150+ Inspirational January Quotes, Wishes & Poems To Celebrate Winter & A New Year’s Eve

January is the beginning of the new year, new energy and new life.

Let’s celebrate the first month of the year with famous January sayings and sayings (Scroll down for them). 😉

The beginning of everything is always good! You feel super motivated and super active to start your life over.

Moreover, words do magic in this regard.

Here, dive into the ocean of words by checking out these January quotes, sayings, poems, wishes and more! (January Quotes)

January Quotes 2022

It is time to feel all that is blessed to you. Keep the blessings of January in mind and peacefully welcome new mornings with these inspiring January Quotes:

☃️ “I like to start projects in January. This is the best time to start something. Very sincere.” ―Carolyn Groove

☃️ “I always wait for January because it brings hope and gives me some energy.” (January Quotes)

January Quotes

☃️ “January looks forward to the new year and the old year. He sees the past and the future.” ―M.L. Stedman

☃️ “January is the trash can of movies in America, right after all the Oscar nominations are out.” ―Michael Caine

☃️ “January is very strong among other months. The reason he started and sometimes finished everything.” – Author Unknown (Deep Quarry Extracts)

☃️ “January is two-faced, jingling like a jester’s bell, crackling like a snowflake, as pure as any beginning, as cruel as an old man, mysteriously familiar yet unknown, almost like a word but cannot fully define.” ―Patricia Highsmith

☃️ “The 31st of January is about testing your stamina, patience, strength and determination all year long.”

What is a good offer for January?

A set of words that encourage you to do better every day is always better.

This means that a collection of motivational quotes can effortlessly change the person inside you. Check out some motivational suggestions and January quotes below:

☃️ “Never forget where you started, talk about January” (January Quotes)

Never let January go to waste, have fun, dance, turn corners and then imagine the whole year is here to keep you busy.

☃️ “It’s hard to leave any bookstore. . . especially in January, on a day when the wind is blowing, the ice is treacherous, and the books inside come together in a colorful warmth.” ―Jane Smiley

☃️ “January awakens hope in a person and brightens him up for the next 365 days.” – (Excerpts from January about hope)

☃️ “January? The moon is stupid. He is a scammer. It doesn’t clean itself.” ―Anne Sexton

☃️ “Let January open with joy in the Lord, and let December close with joy in Jesus.” ―Charles H. Spurgeon

To feel closer to winters, check out some calming November quotes and happy December quotes. (January Quotes)

Hello January quotes

Everyone likes to be in this month to feel grateful for going strong the previous year, no matter what they’ve been through.

This is life! And… We welcome the new year as “us” by facing the challenges with the same enthusiasm.

All of this is possible with the encouragement we get from inspiring quotes about the month of January.

🧤 “Hi Jan, so you’re here with all your attitude and good luck. I greet you with the same taste that I have shown in previous years.” (January Quotes)

January Quotes

🧤 “The magic of new beginnings is indeed the strongest of them all.” – Joblack Martin (January Quotes)

🧤 “Welcome January: January is a time of quiet and new beginnings – the perfect time to reflect on how you want to live your life. January is the perfect time to refocus on your priorities and set goals.” – Unknown (From January Quotes About New Beginnings)

🧤 “The first morning of January greets us like a husband greets his wife on the first day of marriage.”

🧤 “Hello Jan, please be awesome!” – unknown

Here are some quotes about the month of January to give you a fresh start:

🧤 “January asks you to enter the new world every year. Jan asks you to welcome him with a happy heart.”

🧤 “Hello January, this year I will be stronger, braver, kinder and unstoppable. I’m going to be tough this year. ” – anonymous

🧤 “January is about welcoming another snowy month with your partner’s hugs.”

Some more welcome January quotes are gathered below:

🧤 “Leave yesterday and let today be a fresh start. Be the best you can be and you will get where God wants you to be.” – Joel Osteen

🧤 “Hello January! There are 11 months in a year, 30 days in a month, 7 days in a week, and another 60 seconds in a minute. But no one is like you.” – Unknown

Welcome to January with this slogan:

🧤 “Don’t move until you see it.” – anonymous

🧤 “Hi Jan, please make me smile, laugh and happy. Please bring me success, prosperity and luck. Please be well and grant my wishes.” – Unknown (January Quotes)

January Quotes And Sayings For Calendars

Here we have some thought-provoking quotes for January to make good use of your 31-day period.

Here are some of the January 1 Christmas quotes:

📅 “I like beginnings. If I was responsible for calendars, every day would be January 1st.” -Jerry Spinelli

📅 “January is the ingrown hair of the calendar.” ―Stewart Stafford (January Quotes)

January Quotes

📅 “I will never understand why everyone attaches so much importance to January in the first place. There are three hundred and sixty-four more days a year that you can change.” -Elizabeth Eulberg (January Quotes)

📅 “On the first day of January, everyone should once again put their face forward, deal with the past and not with the past, but with what is and will be.” ―Henry Ward Beecher

📅 “We spend January 1st in our lives wandering from room to room, making to-do lists, cracks to patch. Maybe this year we should go through the rooms of our lives to balance the list. . . It looks for potential, not flaws.” ―Ellen Goodman

📅 “The first day of January always puts very serious and important thoughts in my mind, and a question often arises that is much easier to ask than to answer: How did I improve in the past year, and [with what] good faith do I consider it? he is? the dawn of his successor?” ―Charlotte Brontë

📅 “Every person must be born again on January 1st. Start with a new page.” ―Henry Ward Beecher

What are some amazing quotes? Sure, these January quotes are the best 1-line January quotes for calendars:

📅 “I think it would make much more sense for decisions to start on January 2 in general.” ―Helen Fielding (January Quotes)

📅 “It is the mindset that distinguishes the best from the rest.” – anonymous

📅 “If it was my way, I would remove the January calendar altogether and get an extra July instead.” ―Roald Dahl

📅 “You can’t change your past, but you can start a new future. Restart your future.” – Unknown

📅 “May your faith be greater than your fear.” – anonymous

📅 “A lot of people go crazy in January. Not as much as in May. Nor June. But January is your third most common month for insanity.” —Karen Joy Fowler

Don’t forget to hover over cool may and fresh june quotes to feel the real madness. (January Quotes)

We’ve compiled some more January quotes for calendars:

A dream becomes a goal when action is taken to achieve it.” – Bo Bennett

📅 “Be patient. The best things happen unexpectedly.” – unknown (January Quotes)

📅 “Dickensian poverty tends to appear after Christmas in January. Because then, with the pockets empty, the diary broken, and the pantry bare, the general public hibernates until Valentine’s Day of a collective poor.” -Stewart Stafford

📅 “If you want to have something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before.” – anonymous

“Couples love to cuddle in the winter of January. But singles hug themselves and feel the warmth that belongs to them.” – January love quotes

📅 “What amazing things would you try if you knew you wouldn’t fail?” – Robert H. Schuller

📅 “The only way to stay motivated in January is to tell your heart that this year isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”

📅 “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – anonymous

📅 “Good things happen in January and Good people are born in June.”

📅 “This is the beginning of everything you ever wanted” – Unknown

We also have some end-of-January quotes to add to your DIY calendar (use Luminous crayons to write these words to create your calendar):

📅 “26 January. The day nothing significant happens to anyone else.” – Ashley Newell, “Freakhouse”.

📅 “January 31 is like saying goodbye to New Year’s Eve and welcoming Valentine’s Day.” (Excerpts from the last day of January) (January Quotes)

Interested in Valentine’s Day ideas and quotes? Click here!

📅 “I’m opening a store in New York’s meatpacking district at the end of the month. I’m launching a line of bedding this summer and writing a book coming out next January.” – Genevieve Görder

📅 “Goodbye January! You were super awesome and brought so many joyful moments with you.”

📅 “My most embarrassing moment was when I was a student at Tufts University in mid-January when I decided to ‘rank up’ with a group of girls. Somehow I lost them and was chased by the campus police.” – Meredith Vieira

📅”The end of January means the end of the new year celebration and the return to normal life.” – (Business January Quotes)

📅 “We are the last country to give ourselves two breaks in the season. Just look at England, Italy and Spain; They play all season. We, on the other hand, take a six-week vacation in the winter until the end of January, and it’s a luxury.” Franz Beckenbauer

📅 “So it’s the end of January, but not the end of excitement. Keep your passion alive and do more next month.”

📅 “Most listeners are unaware that the 24 Hours of Daytona is the hardest race in the world. 24 hours, it’s very dark because it’s at the end of January, so you’re talking about 13-14 hours of darkness.” – Scott Pruett (January Quotes)

Happy New Year Quotes About January 2022

There are some January themed quotes about new year greetings and messages for cards. Make your New Year’s eve happy: Make your new year’s eve 2022 happy with these jolly January quotes:

🎍 “Happiness is entering the new year with health and well-being.” (January Quotes)

January Quotes

🎍 “Christmas. A new start. A new chapter is waiting to be written.” ―Sarah Ban Breathnach (January Quotes)

🎍 “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We will put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and the first chapter is New Year’s Day.” ―Edith Lovejoy Pierce

🎍 “An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year. A pessimist stays awake to make sure the old year is gone.” – Bill Vaughn.

🎍 “Treat every day like a new year because it is.” – Temitop Ibrahim

🎍 “New year—is it a new verse, a new chapter, or the same old story? After all, we write. The choice is ours.” -Alex Morritt.

Cute January quotes also include:

🎍 “The hearth, where the light is the simplest and the least colorful, is my favorite month. And I like the initial feel.” – Anne Truitt (January excerpt of the month) (January Quotes)

🎍 “Somewhere along the way, I realized that the new year doesn’t start in January for me.” – Betsy Cañas Garmon.

🎍 “While people were celebrating New Year’s Eve in January, I got stuck with some old memories.”

🎍 “Halloween, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve are three different festivities that bring true joy to life.”

🎍 “November is about saying goodbye to autumn, December is about welcoming Christmas, January is about celebrating the New Year, and February is the essence of love.”

We see them as motivational sayings for the month of January, so you start this new journey in a fresh way:

🎍 ‘Dear world, I am excited to live in you and grateful to have another year.’” – Charlotte Eriksson

🎍 “Welcome January: If someone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things passed; Well, everything is new.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (January Quotes)

🎍 “The purpose of the New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we must have a new spirit…” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

🎍 ”What the new year brings you will largely depend on what you bring to the new year.” – Vern McLellan

🎍”A New Year has come on tiptoe. Let’s go forward to welcome it.” – Anusha Atukorala (January quotes on New Year’s Eve)

🎍 “Hello to a new year and another chance to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey.

🎍 “Rejoice on New Year’s Eve and nurture them with the best people around you.”

Without a doubt, every day is a new beginning. So celebrate this new year to look stylish by wearing a casual quote tee with your trendy jacket.

January Quotes About New Year Resolutions

Some inspirational quotes for the month of January are noted below, such as January sayings and new year quotes for calendars.

So give them a wing and make resolutions for this year with more dedication:

📝 “Make decisions in January and achieve something in the months ahead.” (January Quotes)

January Quotes

📝 “January is always a good month for behavioral economics: Few things demonstrate self-control as vividly as New Year’s resolutions. Still, February is even better because it allows us to examine why many of these resolutions were broken.” ―Sendhil Mullainathan

📝 “Let’s call it the ‘New Year’s resolution effect’—that’s why gyms that are crowded in January are only half full in July, and there are so few used guitars on Craigslist.” ―Anders Ericsson

📝 “Christmas resolutions have always been something to beat myself up in the second week of January. Preparing yourself for failure at the beginning of the year seems perverse. ” ―Romesh Ranganathan

📝 “So far, no one has achieved financial eligibility with the January decision abandoned until February.” ―You Forest

These are January quotes and sayings that will encourage you to do something interesting in the days ahead:

📝 “If January is the month of change, February is the month of permanent change. January is for dreamers… February is for those who do.” – Marc Parent

📝 “January is the best time of the year for gym owners. Everyone come. This is great! And then, you don’t come back until Valentine’s Day anymore.” – Unknown

📝 “January looks forward to the new year and the old year. He sees the past and the future.” – M.L. Stedman

📝 “As slow as molasses in January.” – unknown

Don’t we have a collection of inspiring January sayings? We know you love to read them. So, here we’ve put together some interesting January quotes with resolutions in mind:

📝 “January: The shimmering winter sun, bright faces, making decisions and angels in the snow – steaming cocoa cups, a fresh new year… it’s all magic – flourishing just for you.” – anonymous

📝 “January will be determined for the whole year.”

📝 ‘May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!’ – Joey Adams

📝 “January is the month of daydreaming.” – Jean Hersey.

📝 “January is a 31-day month, which means giving us a chance to make new decisions diligently.”

📝 “My heart goes out to people who love January because it brings new hope.”

Now, here is a quote for each day of the year that will help you take your new year resolution very calmly:

“Believe in yourself and take your time.”

January Birthday Quotes And Sayings

Your loved ones born in January are special and therefore you want them to live in your birthday wishes. Check out these great January quotes about birthdays:

🍰 “All women are created equal, but the best are born in January.” – unknown

🍰 “January born Birthday means you are awesome and incredible enough to be synonymous with a happy new year.” – unknown

January Quotes

🍰 “Your wishes will come true because you are your parents’ dream come true on New Year’s Day. Happy birthday.” – anonymous

🍰 “Those who opened their eyes for the first time in January are true legends.”

🍰 “Mothers born in January are compassionate at heart and always do good to their children. Happy birthday to all mothers, dear angels.”

For a mother who wants nothing on her birthday, buy the most honorable gifts and create unforgettable memories.

Don’t forget to appreciate your January born relatives by sharing these birthday January quotes:

🍰 “The people born this January are super enthusiastic people whose hearts are sensitive and determined by their minds. Happy Birthday dear.”

🍰 “A warm hug from me, to the person most important to me, you are more than just a friend that I have learned to live with. I wish you many happy years full of health and well-being throughout your life.” – anonymous

🍰 “Happy birthday baby, you mean so much to me that I don’t want to stop sharing a thousand years.” – unknown

🍰 “On this special day, I have to thank your parents for giving you life and God for putting you in my life. Happy Birthday!”

These quotes for January babies really work wonders. But do you also know the full personality traits of the “January People”? Read them below:

People born in January are stubborn, strong and very ambitious about making their dreams come true. More introverted and less demanding by nature, these people rule with an extremely caring nature. Sometimes you’re fussy, and sometimes you won’t find anyone friendlier than them. They are the kings or queens of their lives, their thoughts are rich but their hearts are good.

The friend born in January will find the following quotes very happy:

🍰 “You are my friend and therefore you deserve my happy birthday wishes. Other than that, yes, I agree, you’re super cool. Happy birthday, my best friend!”

🍰 “Cute people are born in April and remember you are a January born kid.”

🍰 “Happy birthday my love! Oh, you know, you’re the only good thing that ever happened to me. Being called your friend is the coolest feeling ever.”

🍰 “I wish you a healthy, rich life with many children and grandchildren who continue to celebrate your birthday as it should be.”

Looking for gifts for your best friend in town? Don’t forget to buy some weird gifts for the future friend.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign Facts (December 22nd – January 19th)

Apart from the January quotes about the birthday person, we’ve rounded up some interesting Capricorn traits and facts here:

January Quotes

January Quotes For Bullet Journal

Write down these words and 1-line motivational quotes for your bullet journal:

📖 “January 1 is the first page of a 365-page novel.” – unknown

January Quotes

📖 “Start the new year with a BANG.” – anonymous

📖 “There is a miracle in every new beginning.” – Herman Hesse

📖 “A new beginning is not a new place. It’s a mindset.” – Unknown

January Blues Quotes

You can find the amazing collection of happy winter quotes and messages here:

🧥 “It’s normal to feel a little blue in January.” —Marilu Henner

🧥 “January is the coolest month of the year for most of the Caribbean. . . daytime highs are typically comfortably warm, while nights stay warm. ” ―Liz Osborn

🧥 “I pray that this winter will be kind and gentle – a season of rest from the wheel of the mind. “– John Geddes

Winters are dry and these January quotes and sayings say more about them!

If it were not for winter, spring would not be so pleasant: prosperity would not be so pleasant if we did not experience troubles sometimes. – Anne Bradstreet

🧥 “In the depths of winter, I finally learned that there is an invincible summer inside me.” – Albert Camus

🧥 “Many people say they love winter, but what they really enjoy is feeling a testament to winter.” -Richard Adams

🧥 “Winter blues always gets better with fried chicken and potato gratin.” – Alexandra Guarnaschelli

🧥 “Nothing burns like cold.” – George R.R. Martin (January quotes about winter)

🧥 “Like January, Years bite and get smart, And pull your bones together to wrap your babbling heart.” – Dorothy Parker

🧥 “There are two seasonal changes that can make any winter bite easier. One is the January thaw. The other is seed catalogs.” – Hal Borland

Would you like to enjoy the winter season while it is in full swing? Grab a delicious coffee mug and keep yourself warm by using innovative products to feel the vibrations.

Historical Quotes About January

Along with the authors whose quotes about the month of January are compiled here, history also has words that will be engraved in our memory:

❄️ I wore a ‘Black Metal’ Venom t-shirt to promote black metal in January 1993 and I’ve regretted doing so ever since. Varg Vikernes

❄️ From January to December of 2019, I collapsed to get real and I think I beat myself up in every way possible, to the point that at the end of 2019 I wasn’t even a human being. I had totally hit rock bottom. tana mongeau

❄️ I was born on January 6, 1937, eight years after the Wall Street crash and two years before John Steinbeck published The Grapes of Wrath, his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about a family’s plight during the Great Depression. Lou Holtz

❄️ I was born on January 16 in my parents’ bedroom. The World Almanac says 1909. I say 1912. But what difference does it make when I feel 33? Ethel Merman

❄️ I was sworn in as a lawyer on January 10, 1963, so by the next January 10, I will have been a lawyer for 40 years and I loved every minute of it. Johnnie Cochran

January Quotes About Winter

Winter is not complete without warm things and sometimes we need to hear/read some good vocabulary. That’s it!

☃️ “Let’s love winter, because it is the spring of genius.” – Pietro Aretino

☃️ “The shortest day has passed and although we look forward to how bad the weather will be in January and February, at least we realize that the days are getting longer.” – Vita Sackville-West

☃️ “January is the quietest month in the garden… But just because it seems quiet doesn’t mean nothing is happening.” – Rosalie Müller Wright.

☃️ “Early winter groans in the cold of December… but that January wind that shakes old bones.” -John Facenda. (image required, use december, snow and cold intent, LSi: winter quotes)

January Quotes

☃️ “I flutter January’s eyelashes and gush down December’s cheeks.” – Sanober Khan, ‘Turquoise Silence’.

Want to check out the shorter January quotes? Keep reading these 2-line quotes and sentences:

☃️ “I love the Mediterranean because winter ends in a minute and almond blossoms arrive in January.” – Jade Jagger.

☃️ “January is here, a frost-clad warrior riding a shadowy snow horse with eyes that shine sharply.” – Edgar Fawcett.

☃️ “January illuminates the heart as Christmas did the previous month.”

☃️ “Janaury is a beautiful month, a beautiful way to welcome the new year of life while witnessing the snowfall outside and feeling the warmth of your heart.”

☃️ “From November to February, it’s hot everywhere.”

Related: Christmas Gift Ideas

January Inspirational Quotes

Encourage everyone in the first days of the year by reviewing these January 2022 sayings and sayings:

❄️ “There is one thing in Sweden that I love about how sharp the contrast is between January and June.” -Bill Skarsgard.

❄️ “January is the Monday of the month.” – Anonymous writer

❄️ “I killed my exes and buried them in the grave of my memories. It’s January and I’m tired of being brave.” – Arzum Uzun.

❄️ “I love January because I love new things!”

❄️ “Plan in January, work hard in February and reach your goals in March.”

❄️ “January is to rethink what you have not thought before and do what you have never done before.”

❄️ “Aim to inspire people with your success in January and get them to follow in your footsteps.”

❄️ “Words are intriguing, but life gets better when your actions start to work wonders.”

❄️ “Do something big in January to gain fame all year long and become the town’s agenda.”

Do you know that Capricorns have a really great bond with Leos born in August? Need to know more? Check out our August special supplement.

Funny January Quotes

These are words that will definitely make you smile from the heart, as they are funny and interesting at the same time. So enjoy these funny quotes about the month of January:

January Quotes

😁 “Just like January, I’ve decided that February is also a trial month. I’ll get my life in order in March.” – Unknown

😁 “Like January Monday, but longer.” – anonymous

😁 “January was a tough year, but we made it.” – unknown

Here’s a nice funny message about the month of January:

😁 “The secret to surviving dry January is to dream of being drenched in wet February.” – unknown

😁 “It literally feels like January 74th.” – anonymous

😁 “Shut up, January. It’s still December and no one wants to hear your goodwill.” – unknown

Without a doubt, these January quotes are funny, witty, and you can easily hear them during “laughter therapy sessions” to make them the best.

You can also buy this unique toilet coffee mug from Molooco to add more fun to your life and laugh out loud as you sip your favorite hot beverage and read these fun words.

January Quotes And Poems

Here are some of January’s best literary quotes and poems:

January Quotes


first month of the year,

It’s the perfect time to start all over again,

Changing energies and leaving old moods,

New beginnings, new attitudes.”

―Charmaine J. Forde

📜 “Reading poetry in January is as good as going for a walk in June.” -Jean Paul

“Like the January air,

Years will bite and be wise,

And put your bones together

To bind up your beating heart.”

-Dorothy Parker

These are deep January quotes that are short in words but big in meaning:

“Married in the new year,

It will be loving, kind, and genuine. . .

Married in the roar and resentment of January,

Widow, you will be before your prime.”

―New Zealand Proverb

📜“A deep January. The sky is tough. The stems are firmly rooted in the ice.” ―Wallace Stevens said this while sharing his January quotes

“January brings snow,

It makes our feet and toes shine.”

―Sara Coleridge

📜 “As slow as molasses in January.” – unknown

“January opens the box of the year

And reveal bright and clear days

And bring out the cold and gray days

And he shouts, “Come see what I brought today.”

– Leland B. Jacobs, January

January Observances 2022

No doubt we have included many motivational January quotes above. We’ve also included a short list of events celebrated at the beginning of the year. Check out these January Observations:

  • National Computer Cleaning Month
  • World Introversion Day
  • Be Kind to Food Servers Ay
  • National Screenwriters Day
  • Disease Awareness Month for Cervical Cancer (also Thyroid and Tuberous Sclerosis)
  • National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
  • Eye Care Bear
  • National Pharmacist Day
  • Become Organized Month
  • Celebration of the Month of Life
  • Teen Driving Awareness Month
  • Dimes March Birth Defect Prevention Month
  • National Soup Month

Bottom Line

The January quotes end here, but with the start of this month your whole new life has begun. Stay motivated and safe!

Make sure you spend it differently, keeping in mind more passion for dreams and less negativity.

Check out more of our quotes at this link and have a good read!

Also, don’t forget to pin/bookmark and visit our blog for more interesting but original information.

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