Read Complete Guide on What Is Burl Wood, How It Happens, And Its Cost

Wood is used for timber and lumber, and we have already discussed many sought-after wood species such as acacia, olive, mango, and mulberry.

Today we are talking about a rare tree species, Burl.

What is a burl in wood?

Burl Wood
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Burl are actually unsprouted bud tissues.

Burl is not a separate wood species, it can occur in any wood when there is stress or some kind of problem inside.

A burl wood is intertwined grain in the tree, usually formed on its trunk or a thick branch. Grain formation usually comes in a deformed form in the form of small knots.

● How Is Burlwood Made?

Burlwood is highly sought after in woodworking and is sold at higher rates on the market.

However, when it comes to formation or creation, the blistering that occurs in wood can be the result of internal stress or virus.

It occurs under the tree and is sometimes identified when the tree dies. However, the patterns remain the same even when all three of them die.

● How to find burl wood?

Here’s what you need to know about finding burl wood:

  • Burl grain texture can occur in many tree species and is not specific to a particular tree.
  • Burl wood is obtained by harvesting a tree or a branch of a tree with burl.
  • On the trunk of the tree you will see bumps or balls, like small bubbles that are actually raised.
  • Burl is caused by injury, fungus, virus or insects and occurs in dense grain patterns.
  • Burl wood is favored for its beauty, splendor and ability to evoke emotion.

● Burl Wood Size:

Burl Wood
Image Sources flickr

The size of the protrusion in the wood varies from one tree species to another, depending on the level of stress in the trees or the amount of fungus.

In some tree species, the height can be up to 8 meters. Also, when there is moisture in the existing burr, it can grow more redwood trees.

Burl wood Types:

Burlwood comes in various types, what they are and how they differ from each other, let’s find out in the following lines.

That being said, burrs can form in any wood, so when it’s in different wood species, it differs slightly in color and appearance and creates a distinct species.

Famous burlwood species include:

1. Redwood burl wood:

Burl Wood
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A tuberous growth called a burl appears at the base of some coastal sequoias. It can also grow in canopies. In addition, burl wood can also grow clones of redwoods.

Redwood burl occurs in a deep to pale red color.

2. Maple burl wood:

Burl Wood
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When a maple goes through an interesting process, torsion can happen. Burl are also called tree tumors that have organic shapes and can be large.

These bumps can be cream, tan, orange, red, and occasionally brown.

3. Walnut burl wood:

Burl Wood
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Walnut wood is an expensive type of wood used in automobile interiors and for making expensive furniture items.

Walnut burlwood has a rich brown color.

4. Oak burl wood:

Burl Wood
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There are very small burrs that occur in oak, but a large-eyed burr is used for value. However, it does not make oak curls cheap.

The color of the oak bark is golden yellow to brown.

5. Cherry burl wood:

Burl Wood
Image Sources pinterest

Cherry burl wood is hard and durable, making it extremely convenient to repair and process using hands and machines. In addition, this tree is widely used in the country.

Cherry burl wood can be worth $10-25 per foot board and the color is very interactive as well.

6. Birch burl wood:

Burl Wood
Image Sources pinterest

Birch is also a type of tree found in the forests of Alaska. When burrs form on these trees, the value of the wood increases and this burr is used in the construction of many houses and ornaments.

Burl can cost 1000 pounds.

Characteristics of Burl Wood:

Here are some benefits and features of burl wood being preferred all over the world.

1. Incredible Grain Pattern

Burl vowels have incredible grain patterns. These grain patterns are based on mineral staining and voids appearing in different colourations. However, these patterns are usually dark in color.

You can also find curly grains in burl wood, which is the result of the wood being immersed in water for a long time.

Such amazing patterns make burl wood desirable.

2. They have no sapwood:

Sapwood is the vascular tissue that usually forms and distorts the grain pattern. When burl wood ages, there is no sapwood left and hence the pieces look incredible.

This thing makes each piece of burlwood unique, rare and desirable.

3. Durable enough to stay same as long as forever:

People feel an emotional attachment to burl wood because their parents and even their parents’ parents have used burl wood furniture.

Their bond and emotional attachment to burl wood board and burlwood furniture increases.

Uses of Burlwood:

Burwood is widely used to manufacture a variety of products in various markets. Details are given below

1. In furniture making:

Burlwood furniture is expensive but in great demand in the market. Indoor and outdoor furniture products are made using burlwood.

Wood is very durable and extremely resistant to weather and water, making it ideal for making outdoor chairs, tables and other items.

2. Wood sculptures:

Because of its grainy texture and endless but rare vein patterns, burlwood is also used in sculpture. It is used by artists and sculptures are in great demand in the market.

3. Decorative items:

Burlwood is also used to make wooden clocks, picture frames, wooden containers and similar decorative items. They stay the same as long as you need them and also don’t require any painting.

4. Automobile interior:

You may be surprised to see this, but burlwood is used to make interior items on expensive cars. The first is that it is durable, and the second is that it is water resistant.

But spoons, ladles, plates, bowls, etc. It is also used in making kitchenware.

Bottom Line:

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