butter flavor. The only precaution is to make sure it does not contain xylitol.

Pro-Tip: Add peanut butter to an anxiety-soothing licking mat and double the health benefits for your dog.

36. Can Dogs Eat Radishes?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

If given in a reasonable amount, radish can be non-toxic and healthy for dogs.

They’re packed with potassium, fiber, and vitamin C to boost the digestive and immune systems. It balances energy levels and helps remove plaque from the puppy’s teeth.

Pro-Tip: Get a fun dog toothbrush toy and let your dog get his teeth clean and germ-free.

37. Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Yeah! Dogs can eat ripe tomatoes!

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As long as the green parts and solanine of these vegetables are removed, your pup can safely eat ripe tomatoes. However, it is best not to serve them at daily meals.

38. Can Dogs Eat Peanuts?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Can dogs eat peanuts? Yes, your pup can consume peanuts as long as they are unsalted, raw or dry roasted.

However, keep the amount to a minimum as they are enriched with oils. Salted peanuts are also good for your dogs, but not very often.

39. Can Dogs Eat Beets?


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Beetroot, beetroot extract and even juice are not toxic to dogs when consumed in small amounts.

40. Can Dogs Eat Cashews?


Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

Can dogs have cashews? Of course, cashews (unlike macadamia; toxic) are considered a safe treat in place of regular dog treats.

41. Can Dogs Eat Banana?


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Your dog can have a peeled or unpeeled banana food. Yes, it is non-toxic to dogs, but it also may not serve them with its high nutritional value.

However, it’s best to ask your vets for calories and servings.

42. Can Dogs Eat Chicken?


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Cooked chicken and raw chicken bones are a great source of protein for your pet dogs. It is also an important nutritional ingredient in most commercial dog foods.

However, it’s best to avoid giving your dog cooked chicken bones as they can break down and cause them to choke.

Note: The Lycan shepherd breed follows a raw diet, that is, a food diet based on raw meat and bones.

43. Can Dogs Eat Oranges?


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Your dog may eat the orange flesh but not the seeds, cores or peels as it can be poisonous.

However, keep in mind that they are quite rich in sugar, which can cause problems for overweight dogs.

44. Can Dogs Eat Carrots?


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Carrots are delicious vegetables that can be a natural treat for your dog. You can serve the carrot with green leaves as it is not toxic to your puppies.

What Can Dogs Not Eat?

45. Can dogs eat salami?

Number! There are too many risks associated with it.

Can Dogs Eat Human Foods

FYI: Salami itself is not poisonous, but some pollutants such as sodium and fat are harmful for pets to eat.

Fat and salt can cause salt poisoning in dogs, which can cause damage such as kidney damage or pancreatitis.

Seasoned salami is even more toxic for dogs to eat. It is therefore recommended not to feed your dog too much salami.

Open and closed, one or two pieces may be ok.

Can dogs eat salami?

Spicy and sodium salami sausages should not be given to dogs.

Can dogs eat salami sticks?

Salami sticks made from spices such as garlic and onion powder are the least suitable foods to feed your dog.

Can dogs eat uncured salami?

Number! The salt from uncured salami is even more bitter and even more harmful to your dog’s stomach.


Vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat and other human foods can be safely added to your dog’s daily food with some necessary health precautions.

Yes, these delicious snacks will not harm your dog if they are following a well-balanced and nutritious diet and do not completely rely on these foods for nutrients.

Be sure to check the toxicity and quantity of the 45 meals we mentioned above before giving any to your dog.

Of course, we still haven’t included all the edible natural treats your pup can enjoy in our ‘dogs can eat human food’ guide.

Share with us what we missed or want to know more!

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