Answers to 16 Queries About Panda German Shepherd | All You Need to Know to Adopt This Rare Dog

The ever loyal black German shepherd is probably the most popular dog breed among pet lovers. They are famous for their loyal, protective, affectionate and affectionate personalities.

However, do you know that there are other color variants besides the regular black and tan coat? Yeah! We are talking about the rare tan, black and white Panda German Shepherd Dog.

A German shepherd dog popular in the dog world for its unique appearance. So, without further ado, let’s find out what a panda German shepherd is, shall we?

Panda German Shepherd

Panda German Shepherd
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The Panda German Shepherd is a rare spotted German shepherd dog whose fur has a white tint while the amount of white on its fur varies from dog to dog. (we’ll explain why later in our guide)

This tricolor skin gives them the appearance of a panda bear, hence the panda is called a German Shepherd.

However, it is not always necessary for a typical German shepherd to display panda-like colours. In fact, this black and white hue can appear in blue, black, white or any other breed of GSD dog.

White markings are usually around the round face, tail tip, abdomen, collar or chest, while other markings are normal black and tan like a typical German shepherd.

However, what is the reason behind the unique coat colors? Is it a healthy dog? Is it a good family pet or does it display aggressive behavior?

Let’s find answers to these and the most frequently asked questions about the panda herder below:

Why German Shepherd Panda Have a Black and White Coat?

The Panda German Shepherd is a purebred GSD with tan, black and white fur. A panda cub with this extraordinary fur color is born mainly due to a mutation in its genetics. Yeah!

Mutation genes in K.I.T. have been reported to be the source of their black and white coat. However, the history of panda dogs is not that old and was first reported in 2000.

According to a white spot test by UCDavis, only a German shepherd dog with the N/P genotype can infect their puppies with panda dye.

(N: Normal Allele, P: Panda Coloring Allele)

The study concluded that crossing two GSDs with normal and panda alleles would have a 50% chance of transmitting the mutation in the litter they produced.

Also, the fur color of all panda dogs depends on their genetics or the characteristics of the breeds that were bred to produce them.

You must be considering 35%, 50%, or even more of the amount a white panda German shepherd will have.

To be honest, you never know. Why?

That’s because spotted German shepherds are caused by a mutation or change in gene sequence.

Is Black and White German Shepherd Real?

Yes, it certainly is, but like the rare azurian husky, panda dogs can be quite difficult to find as they have a unique fur color to traditional German shepherd dogs.

The first to exist, Franka Von Phenom of Lewcinka, was a female panda German shepherd, the offspring of two pure GSD working line dogs.

Where Panda GSD Originated?

On October 4, 2000, Cindy Whitaker from the United States unknowingly became the breeder of the first panda herder.

He raised the sire (Brain vom Wölper Löwen SCHH III) and dam (Cynthia Madchen Alspach) purebred German shepherds.

Franka or Frankie was the only pup to have symmetrical white spots. But when she tried to re-breed the dogs, she didn’t get the same results.

What does a Panda German Shepherd Look Like?

Panda German Shepherd
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The rare panda shepherd is a stunning dog that looks as enchanting as a panda bear.

It has thick, dense tricolor fur, piercing almond-shaped blue eyes, a long bushy tail, erect ears, a round face, black nose, and a sturdy and muscular body.

Note: The nose color may also be liver (reddish-brown) or blue.

German shepherd panda dogs have a strong light bone structure and are one of the graceful GSD dogs.

Eye Color

The Panda German shepherd puppy has beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Their eye color is usually blue, but may also have brown or slightly Chinese eyes (blue eyes are light blue or mottled with white).


The average height range for a panda German shepherd is between 22 inches and 26 inches (56cm-66cm).

The striking panda shepherds range in height from 24 to 26 inches (61 cm-66 cm) for male dogs and 22 to 24 inches (56 cm-61 cm) for female dogs.

Size and Weight

Purebred panda German shepherds are naturally large dogs, as are huskies with an average weight of between 53 and 95 pounds.

The weight for a tricolor male panda dog is about 75 to 95 pounds. However, a female panda dog with black and white spots usually weighs between 53 and 75 pounds.

Are Panda German Shepherds Rare?

Yes, the Panda GSD dog is one of the rarest German shepherds in existence – this is because the mutated gene and panda pattern has not been found in the history of GSD.

And because white spots are often considered a defect, not many breeders have attempted to breed panda herders by breeding.

Note: Click to read about a mix between a rare Lycan shepherd, working line GSD, blue bay shepherd, and Belgian Malinois.

Are Panda Dogs Purebred or Mixbred?

Breeder Cindy acquired a female panda herder for D.N.A. Tests and tests to the veterinary genetics lab came back positive for yes, it was definitely a purebred full puppy of two German shepherd dogs.

No, it was not mixed bred as both of the dogs used in breeding did not have white markings.

What Are the Personality Traits of Purebred German Shepherd Panda?

Panda German Shepherd
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The purebred panda German shepherd is a colorful variation of the typical German shepherd dog. Therefore, they can be expected to have similar personality traits as their parents. Some of the highlights of panda dogs include:

  • Loyal
  • Intelligent
  • Devoted
  • Protective
  • Trustworthy
  • Playful
  • Active
  • Guard dogs
  • Loving
  • Affectionate
  • Alert

How prominent these traits will become in your dog’s personality, however, depends on her training, socialization and care.

Is Panda Shepherd Dog Aggressive?

German shepherds are often used as police dogs, and the parents of panda shepherds were also working line GSDs. It’s natural to think of them as an aggressive species.

But the reality is exactly the opposite. Yeah!

They are often misunderstood as aggressive dogs like the black pitbull when their temperament actually depends on their training, behavioral command and early socialization.

Yes, their bad behavior is due to their bad education!

What Are the Food Requirements for Panda Dogs?

Panda German Shepherd
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They need a high protein food diet to match their high energy and active nature.

You can also use the raw feeding method or include vegetables, fruits and snacks in their daily meals to provide the carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, minerals and other nutrients they need for good health.

Note: Click through to find 43 human snack options to feed your adorable dog.

The nutritional requirements of a panda shepherd puppy and a mature panda German shepherd vary as a growing pup needs more food than an older dog.

However, you should never overfeed the dog as it can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Is Panda German Shepherd an Easy Keeper?

Yeah! Grooming needs are similar to other German shepherd dogs:

They have a thick and dense coat that sheds heavily throughout the season. To maintain the beauty of its fur, the owner should brush it daily, or at least twice a week.

They also need their paws cleaned regularly, nails clipped, and ears and eyes checked. However, they should only be washed when the fur looks dirty or can cause skin irritation.

Note: Click to find effective and useful pet supplies that can help meet your dog’s daily grooming, training, grooming and nutritional needs.

Is Piebald Colored German Shepherd Trainable?

Panda German Shepherd
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Yes, the panda-colored German shepherd is partially trainable.

However, they have high educational needs and require an active household. 2 hours of daily exercise will suffice for their energetic nature.

It is recommended that you start socializing them as early as possible to get the best behavior.

Expert Tip: Play a game of fetch every day to keep them entertained. Click to get a manual ball launcher that will make training easy for you.

Are Panda German Shepherd Puppies Healthy Canines?

There are no uncertain health problems reported for Panda German Shepherd puppies. However, like any other breed, they are prone to certain health issues:

  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative Myelopathy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Heart issues
  • Epilepsy
  • Dwarfism
  • Chronic eczema
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Blood disorders
  • Digestion Problem
  • Allergies
  • Inflammation of cornea

Pro-Tip: If you’re planning to adopt a panda German shepherd dog, be sure to check their health ahead of time with a veterinarian to spot any illness, allergies, or infections ahead of time.

Are German Shepherd and Panda German Shepherd the Same Dogs?

Panda German Shepherd
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If we compare the breed types, you can say that panda German shepherds and normal German shepherds are the same dogs.

But if we take into account the coat color and pattern, no, they are not.

To put it in one sentence, the panda German Shepherd is a GSD type dog with a distinctive fur pattern.

Are Panda German Shepherd Puppies Good Family Dogs?

Panda German Shepherd
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Yeah! The German shepherd panda, descended from the Franks, can be a wonderful family dog if properly trained and socialized from an early age.

A well-trained and well-behaved panda puppy is friendly with children and pet dogs, but can be reserved with strangers.

Is Panda German Shepherd A.K.C. Registered?

There are more than 5 breeds of German shepherd color, but only a few are A.K.C. Also, it can take years for the club to recognize any new dog breed or breed.

The white color is often taken as an error or problem, which can be a major reason why the panda German shepherd is not a registered dog by the American Kennel Club.

Is Panda German Shepherd Puppy Available for sale?

Yes, they are adoptable, but since they are a rare working line GSD variety, most growers charge a high price for them. Its average price ranges from $1000 to $3100.

Pro-Tip: Always check the breeder’s documentation before adopting a puppy.


The Panda German Shepherd is not the ideal dog for someone who wants it just for its beauty and unique fur color.

It may not be suitable for first time owners either, but with proper care, training and socialization it can certainly be the best pest to own!

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