14 Out Of 36 Types Of Goth Discussed With Their Common Traits And Features

There are many subcultures that prevail in the world. A subculture is when people belonging to one culture change their ways from ordinary to different ones and form another culture.

Often subcultures are not openly accepted in society, but the healthiest and most diverse Goth culture thrives in many parts of the world and across societies. (Types Of Goth)

What is Goth?

Types Of Goth
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It is a gothic subculture and people who follow it like darker, spooky and spooky looks. They usually tend to cover themselves with sad and dark tones such as gray, black and deep purple. (Types Of Goth)

But because they have diversity, the Goths cannot be associated with a single color or just the same colors. For convenience, Goth subcultures always dress themselves and use makeup that looks more like sadness and death.

To understand this is what Andrew Fereday has to say about what Goth is?

“The way the Goth subculture dresses itself and uses the makeup of death is a true depiction of the belief that the modern world has dehumanized life. Followers of the Goth subculture come out in this way, trying to create a general representation to remind them that they are wrong in making them look like the walking dead.” (Types Of Goth)

Now to the various types of Goths:

How Many Types of Goth Are There?

In considering the majors, we find two kinds of Goth subcultures. One is about music and the other is about clothing, dressing and make-up. Although both terms are related in some ways. (Types Of Goth)

Therefore, in keeping with the greater diversity in species, we find the following 14 Goth species:

Names, Explanation, and Pictures of Different Types of Goth:

Here we will explain all the major Gothic genres to help those who want to embrace them or just want to clear their minds about the myths and stereotypes of Gothic culture.

Victorian Goth, Fetish Goth, Cyber Goth, Industrial Goth, trad goth, romantic goth, death rocker, emo goth, etc. We will learn about dress and style from a Goth cultural expert. (Types Of Goth)

1. Trad or Traditional Goth:

Types Of Goth
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In the 80s when the Gothic subculture began to dominate, the first introduced genre now known as traditional Goth. Trad is a short form of the word traditional.

Influenced by the rock and punk style of the 70s and 80s, this Goth style will leave its traces in traditional Goth clothes, jewelry, make-up and hairstyles. (Types Of Goth)

Common Characteristics of Traditional Goths:

2. Victorian Goth:

Types Of Goth
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As the Goth subculture is said to be diverse and inspired by different cultures of the world, the second type is the Victorian-inspired Victorian Goth we’re discussing here. (Types Of Goth)

Victorian Goths are very elegant and noble in appearance, and anyone who adopts this subculture seeks to emulate the wealthy and elite aristocrats of Victoria.

These Goths are deeply interested in art and literature and often throw parties with a keen interest in poetry, literature, entertainment and more. (Types Of Goth)

Common Characteristics of Victorian Goths:

  • They like to wear long prom dresses to create an opulent look.
  • Corset belts around waste
  • Hats that add mystery to their gothic look
  • They are fascinated by elegant jewelry such as choker necklaces,

Also, Victoria Goth has traits similar to traditional Goth such as pale sin, smoky eyes and soft lip makeup and long hair.

3. Emo Goth:

Types Of Goth
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Some people think that emo is a different subculture than Goths. (Types Of Goth)

But the most common between both cultures is the strong feeling of emotion, as the name emo is taken from the word emotion or feeling.

Emo Goths were introduced in the late 90’s and early 20’s and you can find lots of teens with clothes, hair, makeup and jewelery like emo Goths.

They love poetry, music and literature. (Types Of Goth)

Common Characteristics of emo Goths:

  • Long hair with bangs that covers half or most of the face
  • Hair dyed in abundant bright colors
  • skinny tight jeans
  • music t-shirts
  • stud belts and bracelet
  • Piercings in the nose, eyebrows, lips, ears

Along with this yellow skin is a common feature like all other Gothic types.

4. Deathrocker Goth:

Types Of Goth
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Deathrock Gothic is once again a middle line between traditional Goths and punk, and their overall attire is influenced not only by ghost literature, immortal comic book characters, and punk rock music.

Deathrockers love to wear dark clothing and DIY it with deadly tattoos like the angel of death and other horror creatures. (Types Of Goth)

Common Features of Deathrock Goth:

Some common features are:

  • Horror themed shirts
  • torn fishnet stockings
  • The darkest creepy eye makeup
  • battle medic marten boots
  • Skin-fit jeans with leggings or sometimes a skirt
  • Mohawk hairstyles with spiky mocktails

They also have pale skin tones, and Deathrock Goths rub white powder on their faces to give it a ivy or horror resemblance.

5. Romantic Goth:

Types Of Goth
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Romantic Goths and Victorian Goths are sometimes considered the same as both have royal looks and opulent long ball gowns. (Types Of Goth)

But they also like to wear draped crowns made of materials such as velvet or mesh.

Moreover, instead of being all black, her dresses feature touches of other hues, such as accents of red, orange, green or purple.

Even men can be romantic Goths and wear burgundy or red or blue velvet coats with big collars and crudely made hairstyles.

The rest of the characteristics of a romantic Goth are similar to Victorian Goth. (Types Of Goth)

6. Hippie Goth:

Types Of Goth
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Hippie Goths are a combination between hippie fashion and Gothic subculture. Hippie Goths are mainly identified by their eco-friendly and animal-friendly natures.

They usually adopt the vegan lifestyle and because of their love for animals. (Types Of Goth)

Common Characteristics of Hippie Goth:

  • they follow their hippie fashion outfits with dark splashes
  • dark make-up
  • black bandanas
  • big rings

Besides, they have pale skin and hair dyed a dark chestnut color similar to black.

Now that we’re in the middle of the summer, we have a quick suggestion for you: Embrace these Halloween styles and surprise your loved ones with these scary looks.

Not only that, but you can also get decorative items like DIY ghost wreaths or hanging ghosts as gifts for them. (Types Of Goth)

7. Vampire Goths:

Types Of Goth
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As there are many legends that vampires exist in the bodies of bats or humans. So a small percentage of Goths actually believe they are vampires. (Types Of Goth)

For this, they try to imitate all their make-up, especially their teeth, with vampires. Yes, they like to sharpen their real teeth and make them look like a vampire.

Common Traits of Vampire Goth:

  • They are wearing dark eye makeup
  • curly rough dark spooky hairstyle
  • scary teeth
  • long pointed nails
  • And mysterious metal charms

Their color usually remains pale white to yellowish, but they do form bloodstains on their clothes or faces, especially during vampire Gothic parties.

8. Bubble or Pastel Goth:

Where all other types of Goth are darker, mysterious and eerie, pastel or bubbly Goth has a white or soft touch, albeit eerie and mysterious.

A singer introduced this style, where she wanted to bridge the gap between the spooky and the beautiful. The Bubble Goths take the light and the dark and put them in the same cover.

Common Characteristics of Pastel Goth:

Common features of Pastel Goth are:

  • They like to play with pastel pink, blue, white and silver colors.
  • They give a nice touch to the dark aesthetic
  • They often appear wearing gas masks.
  • They prefer to wear short skirts on top.
  • Even her hair is a shade of white silver or soft pink

They are fairies that look softer like Goth, and their skin is more of a shade of pink than yellow.

9. Gothic Lolita:

A Japanese musician introduced this Gothic style. These Goth types don’t just wear black clothes, they also try color types.

They wear lolita shoes and are therefore known as Gothic lolitas.

10. Casual or Soft Goth:

Casual Goths or soft Gothic people don’t completely transform themselves into traditional or romantic Goths by wearing trendy dresses.

They prefer to wear black more than any other color but do not follow any particular Gothic subculture outfits. Even casual clothes like jeans and a top can be black.

Like wearing mysterious pieces of jewelery on their hands, arms, nose, ears, and neck.

However, they use dark lipsticks but avoid heavy eye makeup.

Common Characteristics of Everyday Goth:

  • comfortable black clothes
  • Don’t wear heavy makeup but use black lipstick
  • long straight hair
  • Mysterious jewelry pieces

It is said that there is a causal Goth in all of us.

11. CyberGoth:

Types Of Goth
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CyberGoths are the modern version of the Goths and their most distinctive feature is that they prefer to add neon colors to their overall personality and outfits rather than black.

You could call them the completely opposite type of traditional Goths, as they are modern and futuristic. They like electronic music and technology.

Common Characteristics of Cyber Goths:

  • neon colored hair
  • gas masks
  • crazy glasses
  • they have high energy
  • they like to throw and run dance parties
  • they like electronic music and musical instrument

CyberGoths are more modern than other Gothic styles, but you won’t find many people following cyberGothic fashion.

12. Nu Goths:

The Nu Goths are also modern in their ideology and fashion, but they are not cyber-Goths.

Nu Goths love to listen to Gothic music and are more interested in learning about people through occult psychology and philosophy.

Common features of Nu Goth:

  • Cross necklaces
  • Round sunglasses
  • Crop tops
  • High waist shorts
  • Leggings
  • Black lipstick
  • Stars

These Goths also prefer yellowish skin.

13. Tribal Goth:

Types Of Goth
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When the Goths took an interest in belly dancing, an entirely new breed of Goth emerged, which we call the tribal Goth.

Tribal Goths follow almost similar outfits to hippie Goths and like to enjoy different genres of music.

They are also called belly dancer Goths.

14. Mopey Goth:

Mopey Goth is very stereotypical in its features and characteristics. They feel misfit in society because they think no one can understand them.

They definitely only wear black and rarely wear any other dress.

They hate racism, sexism or bigotry, but love supernatural phenomena, mysteries, romance, culture and mythology.

Bottom Line:

These are 14 of the 36 types of Goths. We’ll be covering other types from time to time as well, so if you have any other suggestions until then, let us know in the comments below.

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